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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Cube engine with Lua scripting...

by enif on 06/14/2006 10:00, 26 messages, last message: 07/20/2006 13:44, 10960 views, last view: 07/02/2024 20:41

Interested? I am working on that! :-) For now, I have a name: Soulcube and a working Win32 and MacOSX version. Lua API is done from 75%. Most of the scripts are rewriten to Lua. Simple needed-libraries build system is also done (few scripts + makefiles).

Soon I will release it...


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#8: When?

by enif on 06/22/2006 10:40

I'm not sure, but soon. :-)

It is working now, but a little bit messy. I'm developing it in DevCpp and Xcode 2.3. No global makefile for engine is done (for Windows it is not a problem, for Mac it is a big problem (How to compile something with SDL and Cocoa from command line?)). I can release it right now, but with a long document "How to compile and install the Soulcube engine - a step by step guide". :-)


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#9: Re: When?

by Passa on 06/22/2006 11:12, refers to #8

Couldya just compile for Windows and release it? ;)

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#10: Re: When?

by enif on 06/22/2006 11:59, refers to #9

I'll tray it... :-)

Problem is, that I can not release it with data - my upload limits are very low.


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#11: ...

by enif on 06/22/2006 12:00

I'll try it... :-))))

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#12: Re: ...

by Passa on 06/22/2006 13:10, refers to #11

Just distribute the changed files. For your own sake, don't distribute game data again. Thats one way to self-destruct.

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#13: ..

by Anders1 on 06/24/2006 14:04

If you send your files to me (anders@anders1.org) I can host them for you somewhere.

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#14: First one!

by enif on 06/26/2006 14:33



...the very first release and VERY VERY ugly web site.

Love me or kill me! :-)

PS: Only sources and libs-bin released. Use data from the original Cube. Thanks!

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#15: Re: ..

by enif on 06/26/2006 15:19, refers to #13


I try it myself first, but in future, I will probably need Your help, because I have 2MB limit for upload (http) and our proxy blocks ftp uploads.

Thanks again,

PS: All library sources added to the site.

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#16: Re: First one!

by dan454 on 07/01/2006 15:07, refers to #14

Hey! Just got Soulcube to compile... looks good! (it runs anyway, haven't tested it much yet)

This is the direction I like to see Cube going. You got the foundation underway, next milestone will be scriptable entities and all that?

I like the new orginization of data too, instead of lumping everything into 'packages'. It took me a while to trial & error where everything goes though.

BTW, you've set the libs folder at c:\MinGW344, when under a default devcpp install most libs are at c:\Dev-Cpp\lib.

Keep up good work - wish I could help! I'll send bug reports at least.

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#17: Re: When?

by dan454 on 07/03/2006 00:43, refers to #10

I've put together a download for soulcube.

It includes all maps & textures, libraries for compiling, and is configured to compile from a default Dev-Cpp install with SDL 1.2.10 devpak applied.

Also includes a compiled cube.exe to see it right away.

Be warned - most commands from the 'Esc' menu haven't been converted to Lua yet. Just enter commands to the '~' console.


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#18: Copyright infringement

by MeatROme on 07/03/2006 01:34, refers to #17

Did you ask all the respective copyright owners about redistributing their material?

I would encourage you to reduce download size by simply distributing your source and/or binaries.

That way you'll get into less trouble with the powers that be ...

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#19: ..

by makkE on 07/03/2006 01:59

Redistributing all game media is not appreciated. In fact it´s partially illegal. And a waste of download time, especially for those on slower connections.

Make it an add-on that can be extracted into, and co-exsist in an install of the original cube.

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#20: Re: Copyright infringement

by Passa on 07/03/2006 02:05, refers to #18

True, I also have a problem with downloading stuff I already have. Make it addon.

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#21: Re: When?

by dan454 on 07/03/2006 12:02, refers to #17

Sorry, deleting the file now...

Didn't mean to do anything illegal, again my apologies to all involved.

