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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Permanent Servers

by eihrul on 02/03/2002 00:50, 472 messages, last message: 03/21/2008 13:36, 272768 views, last view: 09/30/2024 15:24

Anyone wanting to announce a permanent Cube server should place such announcements in this thread. Of course, the main servers at this point are grunt.splatterworld.de and dark.asamnet.de

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#440: New server!

by afdskjlconorhfjdshk on 12/26/2007 18:50

My server will be on and off, but you can

/connect conorkirkpatrick.com

and it should connect...

It shows up as "Real Sauer" or as "Real Cube" in Sauerbraten and Cube, respectively.

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#441: The lots'a'pigs level

by Poroc on 01/06/2008 23:23

Would someone be generous enough to please tell me how to finish the secret imps hideout level?
( The one with 100 pigs ).

Also i think cube should mainly be played by gamers who have only a 56 k modem and 486.

Most of us dont care about the ping ( milli seconds or whatever ).

Richer fellows with broadband and pentium 4 1.7 GHZ + are more than happy with "Sauerbraten" ( Cube 2 ).

Not too mention all the other games that i can only dream of playing.

No offence its logic.

I do know that the old dos games are real kick ass.

Q: Why dont i get a better computer and net connection?
A: Well i would but i am too poor.

I built this computer from "Pieces of rusty old crap" and payed nothing for.
So why should I, when nice and understanding fellows create games like "cube" that work just fine with my box of bits.

Loyal and supporting fellow of generous game makers who donate their time and expertise. I would help but i dont know all that much, ( and cant afford schooling.)

I would donate guys but i dont have a credit card.

Peace out!

My first Blog. Yahoo
Hey everyone i wrote this. Woohoo
Get stuck into em. Yippee


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#442: Re: The lots'a'pigs level

by jbuk2k7s cookie has gone on 01/07/2008 17:22, refers to #441

What does that have to do with permanent servers?

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#443: Re: pings

by Megagun on 01/09/2008 15:43, refers to #428

Then what *are* pings, and why are they not useful to be measured or limited? Feel free to clarify that instead of just shouting out that people "don't know"?

If I play on my own server and have an extremely low ping, and someone else has a ping of 200, it'll still have a pretty significant gameplay-altering effect, due to the fact that I'm playing "in the present" whereas the other player is effectively playing "in the past". One of the iffy sideeffects this has is that people in the past can hurt you whilst you're nowhere near them, but they clearly hit you on their computer, the server knows this, and you're given some damage. So yes, people with high pings are able play, but you won't ever have the challenging fast-paced closerange "real" encounters with them. Thus if you want a challenging Instagib match (for example), without people yelling "HAX! I WAS BEHIND THE WALL!" and with people having challenging fights rather than picking off people who are just running around "randomly" (but in the past), you'd want to have a ping limit in place, and a packetjump limit, even though that might not be very doable or have any noticeable effect..

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#444: Re: pings

by SheeEttin on 01/09/2008 18:48, refers to #443

The way I understand it, your ping time is the time it takes for a message to go from your computer to the other, while packet jump is how many packets off the other person is playing.

The two are related, but they measure different things.

Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, though...

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#445: Re: pings

by demosthenes on 01/09/2008 20:43, refers to #444

Sounds about right.

Ping isn't as much of an issue as packet jump, because the engine will automatically extrapolate their movements during periods of not receiving packets. You can still hit them in the same way as they hit you, of course. You just might die alongside them because of their high ping if they kill you shortly after you kill them (because they aren't dead quite yet, due to lag).

Packet Jump is the distance between their packets or something similar. This makes their movements very choppy when it gets high (as the engine is extrapolating (often incorrectly) where they're going to be more often than they're telling you). I'd much rather limit packet jump than ping, but I challenge someone to find the magic number where the limit should be.

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#446: permanent servers

by Poroc on 01/12/2008 04:43

Oh. Sorry.
Please feel free to delete the blog that is irrelavent (Lots'a'pigs level)in permanent servers by Poroc.

I would like a permanent server in Australia because ping for me at best is around 500.
This isnt so bad but it makes it too hard sometimes.

Where is the cube server located?

Also how do i host a server myself?

How do i find the reply for this message.


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#447: Pings

by Poroc on 01/12/2008 05:33

I am a little unsure.

