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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM


by C_olin on 03/11/2004 00:47, 101 messages, last message: 04/04/2006 20:25, 58406 views, last view: 09/29/2024 22:15

I'm no noob to VC++ 6.0... but I have not gotten Cube to compile correctly!

I put all of the includes and libs where they are supposed to be in the vc++ folder.

And added the right linking stuff... but I still get unresolved externals.

And why doesn't it include a VC++ workspace?

Does anyone have project/workspace project files they are wiling to send to me?

This would help out me, and a lot of other poeple... thanks!

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#65: Re: ..

by D.plomat on 05/10/2004 12:34, refers to #60

they released also the latest version?

about loading the project file, then someone having the Visual studio 7 has to cut'n paste the lines of options given to the commands by the project settings window to make a nice .bat that can be used with the command-line tools.

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#66: Re: ..

by Thalion on 05/11/2004 03:29, refers to #65

I think it is the same compiler as distributed with VS.NET 2003.

As for cut'n'paste - no need for that. I think there was an option to export a makefile for a project somewhere in VS.

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#67: Have compiled with VC++ 6

by thirdrock on 05/11/2004 04:32

Ok, to get cube compiled under vc6 you need to do the following.
1. Change the two "void function can't return a value" errors.
This means changing a line of code that looks something like this ...
if (blah) return loadgameexit()
if (blah) { loadgameexit() ; return;}

2. You need to add all of the .c files in the enet directory. That gets rid of the unresolved externals.

3. You need to add the neccesary libraries to the linker section of your project.

4. You need to copy the DLL's in the bin directory and the supporting directories (data etc) to the directory where your executable is created (usually debug or release).


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#68: Re: Have compiled with VC++ 6

by jcdpc on 05/11/2004 12:27, refers to #67

what about VC++ 5 (professional edition)? i'm a noob and i cant compile anything thats more than one file, so if you give instructions please be specific.

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#69: help

by RuneArlin on 05/11/2004 20:47

Could someone please give step by step instructions on how to compile with mingw? I've only used Dev C++ until now, and never had to use miongw, so Im sort of lost as to what to do with it. I have searched the forums and tried to do what other people have posted, with no success.

Could someone please lend a hand?

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#70: Tutorial

by arghvark on 05/11/2004 22:53

I wrote up a little tutorial, dont know how helpful it will be but anyway http://www.superrobotpirateninja.org/index.php?itemid=14

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#71: Here is my workspace

by thirdrock on 05/12/2004 05:31

Here is a link to my VC6 workspace and project file.



The workspace file contains almost nothing, I created the project first then idiotic MSVS screwed up my settings by not having a workspace, so I just made a workspace and added the project. Theoretically, you just need the project file. Both are there, just in case.

Please note that I had to change the source code to get it to compile as I said in another message.

If you really are a noob to C/C++, I'm not sure what building the source code is going to do for you. There are binaries for Winders and they work just fine ... unless you want a baptism by fire then knock yourself out :)

Anyway, have fun


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#72: :DDDD

by RuneArlin on 05/12/2004 06:33

Arghvark, you are my new best friend. Thank you so much! It turns out I was just making some mistakes.

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#73: ;____;

by Grimmy2k4 on 05/12/2004 07:06

I thought I was your best friend. ;-;
Seriously though, thanks arghvark. We were horribly stuck.

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#74: Re: ;____;

by Bascule on 05/12/2004 23:11, refers to #73

Well, I'm still stuck.

I downloaded MySys and followed all the tutorial instructions, but ended up with the following error message at the final stage: 'make'

$ make
g++ -Wall -O3 -fsigned-char -fomit-frame-pointer -I../include -c -o client.o client.cpp
make: g++: Command not found
make: *** [client.o] Error 127

I've tried lots of different places to put the source.gcc/src folder, but get the same prob every time. Looks to me like it's being caused by the very first line of the makefile:
CXXOPTFLAGS=-Wall -O3 -fsigned-char -fomit-frame-pointer

Any ideas? This is the very first time I've tried to do any compiling , so please bear with me for the noobish questions.

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#75: Re: Here is my workspace

by Bascule on 05/12/2004 23:13, refers to #71

Yes, I do want a baptism of fire, just to see if I can do it (compile the source that is...)

Once I've cracked that , then I may go on to playing with the code 'just for fun...'

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#76: Re: ;____;

by arghvark on 05/12/2004 23:25, refers to #74

I think that error means that it cant find the compiler, are you sure you set up the path right?

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#77: Re: Here is my workspace

by thirdrock on 05/13/2004 04:51, refers to #75

Did you get it to compile with my project/workspace?

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#78: Re: ;____;

by Bascule on 05/13/2004 08:18, refers to #76

It depends what you mean by the compiler...

My path (under WindowsXP) leads to make.exe, which, AFAIK, is the application that starts the whole process.

If you mean something like MinGW.exe, then I'm not so sure.

What specifically does the path need to lead to?

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#79: Re: Here is my workspace

by Bascule on 05/13/2004 08:19, refers to #77

No. As you can see from above, I'm trying to use MYSYS/MinGW.

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#80: Re: ;____;

by D.plomat on 05/13/2004 10:56, refers to #78

> What specifically does the path need to lead to?

it must link to Mingw's make, you can check that in msys: type this command:

which make

it should say: /bin/make i think.
if it points to another make on your system (like Delphi's make) then you have a peoblem with your path, but normally a fresh install of mingw sets the right path in mingw environment.

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#81: Right...

by Bascule on 05/14/2004 21:16

...I've cracked it now, having downloaded MinGW as well as MYSYS (arghvark, your HowTo could use a little more clarity).

So what can I do, easily, to make some obvious changes to Cube, but aren't too difficult for a complete coding newbie.

Obviously, jumping straight into the Cube source is not a good starting place to learn C++, but there must be stuff I can do that will make me feel like a real programmer?

I have re-instated a commented-out line that puts a trail on the CG bullets and that worked OK, so what sort of other things can I try...

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#82: Re: Right...

by arghvark on 05/15/2004 03:32, refers to #81

Could you tell me what parts need clarified, I'm new to the whole writing howto's thing any input is of extreme help.

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#83: Re: Right...

by Bascule on 05/15/2004 20:47, refers to #82

Comments on HowTo:

Just downloading mysys is not enough, MinGW is required as well.

Path setting section is good, I would have struggled to know how to do that in XP. Foe clarity, needs to state that the path is the make.exe.

It's a bit unclear exactly where the source.gcc folder should be placed, as you are mixing up fixed paths (...create the folder C:\mysys\mingw\bin) with relative ones (...or wherever you created x/y/z). This is what caught me out, as I didn't place the new bin folder in the right place in the folder structure.

It would be better when editing the .bat file to just say replace cube.exe with my_cube.exe, as people may have personalised their settings and nor want the ones you provided.

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#84: Someone more knowledgeable and helpful too

by arghvark on 05/24/2004 00:26

I think someone who is more knowledge able then I am and helpful too, should post a mingw friendly version of the newest cube release's source code.


/me bats eyelashes and winks.

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