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#22: News and thanks!

by enif on 07/09/2006 12:03


Thanks to all for your help and reports!

dan454: Great work! I'll check it next week (17.+), and I'll release the new one. Thanks again! (Now I am sitting behind a modem, I'm on wacation... :))

Latest changes:

+ SetMusicVol() now works in-game. Used by edit-toggle command
(see EDITTOGGLE in commands.lua)

+ automatic map packaging (zipping) removed.
+ added suport for deflate compression to unzip library (even -9 comression
is supported!). Inflating is done using Zlib.
WARNING: *.zip files should not be created by MacOSX BOMArchiveHelper
("Create archive of..."), because it stores zerro-sizes of deflated files
in zip directory structure. Use: "zip -r mapname.zip mapname" instead!
Example of packaging script:
cd mapname-directory
zip -r9 ../mapname.zip *
or for windows:
cd mapname-directory
zip -r9 ../mapname.zip *.*

+ bufio.cpp extended
+ added dmsg.h (for debug messages)

+ map files are loded from:
map.cgz + map.lua (old format)
map/map.map + map/map.lua (new unpacked format)
map.zip/map.map + map.zip/map.lua (new packed format)
.zip files (map packages) are standart .zip files without compression
engine itself uses command "zip -r0j <pakname> <mapdirname>" - see packmap()
in worldio.h
+ removed all text-formated map writing

+ some work on automatic mapfiles packaging done.
- this version is not finished/working

+ added functions:
cube.SetBoxBorderColor(r, g, b)
cube.SetBoxBkNormalColor(r, g, b)
cube.SetBoxBkSolidColor(r, g, b)
to control menu boxes colors (cube.BlendBox()) and
cube.BlendBox(x1, y1, x2, y2, solid)
cube.DrawText(str, left, top, gl_num)
to support rendering menus from Lua scripts
+ minor fixes in engine and scripts
- remove MenuSet() call at startup (it is called before autoexec loads

+ all menu handling is now done in menus.lua; old menus.lua renamed to
+ MenuItem() supports Lua-functions as actions
+ menus.cpp is not used for now (commented out)
- add SortMenu() function
- change cube.isdown variable to boolean
- RenderMenus() should return a boolean value (same as MenuKey())

+ Bind() and KeyMap() functions supports Lua-functions as actions.
+ prepared to write maps in compressed Lua format

+ added support for .zip map format:
+ add support for more scripts in zipped maps
+ add support for local/map textures
+ add support for new map format (text file + textures with names)
+ bufio.cpp with class buf for read() and getc() from a buffer
(used by read_zip_world() in worldio.cpp)
+ [2004_05_22] fix
+ [2005_08_11]:
- jumppad velocity Z cancellation (better jumps)
- increased sensitivity range
- screenshots moved to own folder

+ small keymap.lua speedups
+ added support for "GL_ARB_texture_env_combine" to rendergl.cpp
(better lights on Mac! :-))
- add changes from latest cube:

[see latest Cube's changelog]

+ all key bindings are handled by Lua table defined in keymap.lua script
+ bind() and keymap() functions removed

+ conoutf() removed

See Ya next week!


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#23: Re: First one!

by enif on 07/09/2006 12:07, refers to #16

I'll have to check all fixed paths in my makefiles. Thanks for pointing me to that! I have DevCpp installed without a compiler. Mingw is in separate directory (I tried CodeBlocks and needed yust on compiler in system, etc. :-))


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#24: Re: Copyright infringement

by enif on 07/09/2006 12:13, refers to #20

For now, Soulcube as Cobe plug-in is not planned. I'll try to create some installation script(s) to make Cube to Soulcube transformation as easy, as possible.

And yes, one day complete new data should be created aslso! :)

PS: The plug-in thing is intesting... Hmmm! ;)

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#25: New version, DevRel v2, released!

by enif on 07/17/2006 13:15


New release of SC is here: http://soulcube.czweb.org/


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#26: Bug fix of v2

by enif on 07/20/2006 13:44

I hunted down the memory bug from previous release. Download this fixed version from SC website http://soulcube.czweb.org/.



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