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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Permanent Servers

by eihrul on 02/03/2002 00:50, 472 messages, last message: 03/21/2008 13:36, 272884 views, last view: 09/30/2024 21:26

Anyone wanting to announce a permanent Cube server should place such announcements in this thread. Of course, the main servers at this point are grunt.splatterworld.de and dark.asamnet.de

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#85: ..

by «Þª†HéG®ëª†» on 12/08/2003 22:35

i agree Evoc

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by HexFex on 12/20/2003 12:16

Public Servers:


phun ...

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by HexFex on 12/24/2003 17:18, refers to #86

Always running the current version ... :)

Public Server (without Password):

Private Server (with Password):

phun ...

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#88: ..

by Mustang1944 on 12/30/2003 23:19

Sorry leute aber ich habe ein großes Problem.
Wenn ich einen server aufmache und mit einem freund privat mappen will kommen einfach irgendwelche und machen mit.
deswegen brauche ich die befehle einen vom Server zu kicken denn ich finde das es so keinen spass macht!

mfg. Mustang1944 schickt mir bitte eine e-mail als antwort an mustang1944@rezor.de

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#89: My server

by otagi on 01/04/2004 03:40

I just got a server up, we'll see how long I keep it going (mainly depends on traffic since my upstream limited, although haven't capped it on the server (yet)).

server: svr2.vrillusions.com (will show up as dhcpxxx-xxx-xxx-xxx.neo.rr.com or something)
location: Northeast Ohio, USA
OS: mandrake linux 9.1
connection: cable connection, upstream limited to around 45 kbps, actuall upstream is probably around 20 kbps or so.

will run 24/7 as long as it used

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#90: Re: My server

by otagi on 01/04/2004 03:41, refers to #89

ohh yeah, server name is Ded_Svr_In_Ohio_USA

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#91: firewall :(((

by marianm on 01/15/2004 21:05

I can not connect to server becose i am behind the firewall. it`s very good and happy games :) Which port use this game?

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#92: komischlila.de

by bierchen on 01/26/2004 21:56

here is my server ;)

host is komischlila.de and it will be online 24/7
the newst server with double ogro fix is installed

location: germany
cpu: 2000mhz celleron2
ram: 256mb
os: suse linux 8.0
hd: 40gigs
connection: 100mbit

hope you like it ;)

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#93: How do I change my server name?

by e:n:i:g:m:a on 02/23/2004 06:02

Hey, I sometimes run a cube server passworded w/ friends and when I run the server, and look in the server browser, my server is "The-Machine" BUT, when other computers connect, it is listed as the crappy name from my ISP d(some numbers and dashes). blah blah blah... Anyway, is there any I can change this?

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#94: How do I remove my server from the web server list?

by e:n:i:g:m:a on 02/23/2004 06:04

Hey, I sometimes run a dedicated server to play with friends, however, I usually don't keep it running, but it's listed on the server list here, is there some way that I can remove my computer from the list for when I am not running a server?

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#95: Re: How do I remove my server from the web server list?

by pushplay on 02/23/2004 06:39, refers to #94

It'll drop eventually.

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#96: Help on XP

by Bascule on 03/17/2004 23:03

Since I locked my XP Home machine down recently, closed all ports etc., I can't run a server.

Well, I can and it registers with the Masterserver, but the Master can't ping the server, because the inbound port (28765 or 28766-which?) is closed.

Does anyone know an easy way to re-open a single port for this purpose? Even better, for it to re-opened while the server is running and closed again on shutdown.

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#97: Services

by Pxtl on 03/18/2004 00:12

I forget what its called - firedaemon I think. I'll double check when I get home. Either way, there's a way to set up normal programs to run as services under XP. I ran a UT server as one for a while.

Now, I'm just guessing, but it would make sense that a system running as a service under XP would force the ports open and shut on star/stop of the service. Or, at least, you should be able to bind ports to a service. Or something like that. It seems like it would be the place to do such things.

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#98: Re: Help on XP

by D.plomat on 03/18/2004 20:55, refers to #96

it needs both the two ports... one for the game itself (movements, shots, deaths etc...)
and one for the gameinfo(server browser, #of ppl, map, gametype...)

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#99: Protocols and stuff

by IceBlade on 04/11/2004 05:09

Can someone explain about server protocols? My friend is apparanlty on 118 and can't connect to most of the servers....does he have an okd Cube version or something


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#100: Re: Protocols and stuff

by pushplay on 04/11/2004 07:02, refers to #99

Yes he does, or he compiled it himself.

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#101: Re: Protocols and stuff

by IceBlade can't log in on 04/12/2004 03:08, refers to #100

Ok then, I\'m sure he didn\'t compile it himself, I don\'t think he know how and he doesn\'t have linux anyways. I\'ll have to get him to download the right 1,


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#102: ok, server.....I think....hope

by IceBlade775 on 04/14/2004 01:38

OK, I don't know if this is working, or how long it will be, but I seem to have got it, I have attempted to set up a server on gametry.50free.org
if anyone can try it and tell me if it is working that would be cool, I only have 500MB transfer, but I have read that Cube doesn't use much bandwith, so....


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#103: ok....

by IceBlade775 on 04/14/2004 01:56

It was working, and I was playing a game w/ some people, things were going fine, but in the middle of the second(I think) game I (and I think everyone on) was disconnected, and I can't log back on, will see what I can do about this.

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#104: hmm

by IceBlade775 on 04/14/2004 02:00

How I got it to work in the first place was by giving the linux_server a .cgi extension, and then going to this url in my browser, [this is what I think happened] which I think may have executed the program? because I went to it in the browser again and then it began working again....hmmm, or maybe I just need to use one of these php scripts to restart the server program if it crashes??

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