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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Permanent Servers

by eihrul on 02/03/2002 00:50, 472 messages, last message: 03/21/2008 13:36, 272624 views, last view: 09/30/2024 09:19

Anyone wanting to announce a permanent Cube server should place such announcements in this thread. Of course, the main servers at this point are grunt.splatterworld.de and dark.asamnet.de

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#422: w337 server

by dz0004455 on 10/31/2007 01:44

the W337 clan has a server, sometimes, now. sWEET

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#423: ..

by LuckyStrike on 11/26/2007 16:48

does create listen server is possible? didn't found info in the wiki (sorry if that question have been answered thousand times )

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#424: Re: ..

by MeatROme on 11/27/2007 07:07, refers to #423

RTFM - the wiki is only there to /supplement/ the basic documentation.
pass "-d" for dedicated to your EXE or start the bin_unix/linux_server which is purely dedicated anyway.

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#425: pings

by ATIRULE on 11/27/2007 09:25

A way to limit the clients ping time would be nice

IE clients with ping over XXXX number
would not be able to connect

also I would like a way for server admin to connect to a master mode 3 server so

IE for us clan member haveing a noob lock our Own server for like 5 hours on end is very annoying
maby /connect IP Adminpass -mastermode

btw u can't add the #votemaster command thing with out adding the #kickmaster as well in case some A$$ gets master IE Fraggingfucktard :P

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#426: Re: pings

by Drakas on 12/16/2007 12:32, refers to #425

You don't understand pings at all.
/connect <ip> <password> would be very useful though.

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#427: Re: pings

by SanHolo on 12/16/2007 18:47, refers to #426

Why not? Not allowing players with a ping of 400+ could be useful. ;-)

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#428: Re: pings

by Drakas on 12/16/2007 18:50, refers to #427

You don't understand pings either.

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#429: Re: pings

by jbuk2k7s cookie has gone on 12/16/2007 21:18, refers to #427

A packagejump threshold would work better, seeing as that's what actually matters in sauer.

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#430: Re: pings

by MovingTarget on 12/16/2007 22:30, refers to #429

Correction: packetjump. Yes, that is what really matters. No, I don't think it is useful. Yes, you can pretty easily mod it in.

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#431: Re: pings

by Drakas on 12/16/2007 22:53, refers to #430

Not that easy. You may need to add in some statistics recording, to find out an average or such. + many more complications if someone gets a short burst of lag.
Also, it's the master who should take care of wrappers, not automation.

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#432: Re: pings

by MovingTarget on 12/16/2007 23:21, refers to #431

Averages are quite easy. Take a sample every second or so, calculate the average, and if this behavior has been going on for more than, say, twenty seconds (which we can easily determine), then we disconnect them.

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#433: Re: pings

by Drakas on 12/17/2007 08:56, refers to #432

go on, implement an *efficient* and *reliable* system IF this is so easy.

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#434: Re: pings

by SanHolo on 12/17/2007 17:05, refers to #428

What makes you think so?

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#435: Re: pings

by MovingTarget on 12/17/2007 17:36, refers to #434

Your ping is not all that important, SanHolo. I've seen people with 1,000+ ping play smoothly on a server. Although the smoothness may be somewhat due to Sauer's client prediction.

If anything, PJ is much more important.

Your PJ (packet jump) is the time it takes for packets from your instance of Sauerbraten to travel to the server. These packets contain vital information, such as your position, whether you are shooting, and if so, what gun you are using, etc. If you have a very high PJ, then... you can see what would happen.

To #433: Drakas, calm down. And I will see what I can do about implementing this, on top of all my other projects.

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#436: Re: pings

by Drakas on 12/17/2007 17:48, refers to #435

I'm always calm.

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#437: Re: pings

by MovingTarget on 12/17/2007 18:23, refers to #436

Under fire, maybe.

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#438: Re: pings

by yetanotherdemosthenescomputer on 12/18/2007 00:16, refers to #435

See, and here I was thinking that what you described as PJ was actually the ping, and that packet jump was simply the time between packets during which the engine was required to interpolate the player's movements. Hence, the lower the pj, the smoother the gameplay.

Under your scenario, what does ping mean?

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#439: Re: pings

by SanHolo on 12/18/2007 12:51, refers to #435

I haven't said that ping is important, I just pointed out that restricting players to below a certain ping threshold could be useful. I've seen people playing with 1500+ ms pings, and that's where it starts to make sense. Packetjump is not that different from the ping, but as you say it sounds like the better way to tell players to stay away from the server or to stop downloading pr0n while playing. =)

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#440: New server!

by afdskjlconorhfjdshk on 12/26/2007 18:50

My server will be on and off, but you can

/connect conorkirkpatrick.com

and it should connect...

It shows up as "Real Sauer" or as "Real Cube" in Sauerbraten and Cube, respectively.

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#441: The lots'a'pigs level

by Poroc on 01/06/2008 23:23

Would someone be generous enough to please tell me how to finish the secret imps hideout level?
( The one with 100 pigs ).

Also i think cube should mainly be played by gamers who have only a 56 k modem and 486.

Most of us dont care about the ping ( milli seconds or whatever ).

Richer fellows with broadband and pentium 4 1.7 GHZ + are more than happy with "Sauerbraten" ( Cube 2 ).

Not too mention all the other games that i can only dream of playing.

No offence its logic.

I do know that the old dos games are real kick ass.

Q: Why dont i get a better computer and net connection?
A: Well i would but i am too poor.

I built this computer from "Pieces of rusty old crap" and payed nothing for.
So why should I, when nice and understanding fellows create games like "cube" that work just fine with my box of bits.

Loyal and supporting fellow of generous game makers who donate their time and expertise. I would help but i dont know all that much, ( and cant afford schooling.)

I would donate guys but i dont have a credit card.

Peace out!

My first Blog. Yahoo
Hey everyone i wrote this. Woohoo
Get stuck into em. Yippee


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