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"water" edition released! (2006-09-12)

by Aardappel_ on 09/13/2006 01:21, 153 messages, last message: 09/02/2007 16:54, 167109 views, last view: 06/01/2024 22:26


* new water rendering supporting reflection & refraction
* added "setteam" command for forcing teams via mastermode
* added support for material texture slots
* added "shaderdetail" var that can turn off some expensive shaders
* monsters wake up if monsters close to them get shot by a visible player
* dying while using a menu doesn't pop up the scoreboard anymore
* added a static version of the wiki to the documentation
* uniformly scaled down the spec factor in all maps from 8 to 6 (as used in metl4)
* deaths now spawn a number gibs depending on the amount of excess damage, if that is a lot then no corpse is rendered
* increased the minimum ambient light factor for opponents in multiplayer a lot (can't hide in the dark anymore)
* added simple keybinding options to the menus
* added damageblendfactor & damagespherefactor var
* starting grenades reduced to just 1
* added support for md2 vweps
* added optional flipping over X and Y axes to "texture" command
* added makke's new ammo/health models
* added models for rocket/grenade launcher projectiles
* fixed broken world-specular on ATI cards
* changed rendering architecture to do seperate Z pass to get more accurate occlusion culling and reduced pixelshader load

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#71: General and capture HUD improvement, and capture teams

by CrazyTB on 09/15/2006 19:26

I think we must have some HUD improvements for capture mode:

- Show how many bases the team own, the enemy team own, and not owned.
- Show how many people are on each team. (maybe this could be shown only on scores screen)
- On scores screen, show how many bases each team own, instead of just the team score.
- When you are capturing a flag, there is a small message and counter displayed on top of the flag. My suggestion is this message being displayed also on HUD (probably at middle of screen). This way, we won't need to keep looking up (an being a lot vulnerable) to find when the base has been captured.

These improvements might be implemented in all modes (maybe not in capture):
- Show current game time/remaining time.
- Show how many people are playing, and what is your position at scorelist. Maybe also how many frags you must get to go up one position.

Lastly, I have to say current capture teams (maybe all team modes suffer from this) are very confusing. Let me explain:
If you are on blue team, your teammates are blue, and your enemies are red.
But if you are on red team, your teammates are blue, and your enemies are red! This is very confusing.

I know why this behaves this way (since we can have unlimited teams with any names), but it is confusing. Maybe changing the default team names to "A" and "B", or "sauer" and "braten" (we still have 4-chars limit?).

One more thing: on a little dark places (like urban_c map), it is a bit difficult to know if a player some meters far from us is a friend or an enemy. I suggest using "glowmaps" for player skins, so we can brightly see the red or blue from them.

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#72: ..

by makkE on 09/15/2006 20:00

Those are good suggestions.

Glowmaps aren´t possible on md2 though.

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#73: ..

by voldemar on 09/15/2006 22:30

why i cant select by lmb in edit mode? also, i have misplaced textures on the

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#74: Re: 1/2 a Q

by MeatROme on 09/15/2006 23:20, refers to #73

if you have "strange behaviour" in sauer:
- stop sauer
- remove/rename your config.cfg
- restart sauer

but I haven't edited in the water release yet and I saw some posts claiming some config stuff needed to be fixed for edit-mode ... so maybe it's a general thing !?

But usually it's the config.cfg that just saved bogus stuff from last run - send it to it's room for l8r spanking!

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#75: ..

by voldemar on 09/16/2006 00:21

Thanks, that helped with LMB :) but i have misplaced textures and strande bugs. Maybe i gave to reinstall drivers.

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#76: waterfall bug (i know its old!)

by whobob121 on 09/16/2006 00:33

well the waterfalls and all....

i know i should give it a rest and such but its annoying! i have a map ( that i just uploaded on quadropolis!!

on this map with the underwater passages that sudenly emtpy out with water that has the waterfall its just rendered with crosshair. Please post a new version with the waterfall fix!!

i downloaded the new version, but im stil using the old one (7-22) because my card cant render the shiny water. :0

9+2=?????!!!! lol

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#77: ..

by Passa on 09/16/2006 03:56

"- Show how many bases the team own, the enemy team own, and not owned.
- Show how many people are on each team. (maybe this could be shown only on scores screen)
- On scores screen, show how many bases each team own, instead of just the team score.
- When you are capturing a flag, there is a small message and counter displayed on top of the flag. My suggestion is this message being displayed also on HUD (probably at middle of screen). This way, we won't need to keep looking up (an being a lot vulnerable) to find when the base has been captured."

They are all fantastic suggestions, and I think they make perfect sense. Especially the last one (this is coming from a guy who played 3 hours of capture yesterday :P was an absoloute blast now with the setteam command :P )

"- Show current game time/remaining time.
- Show how many people are playing, and what is your position at scorelist. Maybe also how many frags you must get to go up one position."

