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Sauerbraten - Music

by _Fanatic on 09/05/2005 03:55, 62 messages, last message: 12/15/2005 06:02, 14084 views, last view: 09/29/2024 02:07

I'm working on a soundtrack for Sauerbraten, and I have a question about the music capabilities.

Can you add the ability to string different songs together?

For example, let's say we have 20 tracks at our disposal. Instead of having one track that loops forever, how about make it so you can specify that when a song is finished, it instantly loads up another track.

That way we could make one game feel like it has a 10 minute track, when it's really a bunch of different tracks mixed together dynamically.


I'm planning on doing 20 tracks for Sauerbraten, all exactly 2 minutes each, and all the same tempo (so they can be mixed up and won't sound terribly different).

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#40: ..

by makkE on 09/25/2005 17:29

Hey I really like the direction you´re going.. sounds a little warmer and not so much "standard metal" anymore.
Did you program the drums again? They sound much more real this time :)
I like those rather spacy effects on the guitars you have there sometimes :)

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#41: ..

by _Fanatic on 09/25/2005 19:58

I did the drums, yes, but they are MIDI based with a really good SoundFont bank I bought a while back from emu. It's what they call "the real drums", but on a low setting (everything is dropped about an octave), so it sounds really thick and heavy. The toms are nuts on it, makes my room shake when they are pounding. :)

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#42: Re: ..

by RealNitro on 09/26/2005 09:44, refers to #39

Great! I can't wait to I add the full version to my playlist. :)

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#43: ..

by _Fanatic on 09/26/2005 17:48

It's working out nicely actually, with the rough cuts I have, I can put them in Winamp on a random loop and it works out pretty nicely to sound like a really long song. :)

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#44: ..

by >_< Sauceofallevils >_< on 09/26/2005 21:11

I am big into metal, i dont play any instruments but i listen to a shitload of metal bands my hair is down to my shoulders and i also think Overkill is awsome. So i support you 100% Fanatic, so lets hope you do well, because i await to hear your awsome metal tracks.

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#45: Re: ..

by Aardappel_ on 09/27/2005 03:58, refers to #39

very nice... indeed has a bit of a darker feel to it. take your time for the whole thing though, no need to have it done this soon.

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#46: ..

by _Fanatic on 09/27/2005 05:18

Glad ya'll like. :)

I'd like to get it finished up within the next month or two. I have a lot of other projects to work on and wanted to get this one done first.

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#47: ..

by >_< Sauceofallevils >_< on 10/02/2005 05:33

i cant wait to hear it Fanatic, im really itnrested to see what you pulled off.

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#48: ..

by >_< Sauceofallevils >_< on 10/02/2005 05:33

god i have to stop posting up my typos, i should read through my crap before i post it:P

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#49: ..

by _Fanatic on 10/02/2005 05:52

Might be close to the album I just released today.

Grab "7 Bad Days" at my website:


That might hold you over for a little bit. :)

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#50: Re: ..

by MitaMAN in the cave on 10/03/2005 00:52, refers to #49

all i can say is great stuff! your heavy metal instrumentals are simply the best. great work!


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#51: ..

by _Fanatic on 11/21/2005 00:16

I have several track ready for abuse.

http://fanaticalproductions.net/temp/tmw_test.zip (11.2 megs, 6 MP3 tracks)

I'm still working on the rest, and I haven't named anmy of them yet. Feel free to use them with Sauerbraten or Cube maps but please give me credits and a link to my site if you use them.

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#52: Re: ..

by >driAn<. on 11/23/2005 22:03, refers to #51


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#53: Re: ..

by absinth on 11/30/2005 19:13, refers to #51

sounds really good!

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#54: Your preview of the songs...

by enigma_0Z on 12/01/2005 23:08

Sound's great so far!

However, and idea...

I really liked some of the really heavy songs that you had in the original cube (cubed to death, unreleased rage)...

These songs don't seem to have that same punch, perhaps because of the tempo.

They all transition really well, but the songs themselves seem all the same...

I really liked "Lost in the mist" too, it was one of my favorites... (out of curiosity, was it inspired by the intro riff to "Fade to black" by metallica?)

Anyway, ... I really liked the variety in the last cube set, if the new ones are varied (as far as style) that would be really cool... (as long as it doesn't screw up your plan already).

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#55: ..

by >_< Sauceofallevils >_< on 12/02/2005 01:36

This is actually my favourite music that has been produced from this communty that I have heard! Good job man! If thats you playing guitar, good guitar work. This is pure gold.

PS. Keep up the good work!

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#56: Re: ..

by Aardappel_ on 12/02/2005 03:52, refers to #51

dang! how did I miss that post!

Rockin', Mark! Esp the melodic part is excellent. Though I feel this is stronger in the later songs, where it is more of coninuing piece. Some of the earlier tracks, the melodic part seems to repeat in the same way as the underlying heavy guitar base, whereas the notes seem to want to jump into a new melody. A bit more alternating there could help?

Also, even though these pieces are intended to be played as one big piece, I think we can allow for more contrast yet. Meaning you could think of adding 1 or 2 really brutal sections, and some really slow, soft and melodic sections. That would also help if we at some point would want to add "dynamic music" capability where depending on the amount of action, it would pick a particular track.

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#57: Re: ..

by _Fanatic on 12/02/2005 04:22, refers to #56

I was wondering if you were ignoring me. :)

I posted several times in the general area and I emailed you at your gmx.net email and didn't hear anything from you.

You might like the other 7 tracks I have in the rough mix mode. They vary a bit more, especially the last 4 (they sound a little like Meshuggah's Nothing, very low tuning).

I haven't started on the last 5 to get 20 total yet, been mega busy lately, but I can make those a different style and still fit in the general theme.

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#58: Re: ..

by Aardappel_ on 12/02/2005 06:26, refers to #57

sounds like a good plan!

I haven't received email from you in ages... maybe they got filtered somewhere along the line? try w o u t e r A T s m u D O T e d u next time.

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#59: ..

by >_< Sauceofallevils >_< on 12/02/2005 13:47

Oh you got some Meshuggah elements in there to. When you say low how low, drop c? a? e? I see a fellow metalhead cuber, thats cool.

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