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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM


by Zorro on 10/26/2006 04:00, 30 messages, last message: 12/28/2006 08:47, 6881 views, last view: 05/18/2024 18:19

Are there any plans to add weapons to the official distribution of sauerbraten? I find the existing 5 weapons to be too highly powered and repetitive. Online play could be made a lot more interesting just by adding more weapons. Also, some of the weapon models, like the rocket launcher, look terribly ugly. I think we could spare a few more polygons for the one thing drawn closest to the camera.

Also, I think that some other gameplay modifications could change and possibly improve online play. For example, I have never been a real fan of the health bonus. After playing for a while, you end up with 2 players with %200 health at spawn (some maps have 2, if not more, health boosts).

I can tell that many people would have a hard time splitting off of a lot of the stuff that is in the game already. I guess would miss whoring the health boosts myself a little. If they aren't removed, I think a system of DMFLAGS and more specific server configurability would improve the gameplay experience by allowing people to play the game the exact way they wish.

Also, things like the respawn time in capture mode should be modifyable IMO.

These are just some of my thoughts. I'm not pointing a gun at the developers and demanding they be implemented, I'm just stating my thoughts, and after wasting all the time typing this, I guess a little feedback would be neat.


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#1: ..

by Zorro on 10/26/2006 04:07

sorry for the double post, but another thought came up. For a lot of users, configuring a server via the in-game console might be a tough learning curve. In most existing games, there is a way to graphically configure the server's settings (Halo 2 [especially], Zdaemon, and HL2 [to an extent] spring to mind). If you could create content other then maps with the engine, such as game configurations, profiles (with your prefered player model, if that marine model the guy's working on pleases enough people, name, password [if a system more secure then trust is implemented]), and I guess thats it.

Just Ideas - I know this entails a whole lot more code then I'd be willing to write in one night ;)

..... even WITH sufficient coffee

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#2: ..

by Drakas on 10/26/2006 10:12

You posted to the wrong place. This is really to be the "Most wanted feature".

Weapons: they are perfectly fine IMO, you are not wasting time switching the weapons when you have a simple idea of the mouse wheel.

I agree, the models do not look too good.

Health boost - it is just too good ;) IMO, it should be simply taken off or at least just give +10 health while the person is alive only, like in UT2004.

I also agree on the respawn time, which I think that developers are working on.

I don't think it is a good idea to have in-game server starting. Most of the people who run servers are not using any graphical tools for that - just using shell.

Well, a good idea for the server is to add --help so all the options would be displayed. That is likely to help the users anyway :)

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#3: ..

by makkE on 10/26/2006 12:20

We´re aware of the outdated looks. Gun-models are being remade atm.

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#4: Re: ..

by shadow516(schoolsucks) on 10/26/2006 17:06, refers to #2

Actually, we are in the process of making the HB substantially more powerful. Just so you know ;)

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#5: ..

by Zorro on 10/26/2006 22:43

Well, yeah, you wouldnt want to throw away the ability to completely configure and run servers via the commandline. Doing that would remove the abilityto set up scripts that manage a whole slew of servers. I guess everyting else sounds neat and I'll wait and see what we end up with.

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#6: GUNS

by theButcher on 10/29/2006 04:23

I really take something seriously when it's spelled in all caps and one 4 letter word.


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#7: Ray of gun

by Der/Nalia on 12/02/2006 22:56

didn't want to start a new thread since all i need is a quick answer...

Does anyone else, in multiplayer, when they see someone shooting at them, see the ray coming from above their head?

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#8: Re: Ray of gun

by Passa on 12/03/2006 01:22, refers to #7

Probably, not a bug really anyway, the ray isn't supposed to come from the gun I believe (much like the rays do not come from the hudguns).

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#9: Re: Ray of gun

by Der/Nalia on 12/03/2006 21:30, refers to #8

are plans to make it come from the tip of the guns / hud guns? my guess would be to get the coordinates of the tip of the gun and have the ray begin their, but how to go about doing that is beyond my knowledge

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#10: Re: ..

by Greywhind on 12/07/2006 01:01, refers to #10

IMHO, blood takes more away from a game than it gives to it, especially a less realistic game like Sauer. In fact, I think the gibs have gone too far already.

