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Permanent Servers

by eihrul on 02/03/2002 00:50, 472 messages, last message: 03/21/2008 13:36, 272846 views, last view: 09/30/2024 19:20

Anyone wanting to announce a permanent Cube server should place such announcements in this thread. Of course, the main servers at this point are grunt.splatterworld.de and dark.asamnet.de

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#411: Re: need help with a linux server

by ATIRULE on 06/24/2007 16:18, refers to #408

got it fix i switched to mandriva

thx anyway

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#412: need help starting a server

by Cloud on 06/27/2007 03:20

I've been trying to host a private server so that me and my friends can play, but I always get the message "your server did not respond to ping - check your firewall settings". I went to Portforward.com and figured out how to forward the ports, then I did so. I turned off my Windows firewall (I'm running the game on my MacBook, but the router is connected to a Windows PC.) After all this, I still get the same problem as before I did anything. Is there something I still have to do, or can I just never host a server?

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#413: Re: need help starting a server

by hungerburg on 06/30/2007 11:43, refers to #412

if you configured the port forwarding correctly (right port number, right private address - the one of the comp where the server runs) on the router it should work: make a setup like this:

macbook ---+ router --- internet
win pc ----/

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#414: ..

by  on 07/07/2007 02:35


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#415: To create a server

by Pizzaboy on 07/09/2007 09:51

Hi, excuse me, i'm french and i'm not perfect in english.
I want to create a local server in order to play cube with my friends and i don't know how. Is it possible or not? Can you explain me how to do it without going on an alredy created server?
Thank you.

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#416: Re: To create a server

by MeatROme on 07/09/2007 12:49, refers to #415


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#417: Permanent servers: AUS and USA

by ndazza on 07/20/2007 06:08

Hi guys,

Some of you may have noticed the 'Oceania' servers in the server list over the past few weeks. These have been quite stable with high uptime and low pings, soo i'll announce them here

2 permanent servers for australia:

These are on a 10MBit link in a VPS in Sydney (hosted in a data center), low pings for aussie users at last, and very good connectivity for overseas players.

Also one in Georgia, USA:
This one is also in a VPS in a georgia data center.



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#418: Re: Permanent servers: AUS and USA

by Passa on 07/20/2007 16:34, refers to #417

Yay, saw the second Oceania server yesterday, awesome stuff dazza :D

Its very strange seeing people die the second I shoot them now.. I'm used to playing with 300 ping :)

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#419: Re: need help starting a server

by Eris on 07/22/2007 21:50, refers to #412

Youre right, you can never host... sorry to tell you this =(

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#420: New Server

by Dwelsh on 08/04/2007 09:57

New server at wemew.org and www.zendurl.com/dwelsh

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#421: iPodLinux Clan Server

by dfkdsjfhjsdkfhsdjkfdsjkfconorhjfdshfjsk on 09/02/2007 06:00

You can find us in the server list

"iPodLinux Clan"

Running on AssaultCube and Sauerbraten Summer Edition.


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#422: w337 server

by dz0004455 on 10/31/2007 01:44

the W337 clan has a server, sometimes, now. sWEET

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#423: ..

by LuckyStrike on 11/26/2007 16:48

does create listen server is possible? didn't found info in the wiki (sorry if that question have been answered thousand times )

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#424: Re: ..

by MeatROme on 11/27/2007 07:07, refers to #423

RTFM - the wiki is only there to /supplement/ the basic documentation.
pass "-d" for dedicated to your EXE or start the bin_unix/linux_server which is purely dedicated anyway.

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#425: pings

by ATIRULE on 11/27/2007 09:25

A way to limit the clients ping time would be nice

IE clients with ping over XXXX number
would not be able to connect

also I would like a way for server admin to connect to a master mode 3 server so

IE for us clan member haveing a noob lock our Own server for like 5 hours on end is very annoying
maby /connect IP Adminpass -mastermode

btw u can't add the #votemaster command thing with out adding the #kickmaster as well in case some A$$ gets master IE Fraggingfucktard :P

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#426: Re: pings

by Drakas on 12/16/2007 12:32, refers to #425

You don't understand pings at all.
/connect <ip> <password> would be very useful though.

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#427: Re: pings

by SanHolo on 12/16/2007 18:47, refers to #426

Why not? Not allowing players with a ping of 400+ could be useful. ;-)

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#428: Re: pings

by Drakas on 12/16/2007 18:50, refers to #427

You don't understand pings either.

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#429: Re: pings

by jbuk2k7s cookie has gone on 12/16/2007 21:18, refers to #427

A packagejump threshold would work better, seeing as that's what actually matters in sauer.

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#430: Re: pings

by MovingTarget on 12/16/2007 22:30, refers to #429

Correction: packetjump. Yes, that is what really matters. No, I don't think it is useful. Yes, you can pretty easily mod it in.

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