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CVS, textures and water

by voldemar on 09/10/2006 11:40, 26 messages, last message: 09/12/2006 05:07, 10576 views, last view: 06/01/2024 21:29

I downloaded latest unix binaries from CVS and when i connect to coopedit server and do \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'/getmap\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' i get map with wrong textures e.g. box textures where must be sand one. And in textures menu i have only about 15 of them (only in coopedit)

Also, how to make water look like on screenshots?

P.S. im n00b and sorry if questions are stupid

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#6: Re: ..

by Passa on 09/10/2006 12:54, refers to #5

voldemar, what graphics card do you have?

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#7: Re: ..

by voldemar on 09/10/2006 12:55, refers to #6

nVidia Geforce 4 MX440 SE (64MB)

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#8: ..

by makkE on 09/10/2006 13:05

Voldemar, your card doesn´t support shader model 2.0, no fancy water for you, sorry.

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#9: ..

by Koopaboy on 09/10/2006 13:21

And what about mine?I have Geforce FX 5200 ,can that run Shaders 2.0.BTW why do I have the feeling that Sauer is badly optimalized? I can run Doom 3 on Medium quality with 800x600 res with 45 fps in average and when I run Sauer I must change resolution to 640x480 and it still runs 20 fps in normalmap.

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#10: Re: ..

by voldemar on 09/10/2006 13:38, refers to #8

>your card doesn´t support shader model 2.0, no fancy water for you, sorry.
Is there a way to emulate this?

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#11: ..

by makkE on 09/10/2006 13:54

Koopaboy, it´s still in developement. A 5200 can support shader 2.0, but it simply hasen´t got the guts to push them properly.


check this.
I suggest you try -f1 -a0 -b16 -z24

And be sure to turn off antialiasing and anisotropic filtering in your driver´s settings.

voldemar, no way to emulate it. If there would be a way, your card would probably run it at 1 fps anyways.

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#12: Re: ..

by voldemar on 09/10/2006 15:49, refers to #11

Then... what nVidia card you will recommend? And from what manufacturer? (e.g. gainward etc.). :-) (for this game i can spend 70$ for a new videocard ;))

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#13: ..

by Conor on 09/10/2006 19:17

And I can spend 100-150$
tell me to, (I can only use pci low profile cards, unless i run it with the case open.)

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#14: ..

by makkE on 09/10/2006 20:35

gf6600gt is a nice mid budget card to run sauer. That´s what I got. Can´t give any further advice though, I´m no hardware junkie ;)

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#15: ..

by Passa on 09/10/2006 23:53

A GeForce 6600GT will be able to run Sauerbraten with all the fancy visual effects, and might only drop to a low of 50 FPS or so on deathtek with all the shaders turned on. Here its about $100 Australian dollars (around $75 US dollars or so). This is one of the best cards to run Sauerbraten on mainly for its value.

Be warned though, an upgrade might be useless if you have other poor components.. no point adding a 6600GT to a system with a Athlon 1400+ with 256MB or RAM you know :)

What are your other specs?

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#16: ..

by conor1 on 09/11/2006 00:03

For me, my specs are

dual 1.72 GHZ pentium d (both procs) 1 gig of ram (i can upgrade to 4) and some sigma tel audio (surround)

BTW, this is a dell xps 200

(i am posting this from my dell optiplex gx110, which i play saueron somtimes, so my name is conor1)

ALSO: is this card a low profile? or not, i prolly could just run with the case open though :)

BTW this comp (the conor1 comp) has 256 MB of ram it is a p3 750 MHZ, and is using an nvidia geforce 2 with 64 mb of ram (i have no plans to upgrade this one :))

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#17: Re: ..

by ethan592 on 09/11/2006 05:31, refers to #16

conor your specs should be fine with a new video card. im not sure what you mean by low profile but if your case is so small you have to run with it open just about any shader card will prolly get really hot if you manage to fit it in there. and just so you know unless you have two seperate physical processors you really only running at about 3ghz (and im not even sure if sauer takes advantage of dual core processors). but w/e slap in a vid card. i would recommend a 256mb. 128 is not going to be futureproof and 512 would be kinda a waste in your system.

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#18: ..

by voldemar on 09/11/2006 07:01

My specs are P4 2.4Ghz, 512MB.

Is 50fps good or needed better?

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#19: Re: ..

by Passa on 09/11/2006 07:33, refers to #17

ethan, he has a xps dell, which is a small-form-factor sized computer.. which means he will have to look for low-profile cards... there are alot of low-profile 6600GTs on the market (the new ones anyway) and have a look at the 7300GS (it is a dedicated small form GPU)

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#20: ..

by Max of S2D [Fr] on 09/11/2006 13:04

I know GeForce 5200 will not be good to run sauer at good fps number...

does it support the shader model 2.0 ? (with latest drivers)

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#21: Re: ..

by ethan592 on 09/11/2006 15:27, refers to #19

not all xps are small form factor but thats kinda what i guessed. i think the 6600 would be better than the 7300.

voldemar you should shoot for 60fps. your processor should be ok but some more ram never hurts

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#22: Re: ..

by kurtis84 on 09/11/2006 20:19, refers to #20

The 5200's DO show everything that sauerbraten can do...at a very low fps. I have one in a second pc here, and I get around 10-15fps in the DM maps that used normalmaps...haven't tried it with the new water features, but I know a 5200 can do it...just really slow, and only at a low resolution. This chipset was a POS the day it was released. Hell, the tech demos from nvidia that were MADE FOR THE 5200's, run like shit on a 5200.

If it were my money, I would not buy anything less than a 6600gt. If you have a PCIX slot, imho, you should go up a generation above the 6xxx cards. IF you're going to upgrade, theres no point in buying hardware thats several years behind. The 6600's arent very old, but they are borderline for PLAYABLE shader 2.0 power.

P.S. I seriously doubt you will find a good graphics card to fit in that xps case. Leaving the cover off is not a great idea, as you'll eliminate the airflow....maybe spend another $20-50 USD for a new case with room to breathe in?

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#23: ..

by makkE on 09/11/2006 21:56

With the 6600gt i still get around 100fps in dm levels with water, on -f1 .. that´s pretty playable and still looks good (imho you won´t really need f4 when you play a game as fast as this, but you still get the vital effects of all the shader candy).

It´s a good mid budget/mid-preformance card. Will suck on UT2007, but is fine for sauerbraten ;)

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#24: Re: ..

by Passa on 09/12/2006 00:00, refers to #23

I'm just hoping to manage mid-range settings for UT2007 on my 7800GT..

On the otherhand I just hope Crysis runs at all on my computer >_>

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#25: Re: ..

by ethan592 on 09/12/2006 05:02, refers to #24

isnt crysis supposed to be dx10? if so then it wont run lol. 7800gt has HUGE overclocking potential and with a good computer backing it, there shouldnt be much of a problem running ut.

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