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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Permanent Servers

by eihrul on 02/03/2002 00:50, 472 messages, last message: 03/21/2008 13:36, 272839 views, last view: 09/30/2024 19:16

Anyone wanting to announce a permanent Cube server should place such announcements in this thread. Of course, the main servers at this point are grunt.splatterworld.de and dark.asamnet.de

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#9: Re: any aussie servers?

by Desert-Storm on 04/04/2002 16:37, refers to #8

Shockie, do play tfc dont you and you know a guy called Mad Matter ?

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#10: RE:desert storm, this doesnt belong here

by Shockie on 04/05/2002 10:54

(l|0_o|l) Pippin! says:
thats by best bud dave

(l|0_o|l) Pippin! says:

Shockie says:

(l|0_o|l) Pippin! says:
why is dave in there?

(l|0_o|l) Pippin! says:

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#11: Re: any aussie servers?

by Al_Capone on 04/06/2002 06:09, refers to #9

Oh, you played the Alice game ? I always knew that movie was scary.

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#12: Networking Code Updates

by eihrul on 04/11/2002 04:21

A word of warning: the networking code in the latest version of Cube uses a slightly different protocol from previous versions and is hence incompatable with older clients/servers. These changes were necessary to add new features such as map downloading and map voting as well as to fix disconnection bugs and large packet transferring bugs (that would have messed with the new map downloading feature). All permanent servers are encouraged to update to the latest version. It's also recommended anyone else update to the newest clients and bug the server admins to update. :)

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#13: indeed

by Aardappel on 04/11/2002 10:58

what eihrul said

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#14: From the German Cube site the first server!

by Shadow on 06/16/2002 12:11

cubeserver1.no-ip.com is the name of the Server.Admin is [HTF]Shadow!

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#15: ..

by Darthvim on 06/16/2002 19:32

hi, Dyin'Danny has a server for cube he asked me to post his adress here it is:


( ps: aard i am working on them ;) )

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#16: Networking Code Updates... Again

by eihrul on 06/24/2002 20:46

Yep, it's that time, again. Cube's networking code has very much improved since the last version, and as such, has become incompatible with older versions. All servers are encouraged to the latest versions.

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#17: godzilla.uib.no

by mumbo$jumbo on 06/25/2002 00:07

I have put up a server on godzilla.uib.no.

The server is located in Bergen, Norway. It should give good connection to most of Scandinavia.

Any information on how to set up and configure the server is welcome. I have just started it. Most welcome are sugestions on how to get the linux_server to listen only on one interface and any gameplay settings - ie voting / map change etc maxplayers ?

Feel free to email me if you find that the server is down / running an outdated version (at the moment it's the cube_2002_06_24 release).

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#18: 32Mbit/s Permanent Cube Server

by enrico on 06/27/2002 09:29

Host: server1.thinknerd.de

Have fun ;)

Server is up 24/7

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#19: 2 Servers in BC Canada

by xean on 07/01/2002 08:58

We have put up 2 dedicated servers

kk9clan.kicks-ass.org -- x86 bsd cel 500 w/512mb ram -- win32 p3667 w/512mb ram

both are on cable for now..

Happy Fragging!

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#20: Re: Permanent United States (Florida) Server

by Jon on 07/11/2002 19:56, refers to #7

To whom it may concern:

Please remove jondhoughton.com from the server config file in the next release, as it is the same server as ocalafl.net.

Besides, i'm not sure if i am going to renew the jondhoughton.com domain. Thanks.

Ocalafl.net will continue to remain up 24x7.

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#21: Re: godzilla.uib.no

by mumbo$jumbo on 08/28/2002 15:06, refers to #17

huh, for some reason the Cube server didn't like the new setup on godzilla.uib.no - either the ip-aliasing or something else... Anyways, the server have been moved to ludo.uib.no wich doesn't have gigabit connection (just 100mbit) ...

Ludo also sports a RogerWilco proxy/server for those of you who want to use voice comunication while playing Cube. Enjoy

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#22: new server..

by jspectre on 12/11/2002 20:01

i'll happily run a cube server on my host..

server: cindy.coldmoon.net
location: chicago, illinois, usa

should be up 7/24/365 on a nice fast link.. :-)


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#23: Re: new server..

by Piglet on 12/11/2002 21:03, refers to #22

cool :) the more the merrier

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#24: REQUEST: Private server

by VerbalC on 12/24/2002 21:24

This is a request for a private server for an upcoming Cube league. Everything for it is set out except the server issue.
I need someone who can host a dedicated server (will have to be set up using the -m parameter to not send the information to the master server, so it will be private)

So, if anyone can provide a non-public full time server, please respond to this message or email me at verbal@cubestuff.cjb.net
It doesn't need a hell of alot of bandwidth, as Cube requires very little.


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#25: more servers

by ruthven78 on 02/01/2003 02:19

man we need more servers

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#26: cindy.coldmoon.net

by va3atc on 02/01/2003 19:28, refers to #22

Great server would be cindy.coldmoon.net

One day I was getting the lowest ping below 50. Though the same day several hours later I was getting between 1500-1600ms ping..

Tracing route to cindy.coldmoon.net []

over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 12 ms 13 ms 9 ms if.rba1.pppoe.execulink.com []

2 109 ms 32 ms 25 ms c1.pop-a.ip.execulink.net []

3 11 ms 12 ms 10 ms h66-38-203-73.gtconnect.net []

4 12 ms 14 ms 14 ms

5 26 ms 25 ms 24 ms GE2-0.PEERA-CHCGIL.IP.GROUPTELECOM.NET []

6 26 ms 26 ms 25 ms p4-6-2-0.r01.chcgil01.us.bb.verio.net []

7 24 ms 25 ms 25 ms p4-6-0.r00.chcgil01.us.bb.verio.net []

8 1538 ms 1548 ms 1537 ms p1-0.level3.chcgil01.us.bb.verio.net []

9 1533 ms 1541 ms 1586 ms gigabitethernet6-2.ipcolo1.Chicago1.Level3.net []

10 1593 ms 1531 ms 1560 ms ge2-0.br1.ord.playboy.net []

11 1560 ms 1549 ms 1523 ms f0-0.b1.chi.playboy.com []

12 * * * Request timed out.

13 1527 ms 1506 ms 1476 ms cindy.coldmoon.net []

Trace complete.

See ya later and keep fragging. :)


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#27: New permanent server

by Compukid on 02/26/2003 18:33

I'm running a permanent server om compukid.no-ip.org

There'll be a match at 10pm (CET)
The server is running Linux and the connection to the internet is an fast cabletv connection.

Anyone who likes to join the match at 10pm is welcome.

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#28: Re; NAT'd firewalls

by Vortac on 03/03/2003 15:50

Do dedicated cube servers work behind NAT'd firewalls? When I start up a dedicated server on Solaris I get a could not connect error message.

I poked holes for 28765 and 28766 for UPD and TCP (looks like it uses UDP), but I got the same results both times.



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