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I cant kill!!

by J-Francois on 01/27/2004 21:23, 55 messages, last message: 06/02/2004 09:41, 32347 views, last view: 06/25/2024 20:47

I can\'t kill monster. When a shot, its like a shot on a wall. Please help me!!!

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#36: Re: ..

by Thalion on 05/30/2004 06:29, refers to #33

> Can anyone help me to write the xorg.conf correctly for my ati radeon 9200 ?

Forget it =) Just use your XF86Config from the old X, and get the patched client version from the post above.

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#37: ..

by >driAn<. on 05/30/2004 18:05

The patch worked correctly with the official driver on xf86, it was possible to shoot. But the lighting was still 'cubed'.

--> http://kiney.homelinux.org/sambaweb/ftp/drian/scr1.jpg

I have now successfully changed to xorg, the 3D acceleration of the DRI drivers works now. When i start cube, the lighting is now fine, but the 'cant shot' bug is again there :(

Could you guys also make a patch for the radeon DRI driver of xorg?

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#38: Re: ..

by Hal9k on 05/30/2004 20:13, refers to #35

The static bool is not needed for performance (since it's calculated only once per frame as explained by Aardappel). However, the possible case where d could dip below 1/256 for a good video card is perhaps worth pursuing. The static bool would work in this case since we always know about the original spawn point.

This variant of depthcorrect() worked fine for me:
float depthcorrect(float d)
static bool first = true;
static float factor = 1;
if (first)
first = false;
if (d <= 1./256) factor = 256;
return d*factor;

Thank you for the original *256 discovery! I was afraid it was something completely unimplemented in the ATI driver.

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#39: Re: ..

by Hal9k on 05/30/2004 20:42, refers to #37

The "cubed lighting"... Was wondering what that was. Seems like an artifact/bug of the official ATI drivers. Fortunately I can live with it, at least for now. :)

The shooting problem with the DRI driver is probably more serious than was what was found with the official ATI driver. I suspect that gluUnProject is unimplemented, but glReadPixels could be the one at fault. The latter should return a value of around .992 when the game starts. If the DRI group has a forum, then perhaps a developer there can try Cube. (DRI does not yet support my ATI 9700 so I must use the official ATI driver.) Good luck!

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#40: Re: ..

by Aardappel on 05/30/2004 21:23, refers to #38

the smallest value for d you get on correct drivers (player facing wall) is 0.86 or so. Quite far away from the 0.04 or whatever this patch kicks in. So

return (d<=1/256.0f) ? d*256 : d;

should definitely run correct on everyone's machine (does on mine, anyway).

As soon as eihrul resurfaces, will put a new linux bin on sf.net with this fix in.

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#41: ..

by >driAn<. on 05/30/2004 21:31


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#42: Re: ..

by Thalion on 05/30/2004 23:22, refers to #37

If the DRI drivers have the same bug, then the same patch should obviously work. If you have this problem _with_ a patch, then try the original binary =)

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#43: ..

by >driAn<. on 05/30/2004 23:38

:-& ummm
Your right. I forgot to push the original binary back into the bin_unix folder.

Sorry about that !!!

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#44: Re: ..

by Thalion on 05/31/2004 07:11, refers to #43

So it does work correctly with DRI without any patches?

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#45: ..

by >driAn<. on 05/31/2004 11:11

It works now fine with the original stuff !

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#46: ..

by >driAn<. on 05/31/2004 11:56

After hours of playing, i must tell you that it doesnt work as fine as on windows.
While mulitplayer gaming, i got a negative fps:

And when i shot with the chaingun, it jerk, it shot irregular :(

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#47: ..

by Thalion on 05/31/2004 14:58

> i got a negative fps

Was it actually negative? ;) I guess it's just a bug in the FPS counter.

> And when i shot with the chaingun, it jerk, it shot irregular

More details please? What do you mean?

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#48: ..

by >driAn<. on 05/31/2004 19:53

Before i tell u again any crap, i will try to make a better config.

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#49: Re: ..

by Aardappel on 05/31/2004 23:33, refers to #46

the fps counter is something weird with how SDL supplies time values on linux. Anyone who is on linux and has this bug should be easy to debug, let me know.

The "jerk" is kickback. It's a feature.

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#50: About the tests i made for the glReadPixels workaround

by D.plomat on 06/01/2004 00:45

The video card is a Radeon IGP 320M (aka mobility U1), and there's no ATI Linux for it. The driver is a DRI driver with an experimental patch for this card. The "symptom" wasn't exactly the same (rocket doesn't explodes in front of the player, but some "meters" away, all weapons seems limited to 2-3 meters range).

So the fix didn't worked for me, but i think it can probably work for ATI drivers that reports different depth values.

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#51: ..

by >driAn<. on 06/01/2004 11:08

I know that the kickback is a feature. I mean that the shots from the chaingun arent equable, they stutter.
When the fps counter works, it shows me ~100fps. Thats not normal on my machine (2.8Ghz, 256Mb Ram, ati radeon 9200). On windows i get 200-400 fps.

I think thats not a problem of cube, its cause of my radeon configuration.
I will try to make a better config.

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#52: Re: ..

by Thalion on 06/01/2004 12:48, refers to #51

Maybe you have vsync enabled in linux?

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#53: Re: ..

by D.plomat on 06/01/2004 15:39, refers to #52

Looks like that, you'd also check the FSAA setting, this one has a huge impact on performance (at least on my GF440MX)

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#54: ..

by >driAn<. on 06/01/2004 22:04

I havent a clue what i could change. I dont know how to disable vsync. (The readme i use didnt show me any commands for that).

Please take a look to

Any idea what i must change?

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#55: Re: ..

by D.plomat on 06/02/2004 09:41, refers to #54

AFAIK, it's neither in the XF86Config, nor in Cube's autoexec.cfg

i think it's the same as with my GF4 to set FSAA mode i've to set an environment variable __GL_FSAA_MODE... Google says that http://www.stephane-huc.net/config/Nvidia/Options_OpenGL you have to put an export __GL_SYNC_TO_VBLANC=0 in the ./cube_unix just before the last(exec) line.

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