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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM


by Heresiarch on 01/13/2007 15:30, 12 messages, last message: 01/29/2007 03:14, 1130 views, last view: 04/16/2024 04:40

I dont think theres enough information on how to create proper textures.

I searched for wiki's and forums for ages. Its hard to guess what dimensions to use, and other information such as enable shader effects.

I also asked about shading in the general thread, but no response yet.

- Heresiarch aka. devoid (ingame)

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#1: ..

by Der/Nalia on 01/13/2007 16:25

.... use powers of two for your dimensions, Sauer can't handle anything else.

Whith my mod / fork, we just said that a unit (or foot) will be two of the smallest squares. and that is 64 pixels as far as texturing goes.

If you need help with powers of two... here ya go
2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 1024, 2048, beyond that, you either have a really good graphics card, or are crazy.... so...

for all the 'walls' in my game... for maps that are indoor, we say that the walls are 8 feet, or 16 sauer units, or 512 pixels.

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#2: ..

by devoid ftw on 01/24/2007 19:42

I want to make some nice textures, but I find it hard...

Im trying to make a normalmap of a texture, but I find it to hard to do. Can anyone tell me if theres an easy way to do it? I tried the nvidia plugin for pspx but I cant get it to work.
Ill probaly also need to make some bumpmap, heightmap and whatever... but normal mapping is the most tricky part. I have been searching for methods to try for days... yet no result.

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#3: ..

by Digital Spaghetti on 01/25/2007 14:06

One thing I haven't worked out, is there a UV command in the engine? The reason I ask is some of my levels don't seem to line up with the textures. I could just make my room one my block width bigger, but I'd rather not.

If it's not in the engine, it would be a nice feature to be able to shift the texture by 1

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#4: ..

by makkE on 01/25/2007 14:19

No, the textures are fixed.
This , as far as I understand it, can´t be changed easily.
This means you need take the fixed texture placement into account when mapping.

What you can do instead, is use the offset variable in your map´s cfg. Can only offset in cube-increments (32 pixels) though.

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#5: Re: ..

by devoid ftw on 01/27/2007 20:09, refers to #2

anyone ?

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#6: Re: ..

by kurtis84 on 01/27/2007 21:27, refers to #5

Sauerbraten uses a standard texture-type just like many other engines. It has a diffuse, height, normal, glow, spec, and decal-mapping via shaders. It's not really the responsibility of the writers of Sauerbraten's documentation to teach people how to do basic game editing things...such as making textures. As for how to USE new textures in Sauerbraten, thats in the documents.

If you cannot get the normalmap plugin for photoshop to work, then search the net for other software...it's out there.

Need help for how to make textures? You'll get a larger selection of answers if you type the question into a search engine, instead of this forum.

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#7: Re: ..

by Drakas on 01/28/2007 12:48, refers to #6

Yeah, this forum is solely for things to do with Sauer. Nothing to do with photoshop ;)

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#8: ..

by devoid ftw on 01/28/2007 21:58

Well I find it odd that noone can explain how normalmaps are generated, everyone says that its easy, but are just referring to tools. I searched wiki and read stuff, I found out that its something to do with using red and green light from different angles.. together with a blue mask...

There has to be a way of doing it manually, instead of using tools... Im not bitching about not being able to use photoshop, taht I dont use, I just want to know more about the technique that the tools use.

I dont think you get it...

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#9: Re: ..

by Der/Nalia on 01/28/2007 23:43, refers to #8

There is a way to do it manually, it has to do with the intensity of the colors. The brighter something is, the more bump you\'ll get. I think Light Blue is the basic background and Green and Red Add or Subtract from the Blue.

*Yes! finally... 1+1 ^_^

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#10: Re: ..

by ethan592 on 01/29/2007 01:13, refers to #9

wrong, a normal map uses the r,g,b values of a given pixel to define the angle of the normal at that given point.

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#11: ..

by makkE on 01/29/2007 01:34

The normalmap can only be generated correctly from a b/w heightmap. The heightmaps is usually painted by hand.

If you want to do textures with colour, diffuse, height and normalmap, you'd start making a heightmap, generate a normalmap, paint the colourmap, and then do the spec.

Adding normalmaps to textures that already have staic lightning painted on is not recommended. (takes a lot of work in cases, to rid them from any shading).

The other approach to normal maps is to derive the normals from a high poly model.

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#12: ..

by devoid ftw on 01/29/2007 03:14

ok I got something to work on now ty

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