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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Permanent Servers

by eihrul on 02/03/2002 00:50, 472 messages, last message: 03/21/2008 13:36, 272817 views, last view: 09/30/2024 17:32

Anyone wanting to announce a permanent Cube server should place such announcements in this thread. Of course, the main servers at this point are grunt.splatterworld.de and dark.asamnet.de

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#44: New Server

by Shockie on 04/20/2003 06:20 - Uber Cuber

its on a 2.4ghz P4 w/1024mb ram, Red Hat 8.0 in a data centre in chicago :)

100mbit connection :) go forth and enjoy low pings

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#45: ..

by Pathegreat on 04/21/2003 15:27

thank your shokie i appreciat you help

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#46: Re: ..

by Piglet on 04/26/2003 15:52, refers to #42

I didn't mean to sound nasty Pathegreat. If it came out wrong then I apologize.

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#47: ..

by Pathegreat on 04/26/2003 17:04

nonon u dont have 2 its fine buddy

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#48: Re: ..

by Piglet on 04/26/2003 22:30, refers to #47

i'm glad :)

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#49: TaurusClan server

by Kiney on 04/30/2003 08:54

hi, I am the Admin of the server named "TaurusClan", I will try to keep the server online 24/7, but somitemes it might be offline.
It is ever available under kiney.homelinux.org
our clanpage is www.taurusclan.tk

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by Shockie on 05/04/2003 16:05

Go and download a perl script i just put together:

all it does is keep the cuber DS alive, if ir crashes, it restarts it after a few seconds (changeable). This means that you done need to worry about if your server is up or not :)

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#51: re: notice to those who run linux servers

by mumbo$jumbo on 05/04/2003 17:52, refers to #50

nice one Shockie i'll consider using it. I use this on godzilla.uib.no (keep-it-all-on-one-line):
while true; do screen -A -d -m -S cube-server ./linux_server -i129.177.207.10 -nGodzilla; sleep 5; done &

which basically keeps the server up and running, but without the nice log stuff. Logs are good.


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#52: Re: notice to those who run linux servers

by Shockie on 05/04/2003 18:15, refers to #51

Yeh, i like the ability to be able to see WHY my server went down.

ive got about 80 IP addresses on my server, but when i try to secify an IP, the master server cant ping me if its not the shared one, any ideas?

im hoping that wouter will modify the source code so that we can hae full stats go up on our server, like kills, deaths, etc

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#53: Dutch server at Lichtsnel.nl

by WiZZarD on 05/06/2003 12:53, refers to #52

Well, ive started a dutch server wich can be reached at wizzard.lichtsnel.nl or .... as long as my comp wont crash, it will be runnin 24/7

and since im quite new to this game ive got some questions as well... how do u set a server name?? if this has been metioned elsewhere, i must have overlooked it, cuz i couldnt find it :( so if any1 can help me with this, thanx a lot :D

(basically i couldnt even find the whole server configuration... im runnin it off an windows machine, wich suxx i know :) but if any1 could point me in the right diretion i would be very happy)


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#54: Re: Dutch server at Lichtsnel.nl

by WiZZarD on 05/06/2003 12:59, refers to #53

hmz, never mind the server naming, just read trhough the readme :) stupid little me never reads them ;)

but then i still wanna know if there is a way of using a cofig file for the server....

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#55: Re: Dutch server at Lichtsnel.nl

by Thalion on 05/06/2003 14:00, refers to #54

What do you mean by a "config file"? I think you can set the options you want from the command-line.

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#56: Re: Dutch server at Lichtsnel.nl

by Shockie on 05/06/2003 14:03, refers to #54

nope, there is not, all there is to configure is the name..

if you want to make your server re-start when it crashes, open server.bat and replace the contents with this:

@echo off
echo Starting Cube
bin\cube.exe -d %1 %2 %3 %4 %5
echo Cube Crashed

that will restart the server when it crashes :) just start the server as you normaly would

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#57: Re: Dutch server at Lichtsnel.nl

by WiZZarD on 05/06/2003 14:13, refers to #56

aight, thanx a lot guys.. ill probably will come up with lots more of stupid questions, but at the moment im completely satisfied :)

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#58: Re: Dutch server at Lichtsnel.nl

by Shockie on 05/06/2003 14:19, refers to #57

running a cube server is dead simple, start... forget :)

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#59: Auto startup...

by shockie_W210 on 05/07/2003 02:53

How do i get the server to start up on boot? dont remember the command... should i use xinit.d?

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by aaaaaaa on 05/14/2003 13:40


phoenix.inf.upol.cz (

2xP3, 2GB RAM, 390GB HDD, Euro-T1

ServerOp: lzap@root.cz

Happy Cubing ;-)

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#61: cube is great!

by Ben on 05/21/2003 03:04

hi fellas, a note to say what a good job cube is around. i have just started playing 1st prsn games on p.c and am having trouble with motion sickness! not so with this game :-) any tips to stop me throwing up on quake?

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#62: ..

by Pathegreat on 05/21/2003 03:53

hmmmmm ben wierd i guess just play with a bag on your face, or a bucket beside you this seams qwite odd and rare so i dont think anyone will have any remadies other then that sorry ben

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#63: Re: cube is great!

by pushplay on 05/21/2003 04:51, refers to #61

That's one of those things that'll just go away if you keep playing. Try playing with a lot of lights on so your room is very well lit. It won't cure you, but it will help. That and taking breaks when you start to feel ill.

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