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WANTED: programmer(s) for Eisenstern

by Aardappel_ on 03/21/2008 19:43, 59 messages, last message: 08/08/2008 22:05, 20029 views, last view: 06/26/2024 10:59

The Eisenstern project needs someone who can help drive the project forward more frequently than I can. So far, eisenstern has moved forward in bursts, whenever I had a bit of time in between all the other things me & Lee are doing. The project deserves better.

What we're looking for:

There's two kinds of people that potentially can take up this position.

Candidate type #1: an experienced C++ programmer. This would be ideal, but we realize these people are few and far between, so hence why we also have type #2, below. I say experienced, because taking over the C++ side of Eisenstern requires you to work as part of the main codebase, for which we can't afford bugs that will disrupt the rest of the engine, or sloppy code in general. The programmer must be of a level that they can deeply understand and safely modify the Eisenstern C++, and potentially some engine code. (s)he must understand the software engineering style of the cube 2 codebase, which is about simplicity, minimalism, and non-redundant code.

The code is readily available, so you probably already know wether the above applies to you :)

What would you do? You would take charge of the entire Eisenstern development effort, only discussing global design direction with me, but taking responsability for the details yourself. You would have a lot of influence on game design, by definition. You'd work with content people and make sure their stuff gets added to the game, or you'd work with a type #2 programmer who does this.

For both positions holds that you are very self-motivated, self-learning, and self-directed... rather than needing every detail specified by me, you have a good sense of design (of code structure, ui, and gameplay) to work out optimal solutions yourself. Once you get going you'll become intimately familiar with eisenstern, so good solutions follow from understanding what is already there.

If we can't find a type #1 programmer, I will keep responsibility for the C++ side of things, and hopefully work with:

Candidate type #2: Script programmer

For this position, you still have to be a programmer (meaning you don't have to know C++ at all, but done some programming in Java, Perl, Python, ...whatever). If Cubescript is your first language, you may not qualify.

Your domain would be to maintain the RPG script files, and since unlike the FPS, almost everything is going to be in script, this is a lot. The script is the center of the game, meaning you'd:
- work with me and the C++ programmer (if different) on global gameplay direction
- work with the C++ programmer on what new script functions are needed
- work with level designers on scripting RPG objects that they can place
- work with content people on connecting their art with RPG objects
- generally work on enhancing the gameplay in script, adding new actions and quests.

Since you'd be the central hub for the game, you need to be extremely self directed in connecting all these elements, and working with people. You can't be waiting for me to tell you exactly what to do next, you have to actively seek out people and work with them to get stuff done. You try and get as much stuff done yourself, use placeholders if you must, and modify them later, as opposed to waiting for complete data before you code (much of the current stuff is placeholders too).

The script will get BIG, so even here some software engineering skills will help. If you look at the current code, you can see that I took great care to make sure I write lots of small functions to not duplicate definitions, you'd have to work hard to continue that tradition.

Besides programmers, depending on who we get working on this, it means that art & design people can become more actively involved as well. This is just the first step.

Unlike the FPS, which I have always ruled dictator style, the RPG is meant to be a community effort. The unwritten rule for the Cube 2 community is: the more work you do, the more of a say you get in the projects overal direction, and Eisenstern will work especially so.

You all know I have set a gameplay direction for Eisenstern, but none of this is set in stone. If team members come up with better ideas, then we'll go with them, within reason. I have simply tried sofar to:
- keep things simple. an RPG is a tremendous undertaking, we HAVE to keep things simple to have a chance of finishing. A playable simple RPG is endlessly more valuable for everyone involved than a 5% finished MMORPG.
- keep it flexible: unlike the FPS, I want to allow the scripters/level designers to use Eisenstern to give each map its own gameplay style, anything from "an FPS with an inventory" all the way to a deep complicated RPG.

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#41: Re: ..

by hfdjksconorfhdsjk on 08/02/2008 04:58, refers to #40

I don't think there are any ASM routines in Sauer, as it runs on two architectures:

PPC and X86

Linux: X86 (maybe ppc)
Windows: X86
Mac: PPC/X86

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#42: ..

by R0b0t1 on 08/02/2008 05:08

The GCC inline assembler, and since MinGW mimics it, uses AT&T syntax. It would be very feasable to use it, if it were needed.

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#43: Re: ..

by Aardappel_ on 08/04/2008 06:47, refers to #40

cool.. email me with some samples of what you have worked on sofar, and what you think you could be doing on eisenstern more specifically.

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#44: An off question..

by Vondo on 08/04/2008 08:36

is there a client of Eisenstern for Ubuntu or do I have to wait? Sorry for the off question.

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#45: Re: An off question..

by scanf on 08/04/2008 08:40, refers to #44

I think linux is totally supported. just have to run the executable with the -grpg command line. Not sure how that works on linux.

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#46: I run xubuntu, and it works fine

by NerdFencer on 08/05/2008 02:26

I run xubuntu and it works just fine, You just gave to compile it from source.