I use a 56 k modem on a 486.(Gnarly)

I usually play with a ping of about 500, am i the "player in the past or the player in the future"?

I dont like all too much being killed around the corners or when noone is in sight.

I must say that i see players standing about for two seconds before they can move.( I shoot them immediately for frags ) HaHa
I presume this is their next starting position.

Is this because of the location of players or is it because braodband connections v dial up connections?

I would love too see a permanent server dedicated to 56k dial up connections only.

It really would be a Blast!

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#448: permanent servers

by Poroc on 01/12/2008 05:59

Sorry, i am just learning to navigate this forum.

I do not know what the server actually is but i have an idea.

Cube to get a pentium 4 dual core processor and we can use one half of the processor to host a server for braodband play only and the other half for 56k dialup play only.

Its that simple.

Pings will be less of an issue in gameplay.

Cheers dudes.

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#449: Re: permanent servers

by SheeEttin on 01/12/2008 06:08, refers to #448

You could get a new computer and play some Sauerbraten... I'm pretty sure there's a dedicated AU server that's up most of the time.

Oh, and that thing about the dual-core processor wouldn't work.

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#450: Re: permanent servers

by demosthenes on 01/12/2008 06:19, refers to #449

Who says it wouldn't work?

I can force applications to use one core or the other. If I had two connections, I could tell one to listen on each of two IPs. Though I don't see why that would do any good. So, it would work, but there'd be no point.

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#451: Re: permanent servers

by SheeEttin on 01/12/2008 06:42, refers to #450

Well yeah, that'd work, but he's thinking of it in a different way. (I think.)

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#452: Re: permanent servers

by demosthenes on 01/12/2008 06:54, refers to #451

Ah. He could very well be.

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#453: Dedicated (FireWall) Problems

by Kyuki on 01/14/2008 01:32

Anyone know how to accept it? Or like make a dedicated server program that actually pops up saying "In order to run this program, you must accept this program from your firewall" and at that time it pops up and you hit Yes.

But thats not the case... Nothing pops up, I have my norton off and Firewall off, nothing else, and still says check your firewall.

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#454: Re: Dedicated (FireWall) Problems

by MovingTarget on 01/14/2008 02:24, refers to #453

Have you opened the necessary ports in your router?

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#455: Re: Dedicated (FireWall) Problems

by MeatROme on 01/14/2008 05:50, refers to #454


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#456: Re: Dedicated (FireWall) Problems

by Megagun_otherPC on 01/14/2008 13:36, refers to #455

And if you can\\\\\\\'t host, and want to play with friends (instead of opening a public server), try Hamachi: https://secure.logmein.com/products/hamachi/vpn.asp?lang=en
which allows you to make a private \\\\\\\'LAN\\\\\\\' without all the Router and port forwarding troubles. Just make sure you watch your Firewall and set it to not block Sauerbraten server.

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#457: Re: Pings

by chris052692 on 01/29/2008 00:42, refers to #447

ur in teh past presumebly... ur ping is 500 then wow thats pretty bad if not worse than mine by a long shot... ur ping SHOULD be around 50s-130s to be "normal" or not in the past even 200s are ok but a lil laggy i can say... i dunno this is just what im saying from my experience... and u shouldnt blame ping all the time sometimes ur internet just plain suks or ur graphics card cant handle teh graphics(ur comp. should be able to handle cube 2) or ur downloading something else while u play. Or even it coould be a server lag... well 500 ping, is just about in the past...sorry to inform u, but hey im just one guy maybe ur not in the past, maybe thats just me, but this is from my experience playing FPS games so there you go

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#458: What?

by hfsdjkconorhfsdkj on 01/31/2008 15:30

Chris, ping has nothing to do with the graphics card.

I used to have a slow connection, and what happened, is my ping was- get this- perfectly ok. My ping was sitting at a nice 450, which at first glance seems bad, but in Sauerbraten, ping doesn't do much at all, the main thing that you should be looking at is a high PJ. (Packetjump).

(And just to let you know, if you go look in a server to see your PJ, it's gonna read 0, you will have to ask someone else what your PJ is, because you will always see your own as 0).

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#459: User-made map selection

by JBridge on 02/10/2008 22:25

There should be an extra tab in the "load map" creen called "user maps" or something, so you don't have to remember the maps' names.


P.S. Maybe someone could try to make a revamped version of firstmapever? I'd like to see how that works out.

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