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Snout X10000

by eihrul on 01/20/2009 08:08, 70 messages, last message: 05/12/2009 00:16, 26816 views, last view: 06/30/2024 18:10


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#37: ..

by JadeMatrix on 01/31/2009 21:05


This is more like I originally wanted it to look.

Ugh, the colors are terrible - I should learn to profile when exporting...

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#38: ..

by JadeMatrix on 01/31/2009 21:09

@ Geartrooper:

Sorry, I haven't been able to fit my head around any 3D program yet. But if you could give me a picture of the ragdoll from the front and side, that'd be helpful.

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#39: Re: ..

by Geartrooper on 02/01/2009 02:45, refers to #38


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#40: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 02/01/2009 02:53, refers to #39

What are the floaty ones under the arms for?

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#41: Re: ..

by a~baby~rabbit on 02/01/2009 04:12, refers to #40

I'd be more concerned about the tail :P

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#42: ..

by Geartrooper on 02/01/2009 07:31

the floaty bones control the rotation of the elbows. that 'tail' is the root bone and torso rotation constraint. :D

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#43: ..

by JadeMatrix on 02/01/2009 13:56

Thanks. I'm assuming that the torso bones construct the spine (and not up the center), seeing how the side view is balanced.

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#44: ..

by Julius on 02/01/2009 19:47

Really nice work, both on the model and the new ragdoll physics.

Are the constrains for it based on the md5 specification, e.g. in an additional text file?

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#45: ..

by Geartrooper on 02/02/2009 00:48

The mesh bones and constraint bones are on two separate layers in the 3d app.

The mesh bones control the deformation of vertex and the deformation of some constraint bones;


The constraint bones are subject to and control the twisting, scaling and bending of mesh bones. i.e., The torso bone controls the bending of the entire spinal column[bones Spine1 and Spine2];


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#46: Re: ..

by eihrul on 02/02/2009 03:18, refers to #44

The ragdoll is an entirely different skeleton that is mapped to the md5 skeleton, for which you must specify a different set of constraints. I had made an editor for doing it here: http://tunes.org/~eihrul/ragdoll.tar.gz

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#47: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 02/02/2009 03:59, refers to #29

Hey Gear, what do you think of this: http://tsholden.com/pages/jager.php
(Which is obviously based off of http://lee.fov120.com/snout/10.jpg )

The idea isn't terribly original: a race of Hunters (or Jägers, if you're up on the German language) bred and raised to slaughter Snouts at any cost (referred to as Saubär, or pig-bears). The Saubär Jäger are as ruthless and brutal as the job required them to be, using everything from their teeth and artificial horns to the barbed wire wrapped around their extremities to take down their prey with singleminded intensity. They are renowned for their terrifying ability return to a fight, even after being utterly eliminated by explosive charges.

I decided to use a relatively subdued color scheme (except for the eyes and armor plates, which are supposed to be shiny), in order to contrast more against the glossy Snouts. This would probably have to be changed if the design was ever actually produced. However, this concept does have a few practical compromises: all of the vectors are angular, just as a real model would be, and I've matched to the skeleton of the original pretty closely, so a new rig wouldn't be needed. The sword behind the left shoulder (and the bandoleer that goes with it) is similar to the skull on Mr. Fixit, in that it indicates the shielding on the character.

Thoughts? Things that obviously need addressing? I wasn't trying to make the prettiest concept art, but one that would convey the savagery that I feel would be at home with Sauerbraten.

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#48: ..

by Geartrooper on 02/02/2009 07:46

The storyline is cool. The character is imposing. At the very least it is promising for an SP monster and story plot.

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#49: Re: ..

by Maxime -Max of S2D- Lebled on 02/02/2009 08:40, refers to #47

I like it. Now, we're having a third-sided war with the Mr. Fixit clan, the Snout X10k and the hunters :o

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#50: Re: ..

by Q009 on 02/02/2009 14:05, refers to #35

CVS is outdated. Download SVN...

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#51: ..

by Maxime -Max of S2D- Lebled on 02/03/2009 08:52

Quick question: how many polys does this model have?

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#52: ..

by Geartrooper on 02/04/2009 03:08

Snout contains 3500 trigons exactly. Mr Fixit contains 2988 trigons.

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#53: ..

by SomeGuy on 02/07/2009 16:37

btw, since there can be multiple player models now in multiplayer, does this include the Ogro? and if not, what does it show then for people using it?

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#54: Re: ..

by eihrul on 02/07/2009 16:48, refers to #53

You can choose to be Ogro, except other people will not see you as Ogro. They will see you as whatever model they have chosen for themselves. Of course, if you have chosen to be Ogro, you will see other people who have chosen to be Ogro, as a side-effect. But, if you pick Mr. Fixit, for example, other Ogros will appear to be Mr. Fixits.

The other models, IronSnout and Mr. Fixit, however, people will see your choice, unless you have chosen to disable this.

Given that Ogro is a very old MD2 of vastly different construction and lacking many features the other models support (such as skeletal animation and ragdolling), I have chosen to set up things as above. Ogro is there for nostalgia reasons, but not much else.

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#55: ..

by Fischkopf on 02/07/2009 22:47

you should re-make the ogro^^

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#56: Re: ..

by JadeMatrix on 02/08/2009 04:21, refers to #55

I plan to do sketches once I finish Herr Pig.

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