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[Linux] Crash - mouse lost resolution gone?

by Drakas on 09/23/2006 13:19, 5 messages, last message: 09/29/2006 01:41, 1112 views, last view: 04/28/2024 06:57

Thanks to bobbens on freenode #sdl channel, the problem has been sorted out (I think).
Sauerbraten freezes when playing and you can do nothing. You kill sauerbraten from the console, go back to the X and there is no mouse, or even other problem - the resolution is gone. Only thing to do is to restart X or logout.
So the person gave me the url to unlocking the mouse;

To change the resolution, just add system("xrandr -s 1024x768"); after SDL_Quit();

Compile the source, copy the binary to /usr/bin and when running from a graphical terminal, you'll be pretty much saved :)

You can also assign the keys using your DE (mine is Xfce4) - Ctrl+Alt+p :)


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#1: Linux usage

by MeatROme on 09/23/2006 18:03

LOL - this isn't windoze, you needn't reboot just because of such a minor mishap.
Also your fix won't really work, if the engine never does SDL_quit because it crashed.

RE your issue:
go to a text-console (Ctrl+Alt+Gr+F1..F6)
then "ps aux | grep linux"
and "kill -9 PID_of_sauer_goes_here"
then you can change back to your X (Ctrl+Alt+F7) and simply restart sauer.
w/o mouse this might be difficult but I usually start it from inside a gTerm anyway...so I just do "arrow up" to get the last command and rerun.
Then do a "regular" quit and your mouse is back,
then you can modify your resolution as usual.


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#2: ..

by Drakas on 09/23/2006 18:09

You didn't seem to understand me :)))

I know that you go into console to kill the sauerbraten pid.

But this is when you go back to the XOrg. There is no mouse and the resolution changed. That link gives a simple fix to the problem.

This is not windoze, and Linux doesn't need restarting :D

Where did I say that I reboot the system?

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#3: Re: ..

by eihrul on 09/23/2006 18:11, refers to #2

As MeatROme said, going back into Sauer and then doing a normal quit (as opposed to crash) will restore the mouse and the resolution. If not, use Control+Alt+(PLUS or MINUS keys) to toggle resolutions of your X-server.

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#4: ..

by Drakas on 09/23/2006 18:25

Hm, I didn't know about Ctrl+Alt+-/+ :)

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#5: Re: ..

by CrazyTB on 09/29/2006 01:41, refers to #3

Sometimes ctrl+alt+[+-] does not work. Then, we need to use one of these commands:
xvidtune -unlock
xrandr -s 0
In fact, I have:
alias xunlock='xvidtune -unlock ; xrandr -s 0'
at my .bash_profile. And I've mapped Win+X to open a xterm, so I can run any command easily.

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