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Sauerbraten in Burger King TV commercial!!

by Aardappel_ on 12/08/2006 21:46, 48 messages, last message: 07/15/2007 13:31, 54888 views, last view: 05/17/2024 09:38


What's the best thing to do when the girl friend is out of town besides have threesomes and eat burgers? Why, play sauerbraten on a gamecube of course! :P

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#47: Re: ..

by noerrorsfound! on 07/08/2007 00:42, refers to #46

Apparently a lot of people "give a fuck." Aardappel thought it was cool to see Sauerbraten on television, and I thought it was cool, too.

If you don't care, don't post. There is no need to be a jerk about it.

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#48: ..

by Sofox on 07/15/2007 13:31

It\'s common practice, when filming a computer game segment on TV, to just have the characters mess about with the video game controllers while the TV displays recorded video game footage. All the director wants is that it \"looks\" like a video game is being played and so often not much attention is paid to weather this works. This has led to a wealth of continuity errors from people using old joysticks to play Street Fighter 2 (Father Ted) to two kids playing Sonic R in single player mode (Malcom in the Middle), to actors not even pressing the right buttons of the controller, to jumping randomly from one level to another on (the arcade version of?) Doom 2 (Grosse Pointe Blank).
So it\'s likely in this case, they just wanted him playing a shooting game, they shot one set of shots with him messing about with game controller (didn\'t matter which) and pretending to look at a screen, and another set of shots at a TV replaying gameplay footage that they recorded somewhere else (possibly screen captured and burned to DVD).

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