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Permanent Servers

by eihrul on 02/03/2002 00:50, 472 messages, last message: 03/21/2008 13:36, 272905 views, last view: 09/30/2024 23:34

Anyone wanting to announce a permanent Cube server should place such announcements in this thread. Of course, the main servers at this point are grunt.splatterworld.de and dark.asamnet.de

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#346: ButcherServer

by theButcher on 12/18/2006 02:03

This is my server. Set it up myself. It should be able to serve players in US fairly well, so join if you are in US. Should be on most of the time.

Name: ButcherServer
Location: United States
Players: 24 player limit

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#347: Lan Server

by Chuux on 12/29/2006 18:46

How can i make a Lan server?


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#348: ..

by {LiD}CC_machine on 12/30/2006 20:56

the LiD server is nic886.homelinux.org (its praxibetel's) but it goes down at times.

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#349: Re: Lan Server

by bbbaa on 12/31/2006 01:38, refers to #347

easily disconnect form the internet make sure ur lan connection works and then start server.bat in ur sauer directory

then everbody starts his client and types in /lanconnect.

wenn die leitung steht auf der lan server.bat starten und im game dann /lanconnect eingeben un schon dürftet klappen - vll musste vorher noch die maxleude umändern beim server.bat bearbeiten machen un die 4 hinter -c zu 100 ändern :)

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#350: cant make serv WTF?

by Snowy18 on 01/02/2007 15:41

i cant make a serv it says:
YOUR SERVER WAS NOT REGISTERED BECAUS IT DID NOT RESPOND TO PING, WTF? what means it? i am not good in english..

reply me.. thx,ty,tych

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#351: ..

by bbbaa on 01/06/2007 00:32

where r u from ? wie cant help u when u r not good in english .. but i think u have to open the ports

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#352: Re: cant make serv WTF?

by theButcher on 01/07/2007 20:53, refers to #350

forward ports 28785 and 28786 to your local computer.

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#353: Servermessage

by Hungarian on 01/10/2007 19:03

How can i make an automati servermessage?

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#354: Re: Servermessage

by Passa on 01/11/2007 04:38, refers to #353


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#355: Re: Servermessage

by Drakas on 01/11/2007 08:34, refers to #353

mmm... modify the source?

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#356: Re: Servermessage

by MeatROme on 01/11/2007 13:47, refers to #355

But modified clients/servers are not supposed to connect to the game network ... so you wouldn't actually gain anything until you've built a _complete_ MOD, with models, maps etc. ... something most people requesting these features are surely not about to do :-/

I'm beginning to wonder if we could maybe ask the developers for a second set of ports - for MODding mayhem ... making it easy to switch, default to compile as MOD and thus not aggravate the casual player but still have a large community of beta-testers ...
Then we could have some collaboration on modded features and they might even stand a chance of making it into a future official release.

Servermessages, MOTD, maprotation - all these have been requested a zillion times and are near to trivial to implement ... I've done them and seen enough modded servers _illegaly registered_ on the masterserver doing at least some of them ...

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#357: kkkk

by blablabla on 01/11/2007 14:35

Visit www.hyper-frag.de.vu for automatic server messages :-)

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#358: Re: ServerMOD

by MeatROme on 01/11/2007 15:17, refers to #357

modded servers are required to use different ports than the default ones and should never register on the official masterserver!

Anyway ... what's this with your email address SuperDreadnought? kkk ... KluKluxKlan ?!? Damn, ... I'd think a german should be a little more sensitive to a faux-pas such as this ...

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#359: Message censored by administrator

by Burnis on 01/11/2007 15:23, refers to #358

#360: Re: kkkk

by Hungarian on 01/11/2007 18:28, refers to #357

this is very good!

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#361: ..

by delmo on 02/01/2007 23:25

Im running sience 2 years a server
on adsl2+ and dyndns:
located in germany/hamburg.

But now i have a problem.
First my server brokes down on huge traffic and did 90% of cpu load.
Now i installed the server_crash_patch
but there is still a problem.
The server kicks all players (me too rofl)
and isn´t available for a few secs.

I run it in freebsd compiled from ports.
Can someone tell me if it is the same on

THX delmo

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#362: PS

by delmo on 02/02/2007 00:40, refers to #361

this happens every ~ 2-3 rounds

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#363: Re: ..

by eihrul on 02/02/2007 01:43, refers to #361

The players getting kicked is caused by a reverse DNS lookup that blocks, when a player connects. While its blocking on the DNS lookup completing, all the connections time out. This has been fixed in CVS by disabling said reverse lookup. The CVS servers should still be compatible with the release, so you can try using that instead if its a problem.

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#364: ..

by delmo on 02/02/2007 02:40, refers to #363

This sounds good. Do you know if
cvs works on freebsd? Im not sure
the port seems to patch something
in the source for bsd.

greetz delmo

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#365: Re: ..

by Passa on 02/02/2007 06:26, refers to #364

Have a shot of compiling it for BSD, if it doesn't work, you're either going to have to figure out what changes make it work under BSD, or wait until the next release.

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