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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Linux port crashes.

by Justacat on 06/26/2002 17:54, 6 messages, last message: 07/02/2002 14:24, 1275 views, last view: 04/30/2024 15:37

I\'ve got a problem with actually starting the Linux port of Cube on my i386 system.

I\'ve changed the permission of the bin_unix/linux_client and bin_unix/linux_server programs so they can be executed.
Then, i start the \"cube_unix\" batchfile (sh cube_unix)

What follows is the full output of this

hirogen:grimm-/tmp/cubve>$sh cube_unix
video: sdl
video: mode
video: misc
./bin_unix/linux_client: relocation error: ./bin_unix/linux_client: undefined symbol: Mix_Linked_Version

Seems like there\'s a library issue here.
I\'m running an \"unstable\" version of Debian, 2.4.18 kernel and Xfree86-4.1

During the loading-process, the screen alters it\'s resolution, clears to black for a few seconds and then reverts to the desktop (without reverting back to the original resolution)
Interesting detail is that the ctrl-alt-plus and ctrl-alt-minus keys dont work anymore to switch resolutions.
I assume this is a side-effect of an unclean SDL shutdown.

I hope that this has been enough information. If not, please mail me.
If you have an answer, please mail me too ;)

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#1: it's not a "crash"

by Aardappel on 06/26/2002 21:28

but rather you having the wrong version of sdl_mixer installed.

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#2: Re: it's not a "crash"

by eihrul on 06/27/2002 04:56, refers to #1

Yep, you need latest version of SDL_mixer.

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#3: get the same problem...

by Major_Tom on 06/30/2002 16:23

I have the same problem though I just compiled SDL 1.2.4 and SDL_mixer 1.2.4
anyone got a clue ?

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#4: Re: get the same problem...

by oracle2025 on 07/02/2002 14:18, refers to #3

you need the cvs version,
I don't know the commands to get this, but somebody posted them already, somewhere in the forum.

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#5: SDL problems

by SleepwalkR on 07/02/2002 14:22

Check this out: http://wouter.fov120.com/cube/forum.php4?action=display_thread&thread_id=17&start=0#295

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#6: Re: SDL problems

by SleepwalkR on 07/02/2002 14:24, refers to #5

Mind you that that message is from February, so chances are that the latest SDL release might work - so maybe you won't need CVS after all.

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