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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

a new mod, add magic to cube

by Tyball (godcube) on 06/23/2003 17:04, 44 messages, last message: 08/30/2003 16:53, 13042 views, last view: 06/15/2024 13:20

The player must choose between two Egyptians gods.
Seth evil\\\'s god.
Horus azure and protective\\\'s god.
The magic are create by drawing figures with the mouse (function already written).
However I am alone for this projects.
Needs Helps! (Mappers, ideas...)

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#5: ..

by Pathegreat on 06/25/2003 00:29

ok i think this mode is way to diffucult to even work! no offence but start from scratch or use another engine intended for this! cube is to guys shotting eachother how will you make it all magic?(well have fun if you pass ill be happy with you!)

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#6: ..

by Frank__i (Flameshot leader) on 06/25/2003 02:12

well pat your mod isnt fps , its 3ps view , so i woulnd talk ...

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#7: Re: ..

by pushplay on 06/25/2003 09:12, refers to #6

The difference between 1st and 3rd person is where you calculate the physics from and drawing one extra model. No big deal.

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#8: Re: ..

by D.plomat on 06/25/2003 13:05, refers to #7

for someone with experience in OpenGL programming it can be not too hard i think, it needs changing the viewpoint origin depending on the real player location, but you need extra checks not to have the viewpoint go inside of a wall/other model, this should be harder... also didn't read rendering/OGL parts of the code so i don't know if it would be easy to separate the viewpoint from the player location.

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#9: ..

by [ sonic-x ] on 06/25/2003 13:41

but you need new servers and programmer for this mod..

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#10: ..

by Pathegreat on 06/25/2003 16:06

for one, Frank__i my 3rd persone view is almost done, for two where talking spells and crap man, 3rd persone is alot easyer

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#11: Re: ..

by Piglet on 06/26/2003 18:05, refers to #9

to be quite honest you need new servers and at least one programmer for any half-way reasonable mod. Otherwise your just changing the way the game looks.

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#12: ..

by Pathegreat on 06/26/2003 19:34

Piglet you are right, of course that ia true, i tested radien out they did not code to much :P i installed b2k in radien and played on Godzilla with people from cube no diffrence, my mod so far is a diffrent cube protocol

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#13: didn't know change aspect of texture

by Tyball (godcube) on 06/26/2003 22:42

i ve try to change the aspect of the guns models
for a invisibility effect, the first
spell, but i didn't succeed
anyone could help me ?
i think it is in the drawhudgun function but when i make a glBlend function the guns just disappear ...

PS : when it will be finish i will release the first thing for show that im serious
euh almost serious !

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#14: ..

by [ sonic-x ] on 06/28/2003 21:02

I think this mod is a cool idea i could make new cool sounds and textures.

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#15: ..

by Pathegreat on 06/29/2003 18:44

Sonic try and work on your mod!

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#16: First release

by Tyball (godcube) on 07/04/2003 10:31

Here are the fist release !


unzip it into your cube directory

One spell the invisibility.
For mak this choose the fist and draw a square.

have fun !

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#17: warning

by Tyball (godcube) on 07/04/2003 10:41

only in singl player

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#18: ..

by skrik on 07/04/2003 17:22

ur link to godcube doesn t seem to work.

BTW,are you french tyball?

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#19: ..

by Frank__i (Flameshot leader) on 07/04/2003 19:02

the link for me works

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#20: ..

by Frank__i (Flameshot leader) on 07/04/2003 19:18

what did you mean when you said : For mak this choose the fist and draw a square ???

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#21: ..

by Pathegreat on 07/04/2003 20:17

the link does not work!

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#22: blah! blah!

by Bascule on 07/04/2003 21:57

The link is iffy, but will work if you take off the 'godcube.zip' bit, which opens up a folder view on the browser, then click or right-click on the file to save to PC.

What is more odd is what you are supposed to do.

When fist is selected and 'fire' pressed, I hear the 'pray' sound, but I cannot move the mouse. I do not seem to be able to get the 'spell' sound to activate.

Would someone like to give a bit more detail on how this mod works?

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#23: he

by Tyball (godcube) on 07/04/2003 22:23

skrik je suppose que t est francais aussi

yes i'm french thats perhaps you dont have understand

the mouse move but you dont see the change

for being invisib choose the hand
and move your mouse : up right left down or whatever like if u are drawing a square with a pen in printshop whith the mousebutton still down.

i think it will be more easy in the future!
perhaps too a linux binary but ihavnt it yet

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#24: ..

by Frank__i (Flameshot leader) on 07/05/2003 00:30

wow , sa marche pas bien , fait que sais un bottun et ta du mana , ca cest cool !

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