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bored give me ideas

by Iron_Maiden105 on 06/17/2009 04:02, 27 messages, last message: 11/09/2009 16:15, 6135 views, last view: 06/17/2024 02:24

Hey I\\\'m really bored and i feel like makin maps so give me ideas from other video game that are possible and would be cool on cube 2 and ill make um

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#7: ..

by Fischkopf on 06/17/2009 23:10

Hang em High:






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#8: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 06/18/2009 00:00, refers to #7

Yeah, that's about what I had for images. The videos aren't anywhere near as helpful, at least at the beginning of map construction.

Any chance anyone with Halo could make some screenshots?
Some overview shots from the corners (like hangemhigh.jpg above), including the ceiling, as well as some closer shots of some of the finer-detailed areas would be great. Oh, and some indication of where all the weapons and spawn points are.

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#9: Message censored by administrator

by Joe4fun on 06/18/2009 01:16

#10: Re: ..

by macintoshking on 06/18/2009 01:43, refers to #8

I still have a copy of Halo. Would any of you like it if I started creating random screenshots. I will need email addresses or another form of contact to give them to you.

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#11: Re: ..

by macintoshking on 06/18/2009 01:48, refers to #10

...and another thing. I have a copy of Halo 1, 2 and 3, so if you want me to take pictures of a specific map, just ask. I will need just a few people to say yes to my previous post to think about whether it's worth it.

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#12: Message censored by administrator

by Joe4fun on 06/18/2009 04:20

#13: ..

by Fischkopf on 06/18/2009 06:50

I could make some pictures from Hang 'em High, when i have time but not until after the day after tommorrow. :(

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#14: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 06/18/2009 19:55, refers to #11

My username links to my email. You can send them there.

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#15: Re: ..

by macintoshking on 06/19/2009 02:26, refers to #14

Great. I'll start when I can.

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#16: ..

by Fischkopf on 06/27/2009 20:53

Some previews maybe help:






(u can see almost everything except the inside area)

complete overview:


where the shotgun is:


where rocket launcher is:


some screens are from a ut3 remake but that doesn't matter

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#17: ..

by Fischkopf on 06/27/2009 21:21

ok, i finally decided to try myself making it wish me good luck xD

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#18: Message censored by administrator

by Avascar on 06/27/2009 23:32

#19: ..

by BuRnItDoWn on 06/28/2009 03:53

I saw this and all of a sudden thought "Valhalla" and "Blood Gulch", from Halo

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#20: ..

by Fischkopf on 07/04/2009 19:33

i started working this is what it looks like now (FAR from finished) it has no texturing at all now







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#21: ..

by Fischkopf on 07/05/2009 14:15

the first version is done.


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#22: ..

by Fischkopf on 11/08/2009 14:43

updated version of hang em high

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#23: Re: ..

by Matt Bierner on 11/08/2009 19:40, refers to #22

I dont know if you are looking for comments on your map, but I will offer some anyways.

My biggest problem with your map are the textures. The tiling is far too obvious and the whole map is just too grey and uninteresting. I understand that these were both issues in the original Halo map, but I feel you should try to expand upon the original map rather than duplicate it.

The lighting is overall odd and, in many places, it does not have a real source. Areas in the corner of the map are really dark, probably because you have the ambient set at 1 without a 'global' light source. Other places are lit, but there are no obvious light sources, such as in the hallways, or the light is huge compared to the source. The open structure of the map could provide some really interesting lighting possibilities that you should explore in more depth.

Geometrically, I felt that map was about 1/3 too large but this is not an easy issue to correct. Most of the inclosed hallways are 1 cube to low, every time I jumped I hit the ceiling. The entire map just has a lack of geometric detail and is very boxy in design, problems which are only made more noticeable by my previous comments about texture and lighting. There should be clip and noclip in places to help with gameplay.

There is some potential in the map, but you still have a lot of work to do. Recreating a Halo map for Sauerbraten is really difficult to do well and, as far as I know, no one has made a good Halo based map for Sauerbraten despite numerous attempts. I myself have tried unsuccessfully to remake Damnation for almost 2 years, but the textures and lighting have always prevented me from publicly releasing anything. Good luck if you choose to continue with this map.

(I like the skull thing in the clouds)

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#24: Re: ..

by Fischkopf on 11/08/2009 20:21, refers to #23

Thanks for the criticism, i know the lighting and ugly textures are really bad
(I could need the original halo textures or something similar looking to them) although i'm still trying to improve everything.

since i don't have Halo on my PC right now, i was only able to make it by looking at screenshots and from memory.

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#25: Re: ..

by Quin on 11/08/2009 23:34, refers to #23

I believe critical_core is based on a Halo map.

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#26: ..

by Adqe on 11/09/2009 14:03

If you were seriously bored, you could recreate the Delta labs levels from Doom 3, but that would have to be pretty desperate times.

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