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Sauerbraten - Music

by _Fanatic on 09/05/2005 03:55, 62 messages, last message: 12/15/2005 06:02, 14086 views, last view: 09/29/2024 04:19

I'm working on a soundtrack for Sauerbraten, and I have a question about the music capabilities.

Can you add the ability to string different songs together?

For example, let's say we have 20 tracks at our disposal. Instead of having one track that loops forever, how about make it so you can specify that when a song is finished, it instantly loads up another track.

That way we could make one game feel like it has a 10 minute track, when it's really a bunch of different tracks mixed together dynamically.


I'm planning on doing 20 tracks for Sauerbraten, all exactly 2 minutes each, and all the same tempo (so they can be mixed up and won't sound terribly different).

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#59: ..

by >_< Sauceofallevils >_< on 12/02/2005 13:47

Oh you got some Meshuggah elements in there to. When you say low how low, drop c? a? e? I see a fellow metalhead cuber, thats cool.

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#60: Re: ..

by _Fanatic on 12/03/2005 06:45, refers to #59

Low, as in really low. I think it was down to C, then 3 octaves down? I just tuned down till it didn't rattle anymore. :)

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#61: ..

by >_< Sauceofallevils >_< on 12/03/2005 22:27

Well man, this is exactly the kind of music I always wanted Cube to have so by putting it in Sauerbraten the next genration of Cube, it really makes my day. This is the kind of music that wants me to frag some candy ass! Well ill be sure to keep informed. Keep on rocking!

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#62: ..

by _Fanatic on 12/15/2005 06:02

On a vaguely related note, I just finished and released a new mini-album with 5 tracks called "Doleo". I wrote the songs while I was home sick last week with the 3rd worst sinus infection I've ever had, and I'm still getting over it. This one was brutal (the sinus infection). The tracks are also brutal I guess, very low tuning, and I was aiming for a weird creepy Meshuggah type progressive sound. I'm pretty happy with how they turned out, except for the last track (the EQ kind of stinks and isn't the cleanest I've ever played).


Look for the new "Doleo" album and grab the tracks. Enjoy.

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