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Sauerbraten -> Help

by Avalos on 05/14/2006 22:57, 49 messages, last message: 02/06/2007 20:11, 14250 views, last view: 06/25/2024 21:56

When I open the Sauerbraten is put very slow, I have the Cube and I can open it well, is not slow, but the Sauerbraten yes, I have 128mb of Video and my card is a ATI 9250 Radeon Please Help me

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#9: Ugh!

by BruteDux on 06/10/2006 01:40

ati_texgen_bug 1

Thats what I tried... But it was an Unknow Command!

Plz help... I too use an Ati Radeon 9250!

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#10: ..

by ticko on 06/10/2006 02:20

yah mine is running slow also when i open it, how do we fix that?

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#11: Re: Ugh!

by Passa on 06/10/2006 04:37, refers to #9

You musnt be running the latest version then. Because I have a 9250 card on one of my machines and it works great when I put that command in, 100FPS without shaders.

That command has only been implemented since the occlusion release.

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#12: ..

by ticko on 06/10/2006 08:13

how do you do the command and what is it?


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#13: Re: ..

by Passa on 06/10/2006 09:29, refers to #12

Just mentioned?
ati_texgen_bug 1

Press the ~ button and enter that command, then press enter.

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#14: ..

by ticko on 06/10/2006 16:14

still does not work, anymore commands then just that?

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#15: Re: ..

by Passa on 06/10/2006 16:26, refers to #14

Try disabling occlusion culling. Read the docs.

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#16: ..

by ticko on 06/10/2006 23:37

im a noob, where the docs at?

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#17: Re: ..

by Passa on 06/11/2006 01:57, refers to #16

Sauerbraten directory/readme.html

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#18: ..

by ticko on 06/11/2006 18:55

ok what exactly are the codes to type in to make this bug go away?

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#19: Re: ..

by kurtis84 on 06/13/2006 18:14, refers to #18

The command ati_texgen_bug 1 does not work, or do you mean it does not help you any?
I'm thinking if that command didn't help you, theres nothing else that will. Read the docs, all of this info IS IN THERE! If all the commands that disable things don't help you, then stick with cube or buy a new video card...I suggest NOT an ATI if you expect to run true openGL games, and/or you are running linux.
It's quite common knowledge that ATI driver support is sub-par to Nvidia ( especially linux support ), and I think the Sauerbraten game has proven this by using standardized openGL features that certain ATI cards have trouble with.

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#20: ..

by ticko88 on 06/13/2006 18:15

well im playing with it on my laptop which has stock a ati radeon express 200m, why doesnt this game support this?

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#21: Re: ..

by kurtis84 on 06/13/2006 18:46, refers to #20

thats not even a true video card...it's an integrated chipset on the motherboard...and it's still an ATI.

This game supports all video cards that TRULY support opengl ( not the opengl of 1996...TODAYS opengl ). If you have troubles with it, start by blaming your video card ( or integrated chipset ). Try new drivers if available as well.

I have a gf6800GT, and even this card has some troubles with Sauerbraten. I must use the command floatvtx 1 for a texture bug that nobody else has...it's my card though, NOT the game.

Maybe you should ask yourself "why doesn't my video card support a standard opengl game"

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#22: ..

by ticko88 on 06/13/2006 23:03

this is a brand new laptop, i just thought it should support it, becaues my buddies laptop does.

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#23: ..

by ticko88 on 06/13/2006 23:03

this is a brand new laptop, i just thought it should support it, becaues my buddies laptop does.

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#24: Re: ..

by pushplay on 06/14/2006 05:13, refers to #23

Some laptops can run games and some can't.

My video card at work used to be a geforce 5600 or something and it got smoked so it was replaced with a Matrox. That pissed me off.

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#25: ..

by spoonboiler on 12/16/2006 03:20

thanx for clearing this up.

i knew the command, just not how to enter it :lol: not much of a gamer really, but cube has been on my computers since i found it. But this laptop of mine has been a real adventure!
I wish ATI would get off the pot! They make such excellent hardware, and then fuck it up by turning most of the opensource/gnu-linux community against them with their nearly ignoring open gl, etc.... why??? grrr.
oh well, what can ya do? i guess i will be going with (sigh...) nvidia next time.

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#26: ..

by spoonboiler on 12/16/2006 03:31

:edit: my above post reads like an nVidia slag; it's not! the "sigh" is only 'cause i don't want to have to upgrade again. This machine has specs that should have lasted me five years.

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#27: my Sauerbraten crashes overadnoveroveradnoveroveradnoverover

by noob-a-Sauer on 01/17/2007 05:13

Sauerbraten lets me play for a minute or two but then i get a fatal error message and Sauerbraten closes. I downloaded but dont know how to use the Server_Crash_Patch. FEEL FREE TO TALK TO ME LIKE IM STUPD 'CAUSE I MUST BE STUPID COMPAIRED TO YOU.

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#28: Re: my Sauerbraten crashes overadnoveroveradnoveroveradnover

by kurtis84 on 01/18/2007 00:09, refers to #27

That patch is only if the server is crashing...I assume your client is crashing? Please post system specs with crash reports...mainly your OS, video card, driver version. Also, next time you start the game, note the messages the console displays, as they might be a clue to help you.

Post your pc's specs, and I, or some other kind fellow will try to help you.

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