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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Rebinding the scrollwheel?

by SlingerX on 02/04/2007 14:32, 4 messages, last message: 02/04/2007 16:17, 1531 views, last view: 05/03/2024 03:12

I'm using a rollball mouse, meaning the ball is ontop and i roll it with my fingers, incase you didn't know ^.^ but anyways, I have no scrollwheel. I was wondering if i could rebind the scroll wheels funtions to my extra two buttons, they normally do nothing except melee and zoom in Halo, and forward and previous in Internet Explorer. Problem is: even if i CAN rebind the scrollwheel down and scrollwheel up, i dont know the names of these two buttons on my mouse =/ so if its possible, please tell! =)

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#1: ..

by Quin on 02/04/2007 15:42

I'd say the mouse would bind those buttons to MOUSE4 and MOUSE5, unless the drivers are telling it to do something different.

You could always do what I do on my laptop (the touchpad simulated scrolling is no good for sauer), put this in (or create it if you have to) autoexec.cfg:

bind UP [ universaldelta 1 ]
bind DOWN [ universaldelta -1 ]

BTW, MOUSE4 and MOUSE5 is already universaldelta, so if it's not already working for you then you need to prod the drivers for your mouse. Help with that is beyond the scope of this forum, I suggest googling it.

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#2: Re: ..

by SlingerX on 02/04/2007 16:03

Thanks, I'll try that now... Update in a min!

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#3: Re: ..

by SlingerX on 02/04/2007 16:15, refers to #2

Thanks for the tip on universal delta, i didn't know what that was... Mouse 4 and 5 dont seem to work, (though I checked halo, and that is what they are called [p.s. i didn't know halo had the key names, lol]) so whatever the problem is, i dunno. But i tried keybinding through the menu ingame, and page down and page up worked... just one question to ask if they are really working, when a block is selected and you press scroll up or down, does it just delete or is it supposed to build also? becasue when i pressed page up or page down, they both deleted blocks (yippee for the undo key)

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by SlingerX on 02/04/2007 16:17

lol, the in game binding is glitched... i'm looking at config.cfg and it says both do universal delta, no 1 or -1. i'll manually fix that ^.^

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