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Sauerbraten + Mingw32

by pushplay on 05/29/2005 06:55, 24 messages, last message: 09/02/2006 17:03, 6223 views, last view: 05/28/2024 22:40

Getting things compiled in mingw is never as easy as it should be. With a bit of work we should be able to get it going though.

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#5: Here's why I give up in a nut shell:

by pushplay on 05/30/2005 07:12


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#6: Ahem

by pushplay on 05/30/2005 07:21

octarender.cpp:717 makes a call to glMultiTexCoord2fv()

octarender.cpp includes cube.h
cube.h includes GL/gl.h which I know it finds
gl.h defines: GLAPI void APIENTRY glMultiTexCoord2fv( GLenum target, const GLfloat *v );

so why wouldn't it be able to find it?

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#7: Geez

by pushplay on 05/30/2005 10:10

That took a lot more work than it should have. I took out the -DBROKEN_VA_SUPPORT flag, made a small shange to worldio to have zlib statically loaded, and compiled a bunch of libs. It compiles and runs.

Aard: would you like me to add this to the cvs?

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#8: Re: Geez

by eihrul on 05/30/2005 17:57, refers to #7

The BROKEN_VA_SUPPORT stuff was already taken out in the new release.

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#9: Texturing surfaces

by shahar on 05/31/2005 04:12

first of all to the mip mapping guy, what you are talking about is Anisotropic filtering, and your videocard can do that independently of the engine.

and about texturing in Sauer, what about replacing the current way of doing things (select, and try diffrent textures) to a more photoshop like approach (pick a texture, then \\\\\\\"splatter\\\\\\\" it across diffrent surfaces using a hotkey)

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#10: Re: Geez

by Gilt on 06/02/2005 01:53, refers to #7

hmm.. I don't think you need to touch the source to get it to work with mingw. in terms of zlib, I'm pretty sure all you need is to put -lzlib with your libs, and you're all set.

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#11: Re: Geez

by pushplay on 06/02/2005 01:56, refers to #10

Ahaha. How wonderfully naive. :)

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#12: The Mingw Makefile is Comitted

by pushplay on 06/02/2005 05:05

Development is happening pretty fast, so I wrote this short guide for automagically fetching and compiling the latest version.

First you need msys and mingw. Get them here:
Install mingw into (recommended) c:\msys\mingw and then install msys into c:\msys. Add C:\msys\mingw\bin (or wherever mingw32-g++.exe is) to your path (System Properties -> Advanced -> Environment Variables -> Edit System Variables). You'll know you got the path right when you can run "mingw32-gcc -v" from a command window anywhere and not get an error.

Now grab this:
or if it's been a long time since I wrote this a newer version from:

Place cvs.exe in c:\windows or some other folder in your path. Create a bat file in c:\ and put in there:
cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/sauerbraten login
cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/sauerbraten co -P sauerbraten

Run that. If that worked, you'll now have a c:\sauerbraten. Usually the exe isn't too far behind, but the latest features may only be in source. To get those run c:\sauerbraten\make.mingw.bat. If that errors you're probably SOL and will need to wait a day for a version that builds. But if it built and it most likely did, go to c:\sauerbraten\sauerbraten\ and copy the sauerbraten.bat file and edit it to refer to bin\sauerbraten-mingw.exe instead of bin\sauerbraten.exe. Change the resolution to your liking and enjoy!

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#13: Re: The Mingw Makefile is Comitted

by jean pierre on 06/02/2005 13:30, refers to #12

Why dont you place it in your homepage?

That is curses and ephitets.

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#14: Re: The Mingw Makefile is Comitted

by sinsky on 06/03/2005 02:40, refers to #12

Thank you. I don't know if I'll manage to make something based on Sauerbraten but at least from now on it's possible, and that's very good news to me.

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#15: MinGW installation

by MooshiToaster on 08/11/2005 13:54

Pushplay's guide is rad, it works!
Now I am trying to port it to Dev-C++ in order to work with a GUI.
BTW, the curses and ephitets just make the guide cooler, and are always nice to see.

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#16: Re: The Mingw Makefile is Comitted

by maximusDM on 08/21/2006 21:43, refers to #12

I fund this thread, hoping to succeed in compiling. I done all you said, but i got this message, despite you said it's working:

mingw32-make: *** No rule to make target "shared/tools.o", needed by "client". Stop.

The path is correct set and i have no message error about this.

Some ideea to debug ??

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#17: Re: The Mingw Makefile is Comitted

by pushplay on 08/24/2006 05:54, refers to #16

Makefile.mingw needs to be in the same folder as Makefile, \lib, \shared, etc... Run your make command from this folder.

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#18: ..

by Quin on 08/25/2006 02:52

Not sure if you fixed this or not, but I had similar problems with GL under DevCPP, and found the only thing to do was to use the newest SDL's "SDL_opengl.h" and rely less on the GL headers. I did have to change '-lzlib' to '-lz', these things worked for me, YMMV.

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#19: Re: ..

by pushplay on 08/25/2006 06:12, refers to #18

-lfoo will cause the linker to look for libfoo.o. So -lzlib looks for libzlib.o.

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#20: Re: ..

by Quin on 08/26/2006 10:02, refers to #19

Yeah, DevCPP zlib devpak gives me 'libz.a'.

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#21: enet

by ethan592 on 09/01/2006 06:54

cannot find -lenet?

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#22: Re: enet

by ethan592 on 09/01/2006 07:09, refers to #21

nvm fixed it.

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#23: Re: enet

by ethan592 on 09/01/2006 07:26, refers to #22

now im having undef reference to winmain

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#24: Re: enet

by pushplay on 09/02/2006 17:03, refers to #23

That sounds strange. What's the exact error?

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