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Announcement of new CUBE SP website opening!

by underworldfan on 11/01/2002 14:18, 28 messages, last message: 11/29/2002 23:08, 3100 views, last view: 06/14/2024 15:32

Announcement of new website opening!

Site Name: Underworldfan's Quake & Cube Single Player Map Reviews

full URL: http://www.planetquake.com/underworld/index.html

Launch Time/Date: Friday 1st November.

I am launching over at PlanetQuake but also thought i would let you guys know:

From the website:

"This is my first update, to welcome you (however you may have found your way here), to my QUAKE 1 & CUBE Single Player Map Reviews site. I opened this site primarily to encourage people - current mappers and *potential* mappers =) - to make SINGLE PLAYER maps for Quake 1 & Cube."

Please visit and enjoy =)


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#9: ahem

by Aardappel@home on 11/02/2002 14:51

we need sites like this, hope it stays up to date and encourages people to make cube sp maps.

I'll update the links on the cube page now...

one little technical remark: learn how to "resample" rather than "resize" your screenshots and web graphics... will look 10x better that way.

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#10: ..

by SirLiveAlot. on 11/02/2002 17:11

fixed that typo on my site!

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#11: Re: ahem

by underworldfan on 11/02/2002 20:28, refers to #9

thanx Aard for the tip, i will try that.

If i was half as good at HTML as you are at programming beautiful, free FPS games, we would all be happy. =)

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#12: ..

by Darthvim on 11/02/2002 21:13

do you like the hudguns ?

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#13: Re: ..

by underworldfan on 11/03/2002 04:13, refers to #12

the rocket launcher is almost perfect, maybe make the colors darker?

the shotgun and chaingun are very good models and actions, i think they just need more detailed retexturing,varying colors etc.

The rifle is kind of weak, as others have said its pointing to far off to the side.

and you do need a fist.

Other peoples comments in the other thread are very good, they have said everything better than me. :/

One thing i will say though is that i think we need at least one more weapon, one option is a really cool looking plasma gun (think quake 3) :) Infact, I am going to post this in the "wanted features" thread right now.

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#14: ..

by Shockie on 11/03/2002 05:39

the website looks ok, the title is a little hard to read though. the colour choices are good, you can read the text well.

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#15: color scheme

by pushplay on 11/03/2002 06:28

I've learned through university research and stuff that the plainer and more ledgible a website is the more informative and correct it is anyways.

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#16: Re: color scheme

by Shockie on 11/03/2002 06:39, refers to #15

r u trying to say sumthing to me?

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#17: ..

by Darthvim on 11/03/2002 09:36

i'll try to do my best ;)

a plasmagun would be cool

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#18: Re: color scheme

by SleepwalkR on 11/03/2002 10:03, refers to #15

Amen to that.

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#19: Re: color scheme

by pushplay on 11/03/2002 17:54, refers to #16

Shockie: nah.

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#20: Nice ;)

by Skaus on 11/03/2002 19:10

A review site is just what we needed :)

/me looks up his map.

18\20.. that means that it's a GOOD site as well :P

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#21: Harsh?

by spentron@PP on 11/05/2002 01:06

"Hope you didnt think i was too harsh on demon city,"

Maybe. I don't have much of a problem so far. The important thing is that you explain what the map does so someone can make up their own mind (OR you give me a high score). I hate reviews of all kinds that give things high or low scores and then don't really explain why. Specifically to me, I fully expect some people won't like some of my stuff, it's not supposed to be for everyone, but it's fine not liking it if you tell people what is (i'm not saying you "didn't like it" this time).

I do question somewhat the Demon City review, in that it is called "slightly repetitve" and yet called a "quick map" which it is. It does focus on mainly one gameplay style but no other map I know has this style in this way. "Repetitive" is a bit of a dangerous criticism in FPS games because they all are. I know that you mean there's one style of fighting but I find it too short and intense (intensity not mentioned) to seem repetitive; the player is not allowed a chance to slow things down. Also, the architecture is a bit simplified because I wanted a big city without performance being too bad.

BTW, the monster review is good. I have defended the Knight before: I think the slow-moving iceball is cool and an interesting twist (they can sneak up on you, look cool in a dark room, and have uses in provoking monster infighting), but question that such a formidable and well-made monster gets stuck with the job.

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#22: Re: Harsh?

by Piglet on 11/05/2002 18:34, refers to #21

personally i found the demon city review spot on, it is quite fun for a one of game, but i wouldnt find myself going back and playing again. Maybe thats what underworldfan meant when he called it repetitive, and you could have got away with more detail, cube is fairly generous it that respect.

Looking back on it that sounds too critical, i didn't mean it quite that strongly, it is a good map, but the review does seem appropriate.

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#23: Re: Harsh?

by spentron@PP on 11/06/2002 01:48

Piglet wr0te:
"i wouldnt find myself going back and playing again"

I would, but then I must have bashed through the first 10 levels of DMSP2 every night for a month.

"it is quite fun for a one of game"

I don't necessarily get that from the review. A full half of the review IS positive, which I appreciate. But the positive and negatives are seperated in the review -- while I would definitely say that the gameplay has some strongly connected positives and negatives.

Looking at Demon City myself, the two flaws I see is that it's short, and that it suggests no way of overcoming shortness/diversity issues in this kind of map... and I'm wondering already if this can be solved, so I guess the critical aspects of the review did serve a purpose. But I can also see that changing the gameplay will have tradeoffs...

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#24: Re: Harsh?

by Aardappel on 11/06/2002 09:27, refers to #23

> I would, but then I must have bashed through the first 10 levels of DMSP2 every night for a month.

Wow, you must be a true fan of the Aardappel school of game design then ;)

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#25: Re: Harsh?

by underworldfan on 11/06/2002 18:55, refers to #24

what is meant by the "first 10 levels" though?
it came with one map (Elek's) as i remember?

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#26: Re: Harsh?

by spentron@PP on 11/06/2002 20:52

Re: #25
It has a level sequence that Aard partially threw together and partially considers good DMSP levels, including some ID ones and Ultraviolence. You can find the maps (or rename ones to match). Or just enter in levels manually, but I like to go with the inertia, and knowing the maps is not a bad thing in DMSP.

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#27: 3 new cube SP reviews!

by underworldfan on 11/19/2002 02:12

At my site:

mmpart3: Monster Machine Part 3
tictac: Tictac

All by Bill Spencer.

Please visit and enjoy. :)


(posted in 2 threads to see which one gets more feedback)

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#28: Re: 3 new cube SP reviews!

by Al_Capone on 11/29/2002 23:08, refers to #27

Isn't demon city name of an Anime ?

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