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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Future ideas, the design.

by marvin2k on 05/10/2009 17:15, 70 messages, last message: 07/21/2009 01:15, 47702 views, last view: 06/26/2024 09:12

I surprised with all of new changes in cube2, they are really really good, congratulations to all. Anyway, i have always the same impresion with a lot of free games. They need a DESIGNER.
For me, sauer need a design team to all, there are a lot of things unconected, ilogical, rare. It need a design director that ordenate maps, UI, etc.. and made (with help) all of they similar or with a few temetic (or world) to be unity.
I really dont understand sometimes this kind of free games, beucause, they choose made without union, not like a circle.
This is that game needs really needs, and there are a lot of good designers on quadropolis. this is that i think, it is only a idea, you can dismiss, but cosiderer it.


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#6: ..

by Fischkopf on 05/11/2009 14:29

some ideas to add:
-movable dead ragdoll option (maybe a ragdoll menu)
-crouch (every fps should have that)
-secondary fire mode
-UT-like killing spree/double kill announcement
-more Playermodels (is an UT3 Model Converter Possible)

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#7: Design/Directions

by baby~rabbit on 05/11/2009 23:41

Art & design sounds nice - but if sauerbraten expects to survive and standout (as opposed to continuing to copy every other fps) then is should start putting a lot more effort into the place where it is unique and could really shine: EDITING!

Sill need designers - need critique on the whole editing process and tools, gui, etc. We know it works, but it would be nice if it was even more user friendly and all the hick ups were ironed out.. just my 2 cents.

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#8: Re: Design/Directions

by )FC($k!llz_ on 05/11/2009 23:43, refers to #7

ddont worry, im working on a map called god forsaken. i expect it to be good when its done

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#9: Re: Design/Directions

by )FC($k!llz_ on 05/11/2009 23:52, refers to #7

i personnally think...VEHICLES!! would be good for a fast paste game like sauer.

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#10: Re: Design/Directions

by tentus_ on 05/12/2009 02:32, refers to #9


And anyone who tries to start a discussion about this will simply be censored. We have too many vehicle threads already.

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#11: Re: Design/Directions

by mayhem on 05/12/2009 03:07, refers to #7

Just a note on tweaking the editing portion of cube 2.

Am I the only one who has difficulty finding the selection handle when it's occluded by map geometry? I've often wished this little orange box would be visible without having to fly around and 'make sure' I've got my selection oriented correctly. It isn't a huge problem, but it is a recurring snag for me.

I agree that in-game editing is where Cube 2 stands head and shoulders above all others and, in fact, this is what had drawn me in the first place. I'm sure many others whom we may never see in-game or on these forums were enticed by this very feature. I welcome any effort to improve on it.

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#12: Re: Design/Directions

by SheeEttin on 05/12/2009 03:55, refers to #11

Could tap 8 to toggle wireframe.

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#13: Re: Design/Directions

by mayhem on 05/13/2009 02:39, refers to #12

Thanks SheeEttin,
I've been doing that(when I remember to). I really should use wireframe more often when mapping.

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#14: Re: ..

by |ice|sub-zero|L on 05/13/2009 21:45, refers to #6

also new materials like ice and hurt and you might be able to slant materials ect,ect. if anyone can find the material "death" in the scripting for it i would be glad to try and make the "hurt" material. and for the ice material you would be able to slide ect,ect. and i would need someone who knows how to make ou slide and then add it to the new material. any one who wants to desine this stuff welcome. and new ideas for materials also welcome.

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#15: ..

by Hooded_Sniper on 05/13/2009 23:10

Quicksand could be interesting. Harder to get out of than water, and when your head is submerged you die.

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#16: ..

by K1P57A on 05/14/2009 19:54

It would be great that the UI could be divided in frames whereas people could contribute their own designs.

Similar to the pre existing UI files, but perhaps kept in a single hi-res 24 bit .png file, allowing transparency?

just an idea. Noone likes the same looks, so making them unique or be able to upload a greater variety to quadropolis would be awesome :)

cheers, Phil

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#17: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 05/14/2009 20:10, refers to #16

How would that work with different resolutions? I play at 1280x800, which is neither 4x3 or 16x9. I think the current way of storing the hud images is fine, it's just got a steeper learning curve than most people want to deal with.

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#18: Re: ..

by |ice|sub-zero|L on 05/15/2009 00:02, refers to #15

i can tell you what you need for that, you need the material water and reset the varibles, change the sound to a sandy sound, put the material death to a certan ammont below the sand and change the colors, also you might want to reset some other things 'cause if you don't you'll be able to see through it while being inside it.

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#19: ..

by Maxime -Max of S2D- Lebled on 05/15/2009 20:30

What would truly be awesome is a hurt material.

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#20: Re: ..

by )FC($k!llz_ on 05/15/2009 22:36, refers to #19

i think a gravity material would be kool, like expecially a negitive number, so u float up.

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#21: Re: ..

by |ice|sub-zero|L on 05/16/2009 01:42, refers to #19

didn't you read what i put, i am working on it, my problem now presists that i need these things: a way for the person to set their own amount of damage (1 hp-99 hp) , a way for the person to set their own time for it to hurt you again (1 sec-5 mins)and to set the defaults of damage and time while should be (damage 25%) and of (time 30 secs). it'll take time, but i'll be extreamly grateful if one of you people will help hake the "ice" material.

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#22: fine

by MisanthropX- on 05/16/2009 11:24

all your ideas are nice but..
the main topic is not "lets spam random ideas what are posted already 10 years ago"

i may requote the topic creator:
"They need a DESIGNER.
For me, sauer need a design team to all, there are a lot of things unconected, ilogical, rare. It need a design director that ordenate maps, UI, etc.. and made (with help) all of they similar or with a few temetic (or world) to be unity."

Sauerbraten is an open source game, everyone can contribute to quadropolis, and then when the map is good enough it gets into release..

I personally think a Team of "Main Designers" for Sauer would be really nice with people who dont map only..
Its true that sauer is too random atm..
: a random person creates random mapmodels, another one use it for his map. and someone is doint tex and someone is using it.

A designer team would be really nice..
So you can create Mapmodels, Textures and maps together.
Then you can put all together,
Cause everyone isnt able to create tex, models and maps.
And also especially the map designers.
you can't create a proper map with more
then four people, at least if not all are making layout.

Well.. thios would be actually a nice idea but.. many like to work alone cause they know maps are better when they are built alone, cause then the other one/s cant fuck up layout/design/lights etc.

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#23: ..

by Quin on 05/16/2009 13:47

Bottom line is, unless you care to start paying everyone, you're not going to get this in the Open Source world. Period.

If you do want to throw money around though, I won't say no :P

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#24: ..

by MisanthropX- on 05/16/2009 14:21

There are people who like to do it for free.. like me

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#25: Re: ..

by |ice|sub-zero|L on 05/16/2009 17:35, refers to #24

and if i knew how to do it all myself or with a few of my friends, of course i would do it for free.

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