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"water" edition released! (2006-09-12)

by Aardappel_ on 09/13/2006 01:21, 153 messages, last message: 09/02/2007 16:54, 174092 views, last view: 07/27/2024 10:23


* new water rendering supporting reflection & refraction
* added "setteam" command for forcing teams via mastermode
* added support for material texture slots
* added "shaderdetail" var that can turn off some expensive shaders
* monsters wake up if monsters close to them get shot by a visible player
* dying while using a menu doesn't pop up the scoreboard anymore
* added a static version of the wiki to the documentation
* uniformly scaled down the spec factor in all maps from 8 to 6 (as used in metl4)
* deaths now spawn a number gibs depending on the amount of excess damage, if that is a lot then no corpse is rendered
* increased the minimum ambient light factor for opponents in multiplayer a lot (can't hide in the dark anymore)
* added simple keybinding options to the menus
* added damageblendfactor & damagespherefactor var
* starting grenades reduced to just 1
* added support for md2 vweps
* added optional flipping over X and Y axes to "texture" command
* added makke's new ammo/health models
* added models for rocket/grenade launcher projectiles
* fixed broken world-specular on ATI cards
* changed rendering architecture to do seperate Z pass to get more accurate occlusion culling and reduced pixelshader load

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#81: Re: General and capture HUD improvement, and capture teams

by Passa on 09/16/2006 06:30, refers to #80

Theres a menu at the start of capture now, asking you to choose red or blue.
Thats why its a problem ..

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#82: Re: General and capture HUD improvement, and capture teams

by eihrul on 09/16/2006 06:31, refers to #81

The battle between red and blue shall soon become the eternal struggle between good and evil, alleviating any confusion.

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#83: Re: General and capture HUD improvement, and capture teams

by c0rdawg on 09/16/2006 06:45, refers to #81

The new menu that shows up when you join a capture game to choose a team is great. The only thing I would add is the ability to choose either a random team, or allow the server to determine which team has the least amount of people and put you on that team, because you're not able to see the teams to choose a team to make things even. Also I noticed that you're able to change your team name after the red/blue team menu which defeats its purpose. Everything else looks great.

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#84: Re: Wow.

by MeatROme on 09/16/2006 07:14, refers to #79

do you know of the "thirdpersondistance" var?

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#85: Re: General and capture HUD improvement, and capture teams

by MeatROme on 09/16/2006 07:15, refers to #83

do you know of the new "setteam" capability of the MASTER?


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#86: Re: waterfall bug (i know its old!)

by Max of S2D [Fr] on 09/16/2006 08:37, refers to #76

This waterfall bug is only without shaders. That's the vertical texture ;p

"thirdpersondistance var" ? Yeah, i discovered it one month ago, and set it to 1000... aerian view :)

I'm definitevaly thinking Cube is for old PCs and Sauerbraten for recent PCs ^^

1 * 1.... ROFL

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#87: ..

by makkE on 09/16/2006 10:00

I was misinformed, sorry, glowmaps are possible on md2´s. The ogros will have better visibility soon.

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#88: Confused: Masks on md2

by makkE on 09/16/2006 11:33


How do I load a mask for a md2 ?

There´s no "md2skin" command, and no "mdlskin" command, I tried "md3skin" in the md2.cfg, but obviously I got "not loading an md3"..

Also, just dropping a "masks.jpg" in the directory without mentioning it in the .cfg didn´t load it.

So I´m confused: How do I make masks for the ogro now? Do we need a "md2skin" command first?

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#89: Re: Confused: Masks on md2

by CrazyTB on 09/16/2006 14:31, refers to #88

I guess you need to change the source, to make it load the mask manually.

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#90: Re: General and capture HUD improvement, and capture teams

by CrazyTB on 09/16/2006 14:35, refers to #85

MeatROme said:
> do you know of the new "setteam" capability of the MASTER?

Many games are played without a master, or the master player does not know well how to use his powers. :)

pxtl said:
> Don't name your teams colours. I've had plenty of games between the terrifying teams of foo, saue, and asdf

If there are lots of "unnamed" people played, I don't expect them know how to choose a team name...

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#91: Re: Confused: Masks on md2

by eihrul on 09/16/2006 16:45, refers to #88

Just dropping a masks.jpg in the md2's dir should work.

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#92: Re: Confused: Masks on md2

by eihrul on 09/16/2006 16:48, refers to #91

Oh, and make sure you didn't turn off spec on ogro, because the glow mapping is currently handled by the spec shader. Could be it.

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#93: ..

by makkE on 09/16/2006 17:02

Ooh.. now I get it.
It doesn´t seem to look for one in the parent dir.

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#94: Re: ..

by eihrul on 09/16/2006 17:05, refers to #93

Yeah, I just noticed that. I'll make that work so you don't have to duplicate the glow map in each dir.

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#95: Re: General and capture HUD improvement, and capture teams

by SanHolo on 09/16/2006 17:19, refers to #71

CrazyTB, very good suggestions! Will make the game a little more "less simple", but I think those make perfect sense.

Your current rank and the frag-difference to the number one player (or number two if you are number one) above the health-icon (bottom left) was great.

Remaining time and/or "yourbases/totalbases" top right wasn't bad, too.

...and you can tell an unnamed as many times as you want that you are his teammate, he will still shoot you. The new blue/red models look great; why not limit team-possibilites to red/blue and maybe green and yellow, make two (or four) ogro-model-skins and noone gets confused again. Same goes for the flag-colors.

I must admit, it gets better from release to release, and I really onjoy sauerbraten!! Great work to all you guys!!

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#96: ..

by makkE on 09/16/2006 20:45

San this will be fixed by calling teams "good" and "evil". The current system of "blue guy: friend" and "red guy:enemy" for everyone is a good thing. People will get used to it. Just the red vs. blue thing is what causes the confusion.

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#97: Re: ..

by shadow,516 on 09/17/2006 00:03, refers to #97

"futuristic holocaust world\\\"

WTF are you smoking?

Sauer's setting is whatever the mapper makes it

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#98: Re: ..

by shadow,516 on 09/17/2006 00:03, refers to #97

"futuristic holocaust world"

WTF are you smoking?

Sauer's setting is whatever the mapper makes it

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#99: Re: ..

by CrazyTB on 09/17/2006 00:30, refers to #96

> San this will be fixed by calling teams "good" and "evil".

No, it won't. On my mind, "evil" is black, dark, and red. Like hell's colors. And "good" is white, blue, sky colors.

The confusion will continue with good/evil team names. We must choose other names.

AND add a little message on start of capture mode, reminding the player that RED is enemy, and BLUE is your team.

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#100: Team names

by CrazyTB on 09/17/2006 00:31

Maybe teams alpha (or alfa, since it has 4-char limit) and beta.

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