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I cant start Cube

by niklas on 06/08/2003 11:15, 61 messages, last message: 11/18/2005 01:34, 30585 views, last view: 06/26/2024 11:15

when I run Cube with the cube_unix script my screen become black for a second and then nothing happen.. can someone help me?

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#42: Re: error loading shared lib

by pushplay on 02/25/2004 21:21, refers to #41

You're probably lacking SDL_image.

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#43: /newchars.png

by ace of spades on 06/24/2005 00:47

Hey im really new to this stuff but everytime i open cube it says it cant open /newchars.png wat can i do i seen someone eles post the same thing and some 1 responded to open newchars and tunning it 2 256x256 but i dunno how 2 get 2 newchars i dunno if i even have newchars on my pc:S

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#44: Re: Let's have a wiki page for Linux installs

by D.plomat on 06/24/2005 18:25, refers to #44

I think that's a good idea. I have started a FAQ at:

but i'd add more into and a wiki could help.

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#45: Re: Let's have a wiki page for Linux installs

by kernowyon on 06/24/2005 18:54, refers to #44

I have several questions and replies - including various problems and solutions on a thread over on the Linux distro I admin for. If you want. I can dig them all out and either help write up a Wiki or can pass them to D.plomat or whoever if it will help. They are mostly the generic "how do you run Cube" or graphics card related - lack of 3d acceleration etc issues.

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#46: Re: Let's have a wiki page for Linux installs

by D.plomat on 06/24/2005 19:35, refers to #46

Cool, i've been away from her for about 6 weeks, looks like i've missed a lot of cool stuff. (plus a major Sauer release.. can't wit to test it :)

About the FAQ, I think it should be somewhere accessible both in the docs and site, but first it must be really finished and checked so the more ppl contribute the most complete it'll be.

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#47: Re: Let's have a wiki page for Linux installs

by kernowyon on 06/24/2005 20:54, refers to #46

No problem. I will dig out what I can find and compile it into some sort of order - remove the superfluous bits etc.
Then I shall post it on the Wiki and it can be edited or whtever as needed there.
This will hopefully help to reduce the number of people with connectivity issues in their Linux systems.
If we could do something similar for Windows as well - that would be good for those people.
I will check out Aards wiki. I must admit I hadn't seen that.

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#48: Re: Let's have a wiki page for Linux installs

by kernowyon on 06/24/2005 23:07, refers to #46

OK - I have made a start on the wiki stuff.

I added Cube to Aards wiki and then added a Windows and a Linux section. Obviously,I have worked on the Linux one for now (I have little experience of Windows nowadays). I did a quick install section, and a troubleshooting one - feel free to edit/add/slate me off ;)
Hope its OK.

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#49: Re: /newchars.png

by kernowyon on 06/26/2005 03:17, refers to #43

The error you get is because you are attempting to run Cube direct via the actual binary.
Navigate to your Cube directory (i.e the folder created when you unzipped Cube.
Then run the cube_unix script to startthe game.
The same problem occurs on Windows machines if you try to run the cube.exe rather than the cube.bat
I will add this to the Wiki :)

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#50: Re: Let's have a wiki page for Linux installs

by kernowyon on 06/26/2005 03:34, refers to #49

Great stuff :) Checked out the Gentoo info - and added a bit about Yoper.
Also added a couple more Troubleshooting things.
Perhaps a tips and tricks type section may be nice? Containing some of those tips - like a simple shell script to run the game up in Linux machines for instance or some autoexec tweaks ( zoom etc?)
Perhaps Aard may add a link to the Wiki to the main page of the Cube site?
That would help people find it more easily.
If others can contribute any information - especially those with Windows machines - it would be great :)

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#51: Re: /newchars.png

by tentus on 06/28/2005 02:49, refers to #51

why not just make a tiny little executable that would sit in the main folder, start cube just like cube.bat, and could write to autoexec.cfg, essentially killing two or more n00b birds with one stone? leave everything as-is, just include that little exe for people who want a little menu window before they start playing.

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#52: can\\\'t start cube

by hibbs on 08/14/2005 22:21

hi i\\\'m new to linux and i\\\'m trying to start cube through cube_unix but my screen goes black and then i get this message:

Fatal signal: Floating Point Exception (SDL Parachute Deployed)

i have a geforse fx5200 plus agp video card.

please help!

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#53: ..

by makkE on 08/14/2005 23:15

Make sure you have the libraries listed in
cube/bin_unix/readme.txt installed on your system. Did you install nvidia drivers?

