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Sauer\'s latest publicity

by shadow,516 on 01/08/2007 20:26, 29 messages, last message: 01/15/2007 19:53, 12525 views, last view: 05/18/2024 14:24


Hot off the presses ;)

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#9: aard:

by metlslime on 01/09/2007 22:49

someone posted a video on func a while back... let me see if i can find it.


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#10: Oh...

by metlslime on 01/09/2007 22:50

damn, the video has been pulled.

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#11: Re: ..

by shadow,516 on 01/09/2007 22:53, refers to #6

hampus: Only source code can be open source :P

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#12: Re: ..

by Pxtl on 01/10/2007 00:01, refers to #11

That's actually a quite complex statement, since distros like Debian apparently expect content to be open as well for inclusion in teh repository.

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#13: Re: aard:

by Aardappel_ on 01/10/2007 01:02, refers to #9

what was in it?

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#14: Aard:

by metlslime on 01/11/2007 21:23

well i don't speak german, and my memory is a bit fuzzy, but it was some sort of "investigative news" story for television about violence and video games, about 10-15 minutes long. I think the segment was centered around some recent news story.

Most of it was voice-over narration while they showed various footage. For about 2 minutes, the footage was some teenage or twentysomething guys, about four of them, in some dark basement or garage playing a small LAN game of sauerbraten.

Another segment seemed to be someone in the Crytek offices showing off Farcry.

Another segment was some people in the forest doing paintball or shooting guns or something.

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#15: Re: Aard:

by Aardappel_ on 01/11/2007 23:44, refers to #14

well dang, given those games I guess I am the most evil person on the planet then. I'll be careful next time I visit germany.

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#16: Aard:

by Geartrooper on 01/12/2007 05:28

I wonder if they displayed any war footage. Teens seem to be in that alot, too.

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#17: Re: Aard:

by sinsky on 01/12/2007 13:36, refers to #16

Yeah, or footage from Mel Gibson's new movie :)

I wonder what happened to the poor guys in the basement. I hope they are still able to play Sauer..

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#18: Re: Aard:

by >driAn<. on 01/12/2007 22:17, refers to #14

yeah i have seen that video too but couldn't find it anymore when i wanted to post it here..

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#19: Re: Aard:

by >driAn<. on 01/12/2007 23:15, refers to #14


uff.. finally got it. the video is not complete, you can see the guys playing cube on minute 5:20 though. for those who don't speak german:


focus tv: [..] the clan fighternight.de meets on the attic floor. at first they play warcraft 3.. shooting till the aliens come. every half our the players need some extra adrenalin: they start cube. now they all fight each other (ffa), it's all about killing.

random player 1: the map is quite small and only the people here at the lan are participating, there are no computer controlled enemies. it's about competition.

focus tv: hardly any game is more hectic and faster than cube. the goal is to eliminate all the enemies within a ~minute.

camera guy: now seriously, how long can you guys master this game? its quite fast.

random player: it depends on how often one plays such games and if one is used to it. me personally, i could not play this game here longer than 0.5h - 1h.

camera guy: what happens then?

random player: no idea, i don't know. i think after that, you'll get crazy or something, or it will become real-life, i don't know *laughs*.


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#20: Re: speaking of...

by 1st Devoid on 01/12/2007 23:51, refers to #8

everynight I dream of killing imp, and i think on killing imp constantly if im not playing sauer! if im out and shopping and sexy girl talks to me, I just think on killing imp! I think on kill imp allways, and even if I play sauer I think on kill imps! I sometime see imp behind my monitor... pls help

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#21: Re: Aard:

by Aardappel_ on 01/13/2007 00:43, refers to #19


What's funny is that's immediately followed by my ex-employer :)

What's not so funny is that they insinuate that playing Cube makes you crazy... presumably wanting to do a school shooting afterwards.

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#22: ..

by makkE on 01/13/2007 01:28

I wouldn´t worry too much. The guy who said it probably already regrets it. Guess he only later realized how that came out.

Besides, FocusTV is really known to be bad jorunalism, very biased and populistic.

Most people in germany have already realized that "those killer games" aren´t the real cause for young ppl go amok. It´s just the thing politicians can use as a scapegoat in their immediate reactions to look as if they were able to deal with the problem.

The established media did not take that stance. They were criticising the german politicians to blame it on the "killer games" only actually.

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#23: Re: Aard:

by Passa on 01/13/2007 02:58, refers to #19

Ahaha lol, almost sounds like Jack Thompson was interviewing them :P

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#24: Re: ..

by absinth on 01/13/2007 12:35, refers to #22

>Most people in germany have already realized that

nope, most believe the propaganda - here is a report that now most germans want to forbid "killergames":


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#25: ..

by Geartrooper on 01/13/2007 17:41

Here's the problem I have with the show. Firstly, they didn't actually denounce World of Warcraft for the brutality. Know why? Lawyers. They dare not say anything bad about that game. On the other hand you have Cube which to my knowledge has no industrial strength lawyers. Easy target for the sharks in broadcasting. They were simply out to make people react and, as always, they choose the easiest target. What to do.

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#26: Re: ..

by Passa on 01/14/2007 00:44, refers to #24

Oh god.

They aren't actually going to pass that bill are they? Germany is killing one of their biggest and growing industries.

Thats assuming they haven't already, banning games like Gears of War and editing the shit out of every FPS, then prosecuting game devs when someone makes a blood patch or something.

.. has the whole world gone mad?

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#27: Re: ..

by SanHolo on 01/15/2007 10:33, refers to #26

"has the whole world gone mad?"

Yes, a few centuries ago.

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#28: sauer sensation

by H3 on 01/15/2007 19:38

I think you should go to E3 or GCS with this game and set up a booth and/or hand out free copies.

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