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Snout X10000

by eihrul on 01/20/2009 08:08, 70 messages, last message: 05/12/2009 00:16, 26752 views, last view: 06/16/2024 21:51


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#59: Re: ..

by Adobe-Media on 02/13/2009 18:09, refers to #39

I like it.

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#60: sorry for double post, but...

by Bibi on 02/13/2009 18:17

I'd like to know why the md5 skel has arm so for of the chest.
It looks like something between a natural pose, and a pathetic plane pantomine when the player is "idle".
I like the old IS, he stands upright. Why the md5 is like that? Weapons are too big? Or the model was made like a christian cross and the shoulders can't be bended more?
Also, it is hard sometimes to see a demarcation between the head and the body of the IS10K, that's weird... Maybe a darker neck or chin could make it better.

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#61: ..

by Geartrooper on 02/14/2009 09:19

The new Ironsnout uses the exact same rig as Mr Fixit. I'll file this under, "you can't please everybody".

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#62: Re: ..

by Nixot on 03/20/2009 16:21, refers to #42

Can't WAIT for the next release!

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#63: ..

by marvin2k on 04/03/2009 21:16

So beautiful

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#64: Re: ..

by Bibi on 05/07/2009 15:34, refers to #61

In fact, you did a great job with the new guns. It's not perfect (I doubt the grenade launcher can throw such a big 'nade.), but it feel really more natural, and that's great.

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#65: ..

by geartrooper2 on 05/07/2009 16:45

Thanks guys.

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#66: ..

by Maxime -Max of S2D- Lebled on 05/07/2009 17:56

The new shotgun is so satisfying to shoot


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#67: ..

by Fischkopf on 05/09/2009 11:13

the shotgun is the only new weapon i DON'T like. :(

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#68: ..

by Cheezeman12 on 05/09/2009 23:05

gotta love the rifle

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#69: Re: ..

by |ice|sub-zero|L on 05/10/2009 03:02, refers to #50

CVS is only outdated to those who can use SVN. my comp doesn't want to support SVN.

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#70: Re: ..

by )FC($k!llz_ on 05/12/2009 00:16, refers to #67

i HATE the rocket launcher, shotgun, and i mess nebulas

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