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#54: Cube not starting

by monoxide on 08/22/2005 10:07

I installed cube today from the loki installer, and it installed fine, but nothing is working. I have an nVidia graphics card, and SDL is installed and working with 3d programs (it works for neverwinter nights at least). I am running ubuntu linux. Here is the output of the program when i run it:

./linux_client: /usr/lib/libGL.so.1: no version information available (required by ./linux_client)
init: sdl
init: net
init: world
game mode is ffa/default
init: video: sdl
init: video: mode
init: video: misc
init: gl
init: basetex
init: sound
sound init failed (SDL_mixer): No available audio device
init: cfg
could not read "servers.cfg"
init: localconnect
init: mainloop
read map packages/base/metl3.cgz (215 milliseconds)
Cyclops by metlslime
game mode is ffa/default
Fatal signal: Floating Point Exception (SDL Parachute Deployed)

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#55: Re: Cube not starting

by kernowyon on 08/22/2005 13:56, refers to #54

1 Make sure you have SDL_mixer installed. SDL comprises of various libraries - so you may have missed SDL_mixer by mistake.

2 If SDL_mixer is there, but still no joy, and using KDE, then try going to the KDE control centre, > Sound & Multimedia > Sound System
and in the general tab, tick the auto suspend button at the bottom, and slide the slider to the left - i.e set the auto suspend interval as low as possible.
In some cases, KDE will take over the sound system and, with a high auto-suspend, it will not release the sound in time for Cube to use it.
But I would go for checking SDL_mixer first, as this is most likely the issue

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#56: Segmentation Fault

by ddufour on 10/23/2005 20:20, refers to #55

When I run cube I get this output :
init: sdl
init: net
init: world
game mode is ffa/default
init: video: sdl
init: video: mode
init: video: misc
init: gl
init: basetex
init: sound
Fatal signal: Segmentation Fault (SDL Parachute Deployed)
I'm using Fedora core 4 with an nvidia graphic card. I guess the problem is with SDL library. I have all the SDL library needed but I have newer versions than 1.2.1. Does cube need 1.2.1 are later version are OK?

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#57: Some problem

by small_fighter on 11/03/2005 23:53

init: sdl
init: net
init: world
game mode is ffa/default
init: video: sdl
init: video: mode
init: video: misc
init: gl
init: basetex
init: sound
Fatal signal: Segmentation Fault (SDL Parachute Deployed)

FC4, all SDL libs correctly installed, but video-card ATI Radeon9600XT

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#58: Re: Some problem

by kernowyon on 11/04/2005 12:45, refers to #57

Sound issue.
Try setting the auto suspend on KDE to 1 second.
Menu> Control Centre> Sound and Multimedia> Sound System

Thats assuming you use KDE.
Set it to 1 second, apply etc. Then try Cube.
KDE has an annoying habit of taking control of the sound for stupid system sounds - which means it is unavailable for games. Setting it to 1 second will have no effect on the general system or the sounds - but will release the system for your game :)

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#59: Re: Some problem

by loz-linuxizer on 11/10/2005 09:40, refers to #59

I realise you're joking, so don't think I'm flaming you here...but the reason there are sound daemons such as aRTs (for KDE) and esd (for Gnome, Enlightenment) is that many sound card manufacturers haven't opened their drivers or technical specifications enough for Linux driver developers to allow for full hardware mixing, thus a need for software mixing exists (sound daemons are distinct from ALSA and OSS, which are kernel-level driver interfaces for devices). The problems people get with these sound daemons are a result of applications not using the sound daemon, and the driver being incapable of allowing the sound daemon and the application to share access to the sound card. Hence, these are driver problems caused by the hardware vendors, not a fault of the operating system kernel or applications themselves.

You guys might have better luck just typing "killall artsd" or "killall esd" in favor of attempting to control sound daemons through KDE, although KDE may have the ability to restart a "crashed" sound daemon. Those of you using Gentoo or other highly-configurable distribution may consider building KDE without aRTs altogether (that's what I did by setting a USE flag -arts, and my poor nForce2 chipset works better without it).

...or you could go buy a sound card that's /fully/ supported by Linux ;)

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#60: Re: Some problem

by ddufour on 11/18/2005 01:26, refers to #57

I had this problem too:

init: sdl
init: net
init: world
game mode is ffa/default
init: video: sdl
init: video: mode
init: video: misc
init: gl
init: basetex
init: sound
Fatal signal: Segmentation Fault (SDL Parachute Deployed)

Enter this command in a terminal before running cube :
everything work fine after this :)

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#61: ..

by >_< Sauceofallevils >_< on 11/18/2005 01:34

They made a new thread for new people(General Thread works just as good. Its called Question center for new people. Its fine that you made a new thread because your new but you could be getting rid of an intresting thread for your on single question. To pervent this in the future go to the General Thread or Question center for new people. Thankyou:)

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