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Game music

by PaRanoYaK on 03/10/2004 11:23, 26 messages, last message: 09/16/2004 00:35, 12360 views, last view: 06/26/2024 10:42

Hellow all, I'm both a hard core gamer, a coder and a digital music maker :-).
I'm very interested in your game dev, 'think the engine is really wonderfull and game play, even if it requires many littles adgustements, is very promising.
Why do I post here ? Not only to say that the game is great (we are oftenly playing it during boring lessons in our school (DUT, french equivalent of a HND)), but also that I propose myself for creating new musics for the game.
Don't know if it can interest you, but well, if it does, i can provide a demo song "especially" for this game in a few weeks.
You still can download some of my song at www.paranoyak.tk, but the quality is crap, not my best tracks are yet released and I can provide tracks of far better quality.

Even if you don't whant of my songs (^_^), good luck for future, and keep up the good work, very promising as I said :-).

See you.

PS: sorry for my bad english, I do the best I can.

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#7: Re: What program do U use?

by MitaMan on 03/16/2004 02:54, refers to #6

A nice program to use for making any style of music is ACID by Sonic Foundry. You use pieces of looped .wav, .mp3, midi, and many other file formats to create a song. Very simple to use even for "non-musical" people and the results are fast and fun. You can even render your song in the .ogg format which is very small in size (compared to .wav and .mp3) and CUBE will play it. I used it for a new music track for my first CUBE level. I'm pretty sure a free (8 track) version is still available from the Sonic Foundry web site, and there are many free loops that can be downloaded from the net. I think the biggest "problem" with new music for CUBE is that few people want to bother downloading maps that are bigger than 1/2 a meg or more in size because of music. A map without music is like 1/10 meg in size!
Anyway, thats my two cents worth of opinion-MitaMAN

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#8: ..

by PaRanoYaK on 03/22/2004 11:59

I used to compose using Modplug tracker, but some month ago, I tried Buzz and ... I'm in love with it :-D.

I generaly track electro things, with no defined style, some "musical UFOs" :-), but before trying electronic music, I played guitar in some metal's band for somthing like ten years, and for Cube's tracks, I was thinking of a mix between recordings and tracking.
Even if I can track using MPT (for it format) I think that buzz tracks sounds quite better, so that leads to and Ogg/MP3 ripping, beacuse I don't think that the .bmx format would be easily added to the soft.

As I already said, don't expect to much of track I put on my sie, these are track I did with a few experience, and I think I can say that the tracks I'm composing right now are really better. (I don't post them, not because of websapce, but because, they're not finished yet ;-)).

Well this week I have my exams, so It will be hard for me to track, but I promise I'll made a demo song for you after :-).

'think I'll made a kind of epic metal, as you wish (in the style of Skaven's Razorback, a track used for Unreal Tournament), maybe a little more "weird", because I do love weird music :-p.

keep in touch ;-).

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#9: Re: ..

by Drakker_ on 03/23/2004 01:23, refers to #8

Go ahead, I look forward to ear what you have to offer. :)

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#10: Re: Interest me!

by Bascule on 04/06/2004 10:49, refers to #2

just listened to dcp's tracks and they are really good; so atmospheric and I love that grungy industrial feel :)

They reminded me a bit of the DOOM for Playstation music which is really creepy in places and just designed to scare the pants off you in those oh-so-dark levels...

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#11: ..

by _Fanatic on 04/13/2004 05:04

I've used Digital Orchestrator Pro from Turtle Beach, now called Record Producer. It's a digital audio and MIDI multi tracking recorder, very easy to use with MIDI or live instruments.

Works well with custom sound fonts too.

My noise can be found here under the Music section:


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#12: Re: Interest me!

by pp on 06/29/2004 02:49, refers to #1

For some nice rock tunes to listen while fragging check out this album:

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#13: #13: ""

by Zachass on 06/30/2004 03:58

I have used Tabledit to make some music. You can easily add notes and effects and stuff to write the music.
and then you can export it to a wave or midi file.

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#14: Re: Music

by Ax on 07/03/2004 08:50, refers to #1

I can do some hard core guitar, headbanger type stuff......tell me what you need!


