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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Why doesn't anyone USE the terrain features?

by Rambozo on 03/28/2003 06:06, 26 messages, last message: 06/23/2003 23:59, 13266 views, last view: 09/27/2024 20:15

Cube is primarily a terrain engine, right? Why are there no maps that are wide open, outdoor affairs? From what I can tell, Cube is capable of very detailed, curvy and perfect terrain. Why doesn't someone churn outa Tribes 2-ish map with rolling hills and a few temples? Think of the sniper potential!

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#7: Re: deep

by Skaus on 03/28/2003 22:28, refers to #6

i suppose the height-map wouldn't be as fine-grained either. Making heightmaps store height data for every 8th cube or so would help drasticly.

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#8: ..

by Rambozo on 03/28/2003 23:31

Perhaps a new version of Cube will have a better ability for wide open maps....I'd really like to see bigger, open-air arenas in which to kill things. :-)

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#9: Re: ..

by pushplay on 03/29/2003 02:17, refers to #8

Try Serious Sam.

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#10: Re: ..

by Piglet on 03/29/2003 14:33, refers to #9

indeed, again it's a bit of a 'why cant cube be different' problem, basically it is what it is, and if you dont like that then a different engine might be in order

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#11: Re: well

by Aardappel on 03/31/2003 14:26, refers to #4

it already does LOD, that is not the problem. You can have any map running at 30fps, even with insane amounts of detail, just you will get popup up close. I personally think the LOD sucks to the extend that it should be avoided. And it is not easy to change the algorithm to be better, given the current world structure.

There are quite a few tweaks that can be made to make it more suitable for larger scale maps, but it will never compete with a normal landscape engine. Cube works best with quake style maps, sorry.

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#12: RE: serious

by *spentron* on 03/31/2003 18:52

Serious Sam's forte does seem to be large spaces without glitches. However, performancewise, Cube eats it for lunch.

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#13: Re: serious

by pushplay on 04/01/2003 01:27, refers to #12

That's like saying apples eat oranges for lunch. Performance is measured in many ways.

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#14: ..

by Rambozo on 04/01/2003 11:04

But apples do beat oranges. You can eat them without peeling them and they aren't all covered in white leathy skin when you finally do get 'em unwrapped, like oranges are.

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#15: Re: well

by Skaus on 04/01/2003 18:16, refers to #11

Well, it might have LOD, but i doubt it's very good for terrain. I might be wrong though. By good, i mean that it would be able to draw a hilltop with roughly the same shape using both 10 and 1000 polies by having algorithms or whatever to ensure that the hilltop isn't completely flattened by losing 99% of it's detail.

anyway. Would it be hard to make another form of heightfields, that's pretty much the same, but uses larger cubes? I think that would result in acceptably good looking small terrain areas :)

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#16: Re: well

by *spentron* on 04/01/2003 19:33

"to ensure that the hilltop isn't completely flattened"

Problem is now it may turn into a column when the LOD kicks in, which is far worse.

"Would it be hard to make another form of heightfields"

Interesting idea.

As to the apples vs. Cubes comparison, I really don't know how many polys or anything Serious Sam pushes, but I do know its CPU requirement is higher than even Cube with the polycount way higher than usual. Only one measure of performance there though no doubt.

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#17: Re: ..

by pushplay on 04/02/2003 02:55, refers to #14

You can eat an orange without peeling it. I'm not saying I recommend it, but you could if you wanted.

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#18: Re: well

by Aardappel on 04/02/2003 10:20, refers to #15

you can try making a "low poly" heightfield making it on 2x2 (or even better, 4x4) cubes at once, and ensuring all the vertices in between lie in line between the surrounding ones. if so, and if the lighting doesn't differ to much, cube will render that heighfield as 2x2 or 4x4 cubes. This is however way too hard work to do by hand, I would recommend writing a function to do this automatically, which can then be a postprocessing on perlin noise, say.

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#19: Re: well

by Skaus on 04/02/2003 12:19, refers to #18

cool, so you're saying cube already supports this without any code changes? If i could be arsed, i'd test it :P

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#20: Re: #18

by *spentron* on 04/02/2003 23:19

In other words, straight slopes. I figured it might do that but your first reply sounded like it didn't.

Slope command, cut and paste, grouped up/down adjustment ...

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#21: Re: #18

by Piglet on 04/05/2003 08:39, refers to #20

it certinally could be useful (the cutoff point would still get annoying)

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#22: Re: #18

by Al_Capone on 04/06/2003 07:50, refers to #21

I know some other game engine, that may do more then Cube can.

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#23: Re: #18

by *Thalion* on 04/06/2003 08:43, refers to #22

I know many such engines. However, none of them gives me 150FPS with the highest-quality settings enabled.

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#24: ..

by Darthvim on 04/06/2003 10:01

or upto 250 :) fps

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#25: Re: even more?

by D.plomat on 06/23/2003 14:52, refers to #24

and misconfigured @320x200 i get 900fps ;)

... @1920×1440 i still get 50fps (without FSAA, obviously)... but I think it's truncated @1600x1200 by driver or card, as some parts of the hud/menus are displayed out of screen...

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#26: ..

by Pathegreat on 06/23/2003 23:59

ok we all know that, you can make some whicked hills and junk, but! if you make alot of them over a long span of land it gives you wqd so high, it realy licks the funky polar bears ass hole!if you ask me i think that would suck, also not many pc's can handle a mapsize 20 let aline a mapsize 8! mabe the new cube realese Aard is making will be better for that and you can try and get a nother mod team, and it will be another mod on the list, that will have a 90% chance of failing. so have fun

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