I like these ideas too :)
Especially the time remaining one. In capture yesterday, I had to wait until I say the time left on the console (which is once a minute) and with alot of quick frags and caps going on, it only stays there for like 5 seconds, so I normally have no idea how much time is left in the round. (and this is particuarly important in capture :)

I also like your suggestions about the team colours, now that its limited to red abd blue, can the teams actually be coloured this way? I kept getting TKed by alot of newbies yesterday :/

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#78: Re: ..

by CrazyTB on 09/16/2006 05:00, refers to #77

> I also like your suggestions about the team colours, now that its limited
> to red abd blue, can the teams actually be coloured this way?

No, it is not limited to just two teams. After the match has started, you can type "/team anyteam" (at most 4 chars). You can also press Esc (I guess) on team select menu.

BTW, it is hard to choose a good team if we don't know how many people are on each one.

> I kept getting TKed by alot of newbies yesterday :/

Sometimes I team-kill too, because of this confusion. And sometimes I get killed because I can't see if the guy in front of me (a few meters away) is a friend or enemy.

Hum... Another thing: maybe sauer could add a warning (or forbid) when playing a non-capture map in capture mode. Today I saw people playing this way for too much time...

To makkE: .md2 does not support glowmaps? I thought the .md2 stored only the polygons (plus UV coords), and the texture was "external". So, the engine could also load an external texture that would be a glowmap.

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#79: Wow.

by Pxtl on 09/16/2006 06:03

Just gave it a try - just played SP.

The new VWeps are awesome. Only thing that disappointed me was that of Slith's full vwep set the standard blaster was chosen - he has some much sexier weapons (like the fully-animated claw-shaped hyperblaster).

Shiny water effect = teh coolness, but makes my 9600 crawl. Still no fullscreen shader support for that either - not that I expected different. Friggin' ATI.

New pickup models are also tres sexy, ditto the little HUD icons for them. Oh, and nice idea on changing the pickup-text-colour.

Any plans to tweak the behindview? I just tried a quick SP runthrough, and with the VWeps it looks very stylish... only problem is that your player model is quite in-the-way... perhaps a further zoom-out and a higher camera would be a good option?

Only problem with the new water - it looks so good that it makes everything around it look apallingly bad. Seeing that super-sexy water surrounded by 1996-era landscape is just jarring.


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#80: Re: General and capture HUD improvement, and capture teams

by Pxtl on 09/16/2006 06:07, refers to #71

My solution to "red team is green" problem:

Don't name your teams colours. I've had plenty of games between the terrifying teams of foo, saue, and asdf

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#81: Re: General and capture HUD improvement, and capture teams

by Passa on 09/16/2006 06:30, refers to #80

Theres a menu at the start of capture now, asking you to choose red or blue.
Thats why its a problem ..

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#82: Re: General and capture HUD improvement, and capture teams

by eihrul on 09/16/2006 06:31, refers to #81

The battle between red and blue shall soon become the eternal struggle between good and evil, alleviating any confusion.

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#83: Re: General and capture HUD improvement, and capture teams

by c0rdawg on 09/16/2006 06:45, refers to #81

The new menu that shows up when you join a capture game to choose a team is great. The only thing I would add is the ability to choose either a random team, or allow the server to determine which team has the least amount of people and put you on that team, because you're not able to see the teams to choose a team to make things even. Also I noticed that you're able to change your team name after the red/blue team menu which defeats its purpose. Everything else looks great.

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#84: Re: Wow.

by MeatROme on 09/16/2006 07:14, refers to #79

do you know of the "thirdpersondistance" var?

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#85: Re: General and capture HUD improvement, and capture teams

by MeatROme on 09/16/2006 07:15, refers to #83

do you know of the new "setteam" capability of the MASTER?


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#86: Re: waterfall bug (i know its old!)

by Max of S2D [Fr] on 09/16/2006 08:37, refers to #76

This waterfall bug is only without shaders. That's the vertical texture ;p

"thirdpersondistance var" ? Yeah, i discovered it one month ago, and set it to 1000... aerian view :)

I'm definitevaly thinking Cube is for old PCs and Sauerbraten for recent PCs ^^

1 * 1.... ROFL

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#87: ..

by makkE on 09/16/2006 10:00

I was misinformed, sorry, glowmaps are possible on md2´s. The ogros will have better visibility soon.

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#88: Confused: Masks on md2

by makkE on 09/16/2006 11:33


How do I load a mask for a md2 ?

There´s no "md2skin" command, and no "mdlskin" command, I tried "md3skin" in the md2.cfg, but obviously I got "not loading an md3"..

Also, just dropping a "masks.jpg" in the directory without mentioning it in the .cfg didn´t load it.

So I´m confused: How do I make masks for the ogro now? Do we need a "md2skin" command first?

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#89: Re: Confused: Masks on md2

by CrazyTB on 09/16/2006 14:31, refers to #88

I guess you need to change the source, to make it load the mask manually.

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#90: Re: General and capture HUD improvement, and capture teams

by CrazyTB on 09/16/2006 14:35, refers to #85

MeatROme said:
> do you know of the new "setteam" capability of the MASTER?

Many games are played without a master, or the master player does not know well how to use his powers. :)

pxtl said:
> Don't name your teams colours. I've had plenty of games between the terrifying teams of foo, saue, and asdf

If there are lots of "unnamed" people played, I don't expect them know how to choose a team name...

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