1. Believe it or not, many people don't enjoy watching blood splatter on a wall... in fact, some, like myself, consider it sickening and would prefer it be totally omitted from games in order to focus on the fun.

2. Some parents would probably stop letting their children play Sauerbraten if it were bloody. It's probably not many, but Sauer has such a small playerbase already...

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#11: Re: ..

by Passa on 12/07/2006 08:29, refers to #10

I have to disagree with most of your post (including that blood makes games have a smaller playerbase, look at Counter-Strike for christsake..).

Extreme amounts of blood are unnecessary, not sickening per-se, but definently unnecessary (eg Counter-Strike: Source has uber blood realism, two shots on someone and the wall behind them is splattered with blood.) In a way its a good thing, ie giving you more satisfaction in shooting a gun in the game, but it can be excessive at times. Battlefield 2 on the other hand is completely blood free. In a way it is weird, instead of blood, the only way you know you have shot someone is the dust spitting up on the ground behind them.

Gibs come with any sort of classic gaming, Sauerbraten borrows elements from Quake, and gibs is one of them. Gibs imho are cool, definitely gives you satisfaction in getting a kill, in say instagib. The current blood particle effects however are kinda boring and too easily confused with the spark particles (which also suck imho.. both blood and sparks are unchanged from Cube, and its kinda weird to have uber water and then ugly as hell particles.)

My 2 cent rant.

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#12: Gibs

by Pxtl on 12/07/2006 15:05

Imho, my problem is the exact opposite - when a player is gibbed, it doesn't look like there's enough meat in the air to account for the body... I mean, they vanish, and a handful of gibs go flying. I guess I'm spoiled by Liero games, where a gibbing means that the whole room is sprayed with gently-falling gore - it looks like snow (of course, this is a one-on-one game where it takes a lot of effort to get a kill, so you can afford to make a big show of death).

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#13: Re: Blood and Blast Craters, Pock Marks

by Pxtl on 12/08/2006 04:18, refers to #13

Nonsense. You can't make up an ESRB rating, and most FPS games that feature blood (realistic or otherwise) are automagically rated M for Mature.

But offering a bloodless version would be nice to encourage the use of Sauer in high school environments, since a lot of high schoolers are programming lately and occasionally high schools do have LAN events.

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#14: Re: Blood and Blast Craters, Pock Marks

by Passa on 12/08/2006 07:25, refers to #13

sif they disable blood at high school lan events..

We don't have R rated games here so meh.. dunno what sorta laws the USA and Europe has. We get watered down versions of GTA, and they dont even bother re-editing any of the 'postal' games.

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#15: I'd be fine with option for blood.

by Greywhind on 12/09/2006 01:04

I'd be happy if ALL FPSes came with blood options - people clearly have vastly differing opinions on the subject. Not sure why most don't, actually... shouldn't be too hard to implement.

But I doubt Sauer's minimalistic approach will make Aard very happy to add more options like that...

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#16: its unneeded

by c0rdawg on 12/09/2006 05:26

Theres no reason to see blood splatter on the wall, I'm not opposed to it but it seems pointless to implement even though I'm sure Aard could do it easily...

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by cbdaqb on 12/09/2006 23:35

well i think there should be a different gun switching option with the mouse wheel sometimes u switch to fast and nver change guns

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#18: All Weapons on Wheel

by Morosoph on 12/10/2006 22:10

Being able to select any weapon with the mouse wheel would be good. I already see that the selection is different rotating one way rather than the other, but unless most of your other weapons are lacking ammo, you can't easily get the pistol: you might need to save your good ammo. As an example, consider the labyrinth in my level:


To be able to select all the weapons on the wheel rotating in one direction, and the preferred weapons rotating the other way would be less frustrating when you do want a particular weapon, IMO.

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#19: ..

by Zorro on 12/11/2006 01:54

I think the gib affect doesnt look right. Instead of the player splattering, he dissapears and two or three red chicken-nugget-sized blobs appear. There is not enough mass.

As far gore-toggling goes, it couldnt hurt. In leiro xtreme, for example, it is scaleable and you can set it from 0% to 4000% (lol at 4000% :D)

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#20: guns

by Geartrooper on 12/11/2006 09:55

I switch to the next weapon by pressing LMB and RMB together. Its faster than the scrollwheel.

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