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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

I dont want to play cube 1 or 2....

by Boggel on 12/15/2006 23:35, 22 messages, last message: 12/26/2006 15:06, 5892 views, last view: 05/18/2024 03:25

I dont want to play cube 1 or 2 i want to play cube 3 where ogros are blue and they dance around in white overalls. I want it to have full ragdoll physics and a T key, but use the cube 1 engine with bits of cube 2 and the rpg. the rpg is cool so i want in cube 3 to be those wolfs on the cealing that you can shoot with your CD-ROM powerd AAA-battery. I want it to all run on a Commodore 64 running green baked beans. This would be cool because people like to have a game where they can turn the other players inside out with a screwdriver, and where a crystal is an entire planet. Mario cart is a W so it must be included in cube 3. I want aard to code it in flowol 3 because i really like making the pelican crossing kill people on the street. Ann Robinson could be the boss you must defeat on the singleplayer levels which must start with the last one, end with the 5th one and be jumbled up in a sheepish way. If all the textures are brown then everyone will have infinite ammo and health so lets just steal the textures from Half-Life 1. If the commodore 64 gets broken the cats can come onto newsnight and have a discussion about fixing it.


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#1: ..

by Boggel on 12/15/2006 23:41

Oh and i forgot to add it must all fit in an airing cuboard. This is important as there is hot water in there and this is commonly poured on a Xbox 360 to heat it up so it catches fire and can be used to power a steam train so it can be used to capture aliens that want the letter C and a martini on the rocks. I have an illegal document i must sign so sell my soul to a brazilian monk who claims he needs it to fly, get high, or something.

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#2: ..

by mIscreant@school on 12/15/2006 23:45

What....the hell?

You know, I lurk these forums often, but this is just unlurkable. This demands a 'wtf' type response.

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#3: wtf

by kurtis84 on 12/16/2006 00:25, refers to #2

wow...what in the hell are you trying to say man? My first thought is you're on acid, or this is one serious translation problem.

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#4: Re: wtf

by theButcher on 12/16/2006 01:06, refers to #3

Me too. Lay off on the drugs for a while until you're sane :-P

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#5: ..

by metlslime on 12/16/2006 01:26

I agree with most of what you say. The mario cart thing is a bad idea though.

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#6: Re: ..

by eihrul on 12/16/2006 02:04, refers to #5

This man has a future in the ad copy business.

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#7: ..

by Greywhind on 12/16/2006 04:38

I have to assume this is supposed to be some kind of funny parody of the weird requests we get here... the alternative is too terrifying.

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#8: ..

by Soulsliver on 12/16/2006 04:43

I had similar fallouts after a hard gaming session with lots of brew. The next day I found pounds of crap in my everyday boards that I posted the night before and I even could not remember it. So I had to stay away for a while... :)

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#9: ..

by Drakas on 12/16/2006 14:50

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/a/ae/Nonoobs.jpg BOOM HEADSHOT!!

n00b, I assume you're around 11 years old (even younger than me!!)!!!:D

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#10: ..

by vcatkiller on 12/17/2006 01:09

Ah the lost art of rambling incoherently. Most people can aim at the lofty heights of semi-incoherency, but it seems this guys gone all the way.

It's a pure work of genius, or insanity. :P

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#11: Re: ..

by sirhenry on 12/17/2006 19:26, refers to #1

That was... incredible.

I'm going to save that rant to read it when I'm feeling uninspired.

(btw, this forum script has some issues with magic quotes when it has you retype your email address)

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#12: ..

by LiveAlot on 12/17/2006 20:05

I'm also a lurker. That may have been the best cube post ever.

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#13: Re: ..

by shadow,516 on 12/17/2006 23:10, refers to #12

hmm... LiveAlot? As in Sir?

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#14: ..

by CC_machine_is_running_out_of_cookies on 12/17/2006 23:13

that was.. awesome! def. got my vote for one of teh best cube posts ever...
loved the bit at the end where it references back to teh commodre 64 to make sure we didnt forget it.. nice ^^,

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#15: ..

by demonicpriest666 on 12/18/2006 05:51

Marajuana is bad mmmkay. Dont smoke marajuana mmmkay.

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#16: ..

by ciscon@work on 12/18/2006 16:53

umn, what about my 9 machine ps/2 beowulf cluster - it'd be nice if you'd request things that "other" people want included too dickweed.

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#17: Re: ..

by Boggel on 12/18/2006 19:10, refers to #16

your 9 machine pack of wulfs is a type of green pencil suspended on a yogourt pot being eaten by one of those mauly things. Plus it uses too much electricity and has much more downtime than the extravadantygoogling Heinz-powerd commodore 64.

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#18: ..

by ciscon@work on 12/18/2006 19:51

see, now you're just not making sense. my ps/2s are infinitely more reliable as they are relish instruction set computers (risc) as opposed to your mustard instruction set computer (misc) - everybody knows that electrical impulses travel much more easily through the almost super-conductive properties of relish, you silly bastard.

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#19: Re: ..

by Boggel on 12/19/2006 10:11, refers to #18

you are challengeing the imperial Heinz-powerd commodore 64. Ill have you know it is a LDISC system, which means that it is using Lynx Deodrant. If you have 9 PS2s i suggest you sell the lot and get a wii. I am currently selling my house as i think i could make a commodore 64 bigger on the inside than on the out by mixing it with Sulfur DiOxide and applying some Gasogen, so i have enough rubuls to buy a PS3.

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#20: zune firmwares?

by Qówno on 12/20/2006 21:01

and why are there no posts here? because i was veryveryveryveryvery interested about how to install new firmfarts onto my brothers new Micro$hit zune and i'm sure it's related to the whole green baked-beinz thing.

also i was wondering how i could play cube 6: Hell on the zune?? there must be a way

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