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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Permanent Servers

by eihrul on 02/03/2002 00:50, 472 messages, last message: 03/21/2008 13:36, 272807 views, last view: 09/30/2024 17:27

Anyone wanting to announce a permanent Cube server should place such announcements in this thread. Of course, the main servers at this point are grunt.splatterworld.de and dark.asamnet.de

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#370: Re: Clan GM Server Request

by Drakas on 02/11/2007 08:08, refers to #369

lol what does that mean?

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#371: Re: Clan GM Server Request

by Passa on 02/11/2007 08:37, refers to #370

A lot of strange people doing their rounds on the internet today it seems :/

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#372: New Server Homicidal

by ATIRULE on 03/09/2007 01:38

Homicidal 16 player's

server specs 2.0 Ghrz Celron WinDows xp Home SP2 512 Mb of Ram 80GB Hd

ATI radon 9600/xt

10Mbps cable conn not dsl

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#373: ..

by The LART !! on 03/13/2007 04:00

Watch out for a player named the_ass or any other name combo with the word ass. he has been cheating and ruining every game he comes across. He enjoys doing newmap followed by a instant sendmap. He also walks through walls and shoots you through walls too. He likes to insult people and makes fun of them until they leave. He also is a teamkiller who will purposly only kill his team. I have seen this many times by him and you should know if your playing against him what to watch out for

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#374: Message censored by administrator

by Lex Luthor on 03/13/2007 08:00, refers to #373

#375: Message censored by administrator

by Chuck_Norris on 03/13/2007 09:03, refers to #374

#376: Re: ..

by mitto_mors on 03/13/2007 10:55, refers to #375

just stop cheating and then no-one will worry about it and wont kick you or hate you. play normally.

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#377: Re: New Server Homicidal

by ATIRULE on 03/29/2007 03:52, refers to #372

Homicidal server Homepage


note the page is still WiP Iam still learning HTML

the www1 is need not www

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#378: Re: New Server Homicidal

by rancor on 03/29/2007 08:18, refers to #377

Wow, I've never seen anyone manage to write such incredibly invalid hyperlinks before.

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#379: Re: New Server Homicidal

by Passa on 03/29/2007 13:33, refers to #378

Yeah because hes got some maxathon proprietary links in there - ATIRULE, give Nvu a try, you'd be able to whip up a page like that within two minutes (literally) and have it compatible with any browser.

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#380: Re: New Server Homicidal

by hampus_ on 03/29/2007 17:33, refers to #377

Write your links like this: <a href="http:\\www.google.com">Google Search</a>

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#381: ..

by rancor on 03/29/2007 18:30

Um, don't you mean http://www.google.com?

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#382: Re: ..

by hampus_ on 03/29/2007 18:51, refers to #381

Yeah, I just copied his code :P didn't see that.

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#383: Re: ..

by ATIRULE on 03/29/2007 20:10, refers to #382

I am sorry for the bad links my page is Not FireFox compilable Atm

Iam working on it Iam still learning basic Html

(ps i have Nvu)

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#384: Re: ..

by ATIRULE on 03/29/2007 20:12, refers to #383

the links work fine under Ie

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#385: Re: ..

by rancor on 03/29/2007 20:37, refers to #384

The first thing to learn about web design is this: when there is a difference, IE is wrong.

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#386: Re: bad old IE

by MeatROme on 03/29/2007 21:50, refers to #385

I second that ...
... although - they did one kewl thing : they started the whole XMLHttpRequest thing ... AJAX FTW :)

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#387: ROFLOL

by Drakas on 04/09/2007 14:37

36 errors...

Such a small page...

See how to do links on woop site: http://woop.wemew.com/ ;-)

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#388: Message censored by administrator

by noerrorsfound_ on 04/10/2007 13:40, refers to #387

#389: Re: ROFLOL

by ATIRULE on 04/14/2007 01:46, refers to #387

still learing basic html i only put 20 mins of work into the page

and u wonder why no one wants to be involed in dev of cube2 what hostility :(]

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