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Permanent Servers

by eihrul on 02/03/2002 00:50, 472 messages, last message: 03/21/2008 13:36, 272128 views, last view: 09/29/2024 01:37

Anyone wanting to announce a permanent Cube server should place such announcements in this thread. Of course, the main servers at this point are grunt.splatterworld.de and dark.asamnet.de

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#395: Re: help

by Drakas on 06/13/2007 16:10, refers to #394


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#396: help again

by wickeds1ck on 06/14/2007 17:10

ok i clicked the server button on the Sauerbraten folde on my xp but i cant access the server. It says server is up and its dedicated? How do i access it and make to where i have atleast 10 player slots and each has 1 healtrh with a single barrel gun with 99 ammunition??

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#397: Re: help again

by I_Am_A_Help_Vampire_Slayer on 06/14/2007 17:25, refers to #396

"/connect localhost" should access your server from inside your client ... or use your internal IP if it's not localhost.

can't be done with vanilla sauer,
servers are there _for the players_ ... that means /they/ are in control.
Anyway spawnstate is defined by gamemode;
ffa (and related modes) : a grenade and some pistol ammo
instagib : just 100 riflerounds
capture/tactics/efficiency modes : some random ammo paks for 2 weapons + grenades

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#398: but

by wickeds1ck on 06/14/2007 20:00

like i dont know how to make a public server for people all over to join. i made a local host and my friend joined but i want others to join too.

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#399: Re: but

by I_Am_A_Help_Vampire_Slayer on 06/15/2007 00:45, refers to #398

please give more pertinent information.
Have you read on the wiki about servers?

If you are on a LAN (suggested to me by "my friend connected") you need to route the packets from the interwebs to your server in the DMZ ... or why don't other people simply connect just like your friend did ... what about messages from the server like "did not respond to ping" or "server was registered" ... if latter is the case then people should see it on an updated server list no problem.

If you passed a "-m" parameter to your server ... don't ... of course only if your running a vanilla-flavoured sauerbraten server ... or be prepared to expect only players who use the same masterserver as your "-m" ...


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#400: ok

by wickeds1ck on 06/15/2007 02:03

i had like 15 people on a server and now i forgot how i did it. like it was on master server list.now i forgot how. i combined like 3 programs to do it.

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#401: Re: ok

by wickeds1ck on 06/15/2007 04:22, refers to #400

um i want to know how to make my server pass protected and be room master

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#402: hey i need a answer

by wickeds1ck on 06/15/2007 19:01

ok i need to know how to typer -nClownLove in the console

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#403: Re: hey i need a answer

by I_Am_A_Help_Vampire_Slayer on 06/15/2007 19:07, refers to #402

You are being a troll!

"-n" is a command-line paramter,
not an ingame command.

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#404: Re: hey i need a answer

by wickeds1ck on 06/15/2007 19:37, refers to #403

how do i access the console or something so i can chang my servers name and add 3 more player slots right now is 4 players

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#405: Re: hey i need a answer

by I_Am_A_Help_Vampire_Slayer on 06/15/2007 20:37, refers to #404

Stop trolling and RTFM!
Did you ever read the wiki (using the link from a couple of posts ago) ???

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#406: umm yeah

by CaRnIsCrUb on 06/16/2007 03:15

why dont you just tell us what file hase it in the sauerbraten folders

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#407: Re: umm yeah

by demosthenes on 06/16/2007 05:08, refers to #406

Because you are a help vampire.


If you want us to help you, invest time in reading the manual first. And explore the folder.


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#408: need help with a linux server

by ATIRULE on 06/22/2007 21:49

i am trying to set up a linux server this is my first doing a sauer server in linux when i try to start the server i get this

init sdl
init enet
could not create server host

my router is setup to foward ports

any ideas help plz

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#409: Re: need help with a linux server

by I_Am_A_Help_Vampire_Slayer on 06/22/2007 23:18, refers to #408

Strange init-log ... you shouldn't get any of those "init blah" lines actually.
Try running bin_unix/linux_server -mlocalhost until you get it right,
then omit the "-mlocalhost" to let it register with the masterserver.

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#410: Re: need help with a linux server

by Drakas on 06/23/2007 13:45, refers to #408

You are probably running a server already, or your OS doesn't allow you to bind ports or something...

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#411: Re: need help with a linux server

by ATIRULE on 06/24/2007 16:18, refers to #408

got it fix i switched to mandriva

thx anyway

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#412: need help starting a server

by Cloud on 06/27/2007 03:20

I've been trying to host a private server so that me and my friends can play, but I always get the message "your server did not respond to ping - check your firewall settings". I went to Portforward.com and figured out how to forward the ports, then I did so. I turned off my Windows firewall (I'm running the game on my MacBook, but the router is connected to a Windows PC.) After all this, I still get the same problem as before I did anything. Is there something I still have to do, or can I just never host a server?

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#413: Re: need help starting a server

by hungerburg on 06/30/2007 11:43, refers to #412

if you configured the port forwarding correctly (right port number, right private address - the one of the comp where the server runs) on the router it should work: make a setup like this:

macbook ---+ router --- internet
win pc ----/

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#414: ..

by  on 07/07/2007 02:35


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