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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Enemy Territory + Cube 2 = wOOt?

by ezombie on 01/19/2008 16:25, 258 messages, last message: 04/03/2008 21:39, 195521 views, last view: 09/30/2024 04:24

I made an actual thread for this, since we are still yacking about it. To bring the others up to speed:

"Some of us weirdos have been kicking around the thought of making a community edition of Enemy Territory (the FIRST one). I suggested the Cube 2 engine might be a good base...

This would be a straight port of ETPro gameplay to a standalone open source game, using new 'HD' assets. Nothing too fancy, just better graphics and netcode are what we would be looking for."

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#57: Blam!

by asdfadsfconorfhdjsk on 01/24/2008 21:27

When I said Blam! I was making a sick, sick joke.

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#58: ..

by RealNitro on 01/24/2008 21:57

ezombie: what about existing ET maps? Are you planning on converting them to Sauer maps? Or will this new ET feature only new content?

RTCW multiplayer test 2 and ET used to be my favorite online games so the fact that you seem to be taking this so serious is _very_ exciting. Have you guys set up a website or a forum yet?

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#59: ..

by ezombie on 01/24/2008 23:12

Well, without the legal OK of SD & iD, the stock maps will remain where they are.

We can't even use the models or textures from ET, so it's ALL going to be new content. We will be slowly building up a base set of assets as time goes by.

As for custom maps... I suppose each individual artist will have to determine if they want to port any maps to this.

We would like to (this summer, when there is something to at least play around on), hold a ET:CE map contest on Quadropolis - like they just did with Assasin.

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#60: ..

by ezombie on 01/24/2008 23:28

There is a temporary forum here:


A website will be coming sooner or later, and the project will be hosted by SourceForge. First thing first.

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#61: Re: ..

by yoopers on 01/24/2008 23:52, refers to #49

It's not so much that I think OpenID should be used as-is, it's more that I would love to see a delegated authentication system implemented for something like this. If I've understood correctly, there would effectively be a number of master server "federations" each sharing a common accounts database. Initially there would only be one federation, but later on if I wanted to use my account from federation A to play on a federation B server, would that be supported (ie - would B know how to trust A to authenticate me)? If so, then the substance of my suggestion would be addressed. :]

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#62: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 01/25/2008 00:47, refers to #59

We at Quadropolis (well, they, really, I don't think I'm qualified to count myself as part of "we", but "we" for simplicity) would be glad to hold such a competition.
The last few haven't gone too well, so there've been some thoughts going around, but nothing substantial. (Competitions are suspended indefinitely right now.)
A mapping competition for this new game should be good to get it "out there", as well as get some good content for it.

I think a little while after this is released would be a good time, enough to let people get acquainted, but still soon enough to give a good boost.

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#63: ..

by ezombie on 01/25/2008 01:34

Why would there be more then one 'federation'? I can see the point when it comes to websites, but I'm trying to understand the benefit of that within a single multiplayer game.

The system I described is very close to the current ET:QW setup... just free and no CD keys needed.

There has to be central master servers, otherwise there would be no list of servers in the game. Why not just let them access a simple DB of player accounts?

I was proposing having mutliple master servers that are run by various organizations. They are setup to be like DNS servers, where they sync to/from the master player DB every 5 minutes or so. This way if one or more go down, everything still runs.

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#64: Re: ..

by yoopers on 01/25/2008 03:05, refers to #63

You are, of course, correct that your system as described is exactly similar to ET:QW. I guess I just have an innate distrust of centralized authority (in and out of the computing realm ;). I don't disagree with anything you've outlined in a technical sense, and I've led us off onto a tangent to boot. <Thread On> :D

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#65: ..

by ezombie on 01/25/2008 03:39


I better not tell you that a bonefide MS dev is on our team... you know bill is watching your screen RIGHT NOW!


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#66: Re: ..

by yoopers on 01/25/2008 17:14, refers to #65

<must...hold...tongue......mustn't...throw...Molotov ;->

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#67: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 01/25/2008 20:33, refers to #65

What's he do? (For Microsoft, that is... But for your project too, I guess.)

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#68: simple help offered

by Captain_Ahab on 01/26/2008 01:01

I'd like to do what little contributions I can in modelling. I have familiarity with blender and one can see a few samples of my work on my DeviantArt page,


Anything thats not blatantly related to sauerbraten ( screenshots and take-offs of Orgo ) is what I am capable of.
I also have a couple of things in the Blenderartists forums under 'Captain_Ahab'

I'm nowhere near as good as geartrooper, but maybe I can do simple things to free up talent to do other more complex models.

how many tris in the poly budget for a model?

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#69: Re: ..

by yetanotherdemosthenescomputer on 01/26/2008 03:09, refers to #60

Uh, the splashscreen on that forum, in one of the topics... It says Sauerbraten on it, but Sauerbraten is the name of the FPS mode built on the Cube 2 engine, not the C2 engine itself. Last I checked, anyway. :)

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#70: ..

by ezombie on 01/26/2008 06:51

I'm still confused on that point... could someone official clear it up please?

I would like to pimp the engine in the artwork, any thoughts?

Also, starting to get some assets done: (image)


I'm trying to go for a bit more realistic/gritty look then Sauer.

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#71: ..

by ezombie on 01/26/2008 18:40

Cool beans. Should I slap Mr Cube (the orange logo) up there?

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#72: ..

by ezombie on 01/26/2008 20:03

Here is a test I did with all textures at 512x512 and scale set to 0.5 with bumpmaps:


This really crisped it up, but am I pushing the texture resolution too hard? Would this slow everything down on older machines?

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#73: ..

by ezombie on 01/26/2008 20:40

Yeah, I started with those :)

The engine started bucking like a bronco when editing. It seems OK at 512x512. I'm thinking to make the base set ground textures at 512, since they look so darn nice. Then add about 10 common wall and floor textures at that level, with the rest at 256. This would let most maps fit into a 64-128MB video card footprint.

We can add menu options for compression and some of the other texture controls, so older cards wouldn't be left in the dust.

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#74: SourceForge project site

by ezombie on 01/26/2008 21:07


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#75: Gor Textures

by asdfadsfconorfhdjsk on 01/26/2008 21:48

The "Gor" texture set has a 2048x2048 one...

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#76: ..

by ezombie on 01/27/2008 00:35

So I'm getting 'shimming seams' in medium sized open areas off in the distance on the ground (using CVS).

Is this a known thing, or should I put it on our list to ferret it out?

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