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#15: ..

by e:n:i:g:m:a on 07/03/2004 19:18

Or you can also use my personal favorite: a tracker such as modplug to make a wide range of music from techno to grunge to heavy metal, just as long as it has a rhythm ^_^

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#16: Acid

by innovati on 08/29/2004 02:44

I use acid sometimes, but It isn't really good for much other than elektonik/Tekno.

My song best song is at http://www.innovatived.ca/tekno4.mp3 !!

It was made in Acid Xpress, and might work in cube, I put those little siren noises in there just for Cube actually. It is very tekno.

I would reccommend Modplug, or just a plain old wace-editor, make sure you get plenty of good VST inrtrument plugins ;)

I like some of the industrial stuff, but it is FAR too ambient for me, I like some more stuff. I LOVE FANATIC'S music in the current Cube, and the Epic sounding symphony music from UT.

Fanatic: Could you make some music that is bith Metal and symphony? It wold trade back and forth, like in the matrix, or some of the UT music. I am a BIG fan of that. You are one of the only people who pull it off :):):)

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#17: Re: Acid

by j.c.d.p.c. on 08/29/2004 02:49, refers to #16

hehe, what excatly do you mean when you say you use acid sometimes?

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#18: Re: Acid

by MitaMan on 08/29/2004 03:08, refers to #17

silly boy, i mean sonic foundry acid pro. oh, and acid is good for making heavy metal rock stuff, it all depends upon the loops. i also take loops and chop them up and rearrange them to fit my songs better. i find acis to be the fastest easiest way to make music. cool edit pro also has many free loops on web site that work in acid.


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#19: ..

by innovati on 08/29/2004 04:16

yeah Acid is easy...but it's not that powerful. It only loops the stuff. What if you want a track to fade in? What if you want this or that? The only way to have TRUE power, is to use a wave editor like Kristal Audio engine, or Audacity.

Acid DOES make it easy though...it also has temp-readjust for you, so all your clips are at the same BPM. Kinda cool. Makin' Rock, set your tempo to 80 or something, tekno, set it to 140. BOOM! all your samples change tempo too...

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#20: Re: Acid

by D.plomat on 08/29/2004 12:56, refers to #17


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#21: Re: ..

by D.plomat on 08/29/2004 12:58, refers to #19

With the old-style trackers in the style of Impulse Tracker etc you can do manythings with the effects. It's very powerful but it's a bit more fastidious.

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#22: Re: ..

by MitaMan on 08/29/2004 13:48, refers to #19

If you use acid pro you can fade stuff in using "volume envelopes". Also searc for free "DirectX effects plugins" on the web. Many cool effects are free, do a search for "BlueLine" DirecX effects, very nice (looks like old rack equipment) and easy to use.
I've made several songs for CUBE using acid, but I left them out of my maps to keep downloads small, besides, Fanatics stuff is just too cool and must be used!


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#23: ..

by why wont it let me log in??? on 09/08/2004 01:49

well, my favorite game music in the entire game is (sorry Fanatic, although your music rocks my socks, it aint you) is...... Cubez0r by DaMaul.

I have Soundtracker in Linux, and slow the song down 50%. It sounds AWESOME!! A whole 10 minutes of sheer pleasure.

Fanatic, I think it would be AWESOME if you mixed your nice metal guitars, with epic-sounding symphonic string or something...like switching back and forth between the two. Like the symphony and the band were fighting each other...or the musicians were fighting the instruments instead of playing them....or whatever.

Look forward to hearing your new music in the future. (I downloaded some of your other stuff from your site, and listen to the stream a few times a week ;) )

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#24: ..

by pushplay on 09/09/2004 03:51

Can't have too many music tracks to pick a nice selection from.

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#25: ..

by macher on 09/13/2004 20:43

Anyone heard antiloop? Perfect for cube! Love playing them while playing cube!

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#26: ..

by _Fanatic on 09/16/2004 00:35

I have a few songs with metal and kinda symphony stuff in them, try some of these from my site:

Delicate Balance album - Gothic Dreams
Delicate Balance album - Lost

Inner Realm album - Lost Saints

I usually use some kind fo strings of choir sounds with metal if I use anything like that.

What did you have in mind for a symphony type metal song?

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