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IP lists

by Teddy on 09/18/2006 02:38, 11 messages, last message: 09/24/2006 02:09, 1226 views, last view: 04/24/2024 03:28

I need a list of peoples ips not to let in. Today I went to a server and got kicked upon arivale, so i started my server. Then wasnt fast enough to claim master and got kicked by the same guy. I resarted the server and got kicked by the same guy with a different name three more times... finally i beat him and banned him. I am going to try to band his IP by editing the source code, and i was wondering if there are anymore ip's too watch out for.

His ip is

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#1: ...

by c0rdawg on 09/18/2006 02:54

I remember you screwing with the source allowing yourself to shoot much faster than you should be able to... and stuff like that.

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#2: ..

by Teddy on 09/18/2006 03:17

I admit i did that, but i never did it to anyone i didnt know unless i told them i was going to do it first.

ps. i know that somebody stole my name a few days ago to make me mad.

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#3: Static IP ban is not effective

by CrazyTB on 09/18/2006 03:31

IPs are dynamic. Hangup your line and dial again to your provider and you will receive another IP, probably different from the previous one.

There is no way to protect ourselves with an static IP blacklist. That should be dynamic. That will require more work.

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#4: ..

by Teddy on 09/18/2006 13:08

Oh.... I have a static ip, but that doesnt help me at all. What is the point of changing ip's?

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#5: ..

by Max of S2D [Fr] on 09/18/2006 13:13

No, wait... there are a mask with Ip's.

Like that :


I found that above my IP in my IRC client.

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#6: Re: IP subnets

by MeatROme on 09/18/2006 13:26, refers to #5

Your ISP owns certain blocks of IPs,
these are generaly known - for example mail-providers use this knowledge to deny mailservers from such subnets access, for spam-protection.

You can always find out an IP's hostname by doing an nslookup, host or dig on it;
traceroute is also an interesting network analysis tool.

The "point" of non-static IPs is to allow a network administrator not to worry about house-keeping their /etc/hosts file :)
Most commonly (nowadays) is DHCP to assign a connecting client an IP,
otherwise you'd have to manually set your boxes IP when trying to connect to the internet - this would be impossibly complicated for people who use dial-up connections.
Most ISPs tend to disconnect their customers at least once every 24h (even if they have a "flarate contract") to avoid them having a de-facto static IP.
dynamic DNS services are a way around this - since DNS is the service to make IPs usable for humans.
or would google have caught on so well, if you'd always have to remember which IP google.com is ( instead of just typing http://google.com ? :)

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#7: Re: IP subnets

by CrazyTB on 09/19/2006 02:31, refers to #6

> or would google have caught on so well, if you'd always have to remember
> which IP google.com is ( instead of just typing http://google.com ? :)

In case of google, I bet each time you get a different IP, for loading balancing. But this can be done by a transparent "proxy" at google.

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#8: Re: IP subnets

by MeatROme on 09/19/2006 11:42, refers to #7

hehe, true - I was a bit sketchy,
but it's a vast field - just some basics to get going, I thought.

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#9: don't waste your time...

by kurtis84 on 09/20/2006 00:18

As others said, a static list will not help. I could have several different IP's all the time...although I'm definately not a cheater, I'm sure these assholes know how to do it.

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#10: ..

by Drakas on 09/23/2006 18:40

When you add the password option when starting sauer, how do you then use the password for master,? Cause somebody might be the master on your server, while you want to do the work:/

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#11: Re: ..

by Passa on 09/24/2006 02:09, refers to #10

setmaster yourpassword 1

or it might be setmaster 1 yourpassword..

I think both work and I'm 90% sure the first one is the one I use.

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