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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Permanent Servers

by eihrul on 02/03/2002 00:50, 472 messages, last message: 03/21/2008 13:36, 272735 views, last view: 09/30/2024 13:37

Anyone wanting to announce a permanent Cube server should place such announcements in this thread. Of course, the main servers at this point are grunt.splatterworld.de and dark.asamnet.de

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#69: Re: cube is great!

by pushplay on 05/22/2003 23:16, refers to #68

Really? Ummm... ok. Screw with high (120) and low (80) fov, one of them is bound to help. :)

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#70: help!!

by ben.k on 06/02/2003 04:31

i was playing cube the other day and it froze, i pressed esc and nothing happened. i had to restart my p.c. now when i press ctrl alt del i just get a box come up with programs running but no options on the top (connections ect) there used to be like 4 or 5 pages i could flick through but nothing now, i can only choose end task switch to and new task. i would really apreiciate some help on this to restore defaults. my lack of p.c knowledge is unreal im sure its simple, i know this isnt the place to post stuff like this but you guys r very helpfull! thank you

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#71: ..

by ben.k on 06/02/2003 04:32

oh my o.s is xp home.

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#72: Re: ..

by pushplay on 06/02/2003 08:02, refers to #71

I don't know what your problem is, but I doubt it has anything to do with Cube. I'm new to the xp flavour of windows myself.

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#73: portability

by Thalion on 06/02/2003 19:32

Actually, it even works nice here on Windows Server 2003 Standard =)

Oh yes, and I have the latest NVidia drivers (44.03 I think). For what it matters...

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#74: *.blazing.de?

by D.plomat on 07/08/2003 12:10

The ns1.blazing.de and scott.blazing.de don't host Cube servers anymore? those 2 were the best pings we have in france :(

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#75: ..

by WiZZarD on 07/26/2003 21:29

well, ive been away now for some while (as well from my comp as from my server)... i read somewhere that u have to reboot a server for like evry 14 days. does it really matter if i dont??? cuz its gonna take some while untill ill be back home.. if i look at the server list its still running (its the server from users.lichtsnel.nl at flits102-59.rug.nl) but is it still ok?? it still hasnt crashed but i remember something about very lousy communication between server and clients...

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#76: Re: ..

by D.plomat on 07/28/2003 09:03, refers to #75

I may be wrong, but i think it's restarting Cube server process, not the whole system. So you can use a looping script to run Cube server, and kill Cube server process with cron/Task Scheduler.

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#77: Re: ..

by Aardappel on 07/28/2003 10:08, refers to #75

nope, that was older versions... the current version will happily run for several years.

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#78: Re: *.blazing.de?

by TWD on 07/29/2003 18:39, refers to #74

don't know, they seem to be up now, ping 165, true, sweet... :-)

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#79: cindy.coldmoon.net

by jspectre on 08/09/2003 06:10

sorry for the server being down for so long.. it's back now and should be up to stay. enjoy! :-)

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#80: Bamse In A Box

by Bamse on 09/11/2003 14:57

Server is up 24/7, 52 weeks a year. Well, minus the downtime for server upgrades ;)

ip: cube.kicks-ass.net
Server location: Sweden
Hosted on a PIII 733 with 1 GB ram running Slack 7.1
ISP: Bredbandsbolaget 10 Mbit fiber.

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#81: Can't get server replies...

by GrogMyzer on 10/15/2003 12:59

Newcomer to the Cube group. Played a lot of single player to get familiar with the game, but can't hook up to a server to play multiperson.
Any suggestions are welcome!
Thanks! :-D

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#82: Re: Can't get server replies...

by D.plomat on 10/21/2003 13:38, refers to #81

What version of Cube?
What OS?
What kind of internet connection?

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#83: The Jackals Palace

by julesthejackal on 11/05/2003 16:59

Hi everyone,

I have a cube server running on my machine that is 24/7 (unless its a server upgrade ugh!).

It shows up as :

I,m trying to get it show up as:

(same server id i use for my BZFlag servers thru no-ip)

This is the server specs (FYI)

OS Debian Linux (thru knoppix install)
Athlonxp 2200 (1.7ghz)
512 ddr ram
4.3g scsi2 hard-drive
ati rage-pro vid card
ASRock K7VM4 mobo

ISP rogers.com (cable broadband)
3.0 megs down and 396kbits up

This connection is shared thru an
SMC7004VBR Barricade router

Server location: Toronto, Canada

Hope to see you there!

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#84: The best game!

by Evoc on 12/06/2003 13:49

Cube is the best FPS!

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#85: ..

by «Þª†HéG®ëª†» on 12/08/2003 22:35

i agree Evoc

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by HexFex on 12/20/2003 12:16

Public Servers:


phun ...

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by HexFex on 12/24/2003 17:18, refers to #86

Always running the current version ... :)

Public Server (without Password):

Private Server (with Password):

phun ...

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#88: ..

by Mustang1944 on 12/30/2003 23:19

Sorry leute aber ich habe ein großes Problem.
Wenn ich einen server aufmache und mit einem freund privat mappen will kommen einfach irgendwelche und machen mit.
deswegen brauche ich die befehle einen vom Server zu kicken denn ich finde das es so keinen spass macht!

mfg. Mustang1944 schickt mir bitte eine e-mail als antwort an mustang1944@rezor.de

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