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Hardware Requirements for Shaders?

by MrMage: the forum won't let me take my old nick on 11/17/2006 16:09, 7 messages, last message: 11/29/2006 20:48, 1914 views, last view: 04/10/2024 17:36

Hi there,

I got a Radeon 9600 XT (which is supposed to have Pixel Shaders 2.0). But Sauerbraten tells me that my graphics card does not have "rectangle texture support" so that I couldn't use fullscreen shaders :-(. Which cards do support that then?

waterreflect 1 does not work as well- a pity because it looks so great on the screenshots :-)

Thank You


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#1: ..

by rpointon on 11/17/2006 18:12

Sounds like you need to upgrade your drivers as it works fine here (on a mac). Meanwhile, search the forum as the question of best video card has been raised many times before.

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#2: Re: ..

by aftasardem without cookies on 11/17/2006 19:54, refers to #1

hi. i have a 9600 pro running with omegadrivers based on catalyst 5.8.
the water works now, but no fullscreen effects don\'t. i\'m sure its a driver issue. just update yours.
bye and best of luck.

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#3: ..

by Passa on 11/17/2006 20:04

Be wary that once you've updated your drivers, you probably will not be able to use all the shaders anyway. Most won't display properly on a 9600XT (the bumpmapping will only work.. err half-way, and the water won't reflect properly.) so you might be better turning most of them off.

Thats my experience with the 9600XT though.

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#4: ..

by foo on 11/29/2006 11:12

my 9800 pro (3 years old) displays water quite nicely.. at the cost of everything else running smoothly.. but I can stand still and drool. a newer card should definately be able to do this.

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#5: ..

by sinsky on 11/29/2006 17:02

I uploaded some screenshots of Sauer running on my Radeon 9550 that show how water is rendered and also some buggy stuff, probably due to incorrect settings on my system or bad ati drivers' opengl support:


I'm not uploading this because I'm discontent with game performance, quite the opposite - Sauer runs smoothly with water and all extras a cheap video card, and glitches are not very common. Crashes are very rare and probably not related to video.

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#6: Re: ..

by eihrul on 11/29/2006 18:26, refers to #5

I don't see anything out of the ordinary in the first two screenshots. The skybox leakage on the edge of the water is a known limitation of the method we're using for water.

The skybox issue is due to ATI screwing up certain z-buffer comparison functions. There is an optional workaround I added to CVS and which will be in the next release (not enabled by default), which can be turned on with "/ati_skybox_bug 1".

The FPS issue on VR is something that your driver does not support about material rendering (presumably the glass, according to wasda/EDM) and is pushing Sauer into software rendering. You'd have to investigate more with the source or inquire with wasda to figure out exactly it is. I don't have an ATI card so can't really test this at all.

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#7: Re: ..

by sinsky on 11/29/2006 20:48, refers to #6

I'm not capable of carrying out complex tasks such as debugging glassy materials :) However, while playing with the map I accidentally loaded it without monsters and a miracle happened - fps was normal. Btw I get normal fps on the rest sp maps with monsters on the map (normal fps meaning it rarely drops below 20). So this probably classifies as the only "cheap video card" issue I have with Sauer. It doesn't have anything to do with the source code in my opinion, I still think it's the map design.

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