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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Herr Pig

by JadeMatrix on 02/01/2009 21:56, 53 messages, last message: 06/01/2009 22:39, 16528 views, last view: 06/02/2024 06:08

Rather than hijack the Snout X10000 thread, I'll make my own. Plus, it'll be easier for people to comment (which is much needed).

What this is:
A design for a third playermodel for Sauer. My goal right now is just to throw this out for the community to comment on, and perfect the design.

Note that in Firefox (at least on my comp) the slightly blue greys I used in Ps display too much blue. Try opening the pictures with another application, if it annoys you.

Original design (nixed):

V2 (more how I originally wanted it to look):

V3 (drawn over the ragdoll skeleton, thanks to Geartrooper):
(also includes shoulder patch designs for red & blue teams. other colors/decals to come later)

(Why am I making so many of these? I just got my first tablet and need the practice. And it's a little fun.)

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#51: Re: ..

by JadeMatrix on 05/31/2009 05:16, refers to #50

Notice the original posting date. I've been working on and off on this for about three months now, and it's still in concept stage. It'll be done when it's done *satisfactorily*.

That's really the only way anything around here gets done anyways :)

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#52: Re: ..

by |ice|sub-zero|L on 05/31/2009 23:26, refers to #51

quite true, although its not to quiet a fourm, i have seen slower and more boring fourms. in here it actually a bit more excitment.

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#53: ..

by WakeField on 06/01/2009 22:39

Jade, remember to post when you've started development, K? I'm really excited about this new model. :)

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