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#47: new rpg game cfg file

by NerdFencer on 08/05/2008 02:54

I have done a little work on the game_rpg.cfg file, here is the modified version.
here is an abridged list of what I have done...
-added drops for Grizzly
-created Blacksmith, Shopkeeper, and Wizard npcs
-Added a gui (F8) for adding rpg spawns
-Fixed display bug on Main Menu (menu was taller than visible screen area because of status bar in bottom left)
-Made all food products consumable for a mild health bonus
-Made coin, and loot "use" just give you the gold in stead of having to sell them
-gave monetary value to Weapons and Spells
-Removed weapons and spells form starting inventory (except the fists because you should need to buy the rest)

I hope this is useful to somebody...

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#48: Submitted as a patch

by NerdFencer on 08/06/2008 05:47

i put a newer version up as a patch on the source forge tracker, and anything new i will do will do right there

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#49: Scripter

by Tim on 08/06/2008 22:23

Hey, I know a bunch of programming languages, and I might be able to help with scripting.

I can't be the "main scripter" simply because in a month or so, I won't have time because of school.

I could do C++ part, but I hate C++ (reasons are my own, I don't want to argue about them) so that's not for me.

Here's my past experience: Python, Perl*, Ruby*, C, C++, D, Processing, PHP, Unreal Script (similar to Java), Arena*, GLSL, Cg (planning)...

*Only tried out, but tried out enough to be able to say that I can write a simple program.

What I could do is work with whoever is in charge of scripting and help him out. More people there is, less work there is for a single person.

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#50: Re: Scripter

by Aardappel_ on 08/06/2008 22:49, refers to #49

NerdFencer, got your email.

Tim, besides skill, having plenty of time, and being able to drive the project forward independently is essential. The reason I made the original post is because I have very little time to dedicate to the project, so I'd like someone to be in charge, rather than me driving it.

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#51: Re: Scripter

by NerdFencer on 08/07/2008 01:57, refers to #50

Iv got plenty of spare time (pretty much free till I go back to school, and once it starts I can probably dedicate about 2-3 hrs a day to it b/c I recently completed my last software project), and a relatively solid picture of what the game should become that I can use to drive the game forward.

Iv been going through the rpg code (cpp), and I think Ill feel mildly comfortable editing it soon (we seem to have fairly different coding stiles, but I see where yours comes from, and is going).

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#52: Re: Scripter

by Aardappel_ on 08/07/2008 02:14, refers to #51

It is fairly essential that anyone that works on this sticks with the current direction and coding style. Not just for my sake, but moreso to keep things maintainable and allow multiple people to cooperate on it, where necessary.

My #1 rule with coding (and data, for that matter) is non-redundancy, meaning things should be structured such that any item occurs exactly once. Copy and paste code is the biggest problem any code base can have.

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#53: Eistenstern's status

by Aardappel_ on 08/07/2008 02:24

I guess I should be even more clear about where Eisenstern stands, for any potential people wanting to work on it, and people that have been following it.

To put it harshly: Eisenstern is, as of today, dead. There's no secret team hacking away at it, I have always been the only programmer on it (besides the great help Geartrooper has been with models, and people like Kurt & Nieb with maps), and I'd be lying if I foresee myself being able to put sufficient energy into it any time soon.

That just to not get anyone's hopes up. Anyone wishing to make Eisenstern rise from the dead, therefore, needs to be fully in charge, with potentially no help from me. Hence, why the type #2 candidate as specified above doesn't make sense anymore. We'll need someone with strong C++ skills for this to happen.

Until then, the project is dead. I should probably say so on the website, until a clear revival has happened.

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#54: Re: Eistenstern's status

by scanf on 08/07/2008 07:01, refers to #53

That's really sad. The project hardly got started.

I'd love to help. We can't let this die.

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#55: I Have Rallied the Troops

by NerdFencer on 08/07/2008 18:34

I was devastated when I heard the news about the project being dead, so I rallied the troops!

I contacted some trusted friends of mine who know cpp better then I do, and 2 (possibly 3) of them are willing to develop the rpg!!!

I have also recruited a graphic designer who is willing to do work on any 2d graphics that we may need (icons, textures, etc.)

I am still getting them organized, but we think we will be able to carry the project!

We will not let the rpg die. :)

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#56: Message censored by administrator

by {Qs}Homicidal on 08/07/2008 18:54, refers to #55

#57: Message censored by administrator

by {Qs}Homicidal on 08/07/2008 18:54, refers to #55

#58: Re: I Have Rallied the Troops

by scanf on 08/07/2008 19:01, refers to #55

NerdFencer - Cool I hope this works out. I am willing to contribute but don't have the time to control and delegate. I'm familiar with the engine and would be more of a "do this" person right now. If you are taking control of this then email me if you want help. scanff AT yahoo DOT com

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#59: For those interested...

by NerdFencer on 08/08/2008 22:05

In relation to ralleying the troops, I created another thread with a link to the downloads page for the updates we are making for the rpg :)


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