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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Commercial MOD For Sauer....

by Janett on 01/02/2007 13:59, 8 messages, last message: 01/03/2007 12:12, 2308 views, last view: 05/04/2024 10:55, closed on 01/03/2007 12:20

Yo I am thinking of doing a commercial mod for SauerBraten,Using the engine and changing some of the graphics and sounds and make a star trek mmorpg,So if you want to support me,Shoot me an email at janett@hotmail.com if you just want to check out my mod go to my website www.asusclan.com

Thanks in advance.

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#1: ..

by {LiD}CC_machine on 01/02/2007 14:05

"changing some of the graphics and sounds"
>_> you cannot use sauerbraten's content in any mod! to do this you will have to remove all the content and add your own. only the source engine is open-source!

ugh! there should be a notice about licsencing restrictions on the cubeengine homepage, this happens too often!

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#2: ..

by Der/Nalia on 01/02/2007 17:37

Seriously, Licensing is pretty much common sense... With a few weird quirks in some of the bizarre licenses. But basically... if you didn't create, you can't use it. That pretty much all anyone needs to know (Unless something is Open).

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#3: Re: ..

by ethan592 on 01/02/2007 23:37, refers to #3

unless you can code, your not going to make a mmorpg. and unless you have been coding for a long time, your still not going to make an mmorpg. and do you realize how big of an undertaking changing just the graphics and sounds is?

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#4: Re: ..

by Janett. on 01/03/2007 09:14, refers to #3

Thats why I need to build a team of coders and so,If I get to have enough people on my team I swear that it will beat SauerBraten and Aard will hail the Star Trek MMORPG Instead of Sauer,This FPS Game is getting old anyway *sigh*

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#5: Re: ..

by Drakas on 01/03/2007 11:42, refers to #4

You're a total troll and lamer, so shut the f*** ** **** **** ********.
MMORPGs are total waste of time, like you talking this. why are you saying "instead"? Some once-again-******-mmo-rpg is not going to beat a high quality FPS game. In your dreams, ***.

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#6: ..

by Drakas on 01/03/2007 11:43

Oh, damn, I shouldn't feed trolls. Well, just happened

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#7: Drak-ass

by Janet on 01/03/2007 12:05

It's people like you make these forums a living hell >:( Well,Fuck you all,This board is filled with hatred bitches all over.

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#8: Re: Drak-ass

by Drakas on 01/03/2007 12:12, refers to #7

nub, sounds more like you :>

read what you wrote. You are trying to shoot straight at the guy who is making this amazing game... except that you missed. And LOL http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troll_(Internet)

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