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coopedit etiquette

by guest57 on 02/04/2007 17:24, 13 messages, last message: 02/09/2007 02:18, 1158 views, last view: 04/28/2024 04:11

For those who want to coopedit in PRIVATE then read the documentation about master modes and/or how to set up a private server. Don't swear, curse, abuse, and threaten every person who joins your server!! I mean... before I left, I suggested how to change the settings... and what do I get a f**k off response... truely lovely.

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#1: Welcome to the internet.

by eihrul on 02/04/2007 17:53


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#2: Message censored by administrator

by Lex Luthor on 02/04/2007 17:58, refers to #1

#3: OK Guest57...

by Lex Luthor on 02/04/2007 18:29

This is what I am gonna tell you,If you want to avoid problems with people who you don't know,Don't chat with them,A major percent is that they will offend you,Online games are full of n00bs and retards so only chat with people who you trust(Friends for example)And don't press the T With unknown people.

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#4: ..

by Drakas on 02/04/2007 20:31

erm, calm down?

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#5: ..

by Passa on 02/05/2007 07:41

Totally with you guest57 (rpointon?), some of the people on the net are insanely frustrating.. probably the worst example of this is YouTube.

That whole private server thing has happened to me before, drives me insane, like if you don't want to be disturbed, set the server to private or don't advertise it on the net.

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#6: ..

by Drakas on 02/05/2007 08:39

If you're editing on your own... why not just edit without a server?

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#7: Here's my coopedit etiquette:

by Pxtl on 02/05/2007 14:14

Don't coopedit on the lowest-ping 32-player server. Never ceases to amaze me when the top 3 servers are stuck in coopedit sessions, meanwhile people are crammed like sardines into a high-ping 8-player-capped server for Capture.

Because after all, co-op edit is so reflexes-intensive, a high ping completely screws it up. And it works great with 32 players.

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#8: Re: Here's my coopedit etiquette:

by kurtis84 on 02/06/2007 02:03, refers to #7

good point...if I see that going on, I'll be sure to drop in and tell them what I think. No reason for the best servers to be coopedit. So many retards, so little time.

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#9: My etiquette

by SheeEttin on 02/08/2007 02:59

General tips for etiquette:
* Turn outline on. If you see a lot of small squares, that's a bad thing. You need to /remip.
* Don't interfere with other people's constructions unless they ask for help.
* DON'T create huge, unnecessary structures. They slow down people's computers IMMENSELY.
* Keep a cube selected if you're using the scroll wheel. Otherwise, you'll make lots of small cubes and make unnecessary geeometry.
* If you want someone out of a server, ask them nicely first, THEN kick them (if they refuse). It's rude to kick someone if they're willing to leave.

That's just a few issues I've encountered. Hopefully this will encourage people to stop.

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#10: ..

by Quin on 02/08/2007 05:05

I don't coopedit much. Anyone care to elaborate/cleanup http://cube.wikispaces.com/Cooperative+Editing so that I can link it in the static docs?

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#11: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 02/08/2007 21:15, refers to #10

I would, if it wasn\'t protected... kinda defeats the purpose of a wiki, don\'t you think?

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#12: Re: ..

by Passa on 02/08/2007 21:21, refers to #11

Apply for access, I was granted access in under two hours.

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#13: Re: ..

by Aardappel_ on 02/09/2007 02:18, refers to #11

only known people can edit it, as that is the only way we can keep it from being corrupted. Unlike wikipedia, we don't have a large army of "workers" to undo spam and such. Last wiki we had was fully open and continuously spammed by link farm bots.

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