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Snout X10000

by eihrul on 01/20/2009 08:08, 70 messages, last message: 05/12/2009 00:16, 27298 views, last view: 09/29/2024 00:32


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#54: Re: ..

by eihrul on 02/07/2009 16:48, refers to #53

You can choose to be Ogro, except other people will not see you as Ogro. They will see you as whatever model they have chosen for themselves. Of course, if you have chosen to be Ogro, you will see other people who have chosen to be Ogro, as a side-effect. But, if you pick Mr. Fixit, for example, other Ogros will appear to be Mr. Fixits.

The other models, IronSnout and Mr. Fixit, however, people will see your choice, unless you have chosen to disable this.

Given that Ogro is a very old MD2 of vastly different construction and lacking many features the other models support (such as skeletal animation and ragdolling), I have chosen to set up things as above. Ogro is there for nostalgia reasons, but not much else.

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#55: ..

by Fischkopf on 02/07/2009 22:47

you should re-make the ogro^^

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#56: Re: ..

by JadeMatrix on 02/08/2009 04:21, refers to #55

I plan to do sketches once I finish Herr Pig.

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#57: Re: ..

by Maxime -Max of S2D- Lebled on 02/08/2009 15:57, refers to #54

This is insane

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#58: Re: ..

by Bibi on 02/13/2009 18:02, refers to #54

Eihrul said "Ogro is there for nostalgia reasons, but not much else."

Ogro hasn't a lot of poly, so it's maybe a better choice for an old computer...

If there is no LOD with the mapmodel, netheir low detailed version of each, some people would seek to come back to the old stuff.

Also, the IS represent an improvement from the ogro because it has a WYSIWYG weapon and armor... Ragdoll doesn't add anything to gameplay, so why force players with old computer too loose a gameplay feature for the sake of eye candies?

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#59: Re: ..

by Adobe-Media on 02/13/2009 18:09, refers to #39

I like it.

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#60: sorry for double post, but...

by Bibi on 02/13/2009 18:17

I'd like to know why the md5 skel has arm so for of the chest.
It looks like something between a natural pose, and a pathetic plane pantomine when the player is "idle".
I like the old IS, he stands upright. Why the md5 is like that? Weapons are too big? Or the model was made like a christian cross and the shoulders can't be bended more?
Also, it is hard sometimes to see a demarcation between the head and the body of the IS10K, that's weird... Maybe a darker neck or chin could make it better.

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#61: ..

by Geartrooper on 02/14/2009 09:19

The new Ironsnout uses the exact same rig as Mr Fixit. I'll file this under, "you can't please everybody".

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#62: Re: ..

by Nixot on 03/20/2009 16:21, refers to #42

Can't WAIT for the next release!

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#63: ..

by marvin2k on 04/03/2009 21:16

So beautiful

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#64: Re: ..

by Bibi on 05/07/2009 15:34, refers to #61

In fact, you did a great job with the new guns. It's not perfect (I doubt the grenade launcher can throw such a big 'nade.), but it feel really more natural, and that's great.

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#65: ..

by geartrooper2 on 05/07/2009 16:45

Thanks guys.

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#66: ..

by Maxime -Max of S2D- Lebled on 05/07/2009 17:56

The new shotgun is so satisfying to shoot


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#67: ..

by Fischkopf on 05/09/2009 11:13

the shotgun is the only new weapon i DON'T like. :(

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#68: ..

by Cheezeman12 on 05/09/2009 23:05

gotta love the rifle

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#69: Re: ..

by |ice|sub-zero|L on 05/10/2009 03:02, refers to #50

CVS is only outdated to those who can use SVN. my comp doesn't want to support SVN.

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#70: Re: ..

by )FC($k!llz_ on 05/12/2009 00:16, refers to #67

i HATE the rocket launcher, shotgun, and i mess nebulas

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