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Permanent Servers

by eihrul on 02/03/2002 00:50, 472 messages, last message: 03/21/2008 13:36, 272294 views, last view: 09/29/2024 08:56

Anyone wanting to announce a permanent Cube server should place such announcements in this thread. Of course, the main servers at this point are grunt.splatterworld.de and dark.asamnet.de

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#333: Re: ..

by Passa on 10/18/2006 10:18, refers to #332

Your router is a crap one then. Get a business class router

go to www.billion.com.au, check out the BI-PAC 7402G router in the wireless/adsl router in the business section, its what I've got, it works beautifully. I lose my internet connection maybe once every 2 weeks? even then its either for 10 seconds, or an hour while iiNet does maintainence or something..

direct link:

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#334: length of server-list

by MeatROme on 10/25/2006 19:26

SleepwalkR :
somehow the current masterserver always gives out a gigantic list of IPs ...
... could you maybe tweak the time-out for servers?

Since this list is so long I often don't see servers I can connect to manually,
so I was wondering why the list wasn't being reduced when a server hasn't updated itself in the last ... x hours or so.
With x > 1 but < 24 :)

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#335: ..

by celestial on 10/27/2006 02:33

I'm having the same problem: I get a gigantic list of server addresses, but none of them work.
Could be a bug with my AMD64 build, I guess, but I don't think so because the CVS version works perfectly (except all the servers are running the official version, so I can't use them.)

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#336: Re: ..

by Drakas on 10/27/2006 10:52, refers to #335

You might consider deleting or renaming servers.cfg and then updating the server list. that should work

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#337: Re: ..

by Passa on 10/27/2006 11:30, refers to #336

Yes, you should make a practice of deleting the servers.cfg file occasionally, otherwise you will end up with a bloated server list.

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#338: ..

by celestial on 10/27/2006 21:31

I do. Even so, I still end up with a huge list when I update from master server.

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#339: Re: masterserver list

by MeatROme on 10/28/2006 12:17, refers to #338

Not for a couple of days now.
Currently 15 IPs in list.

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#340: ports....

by conorkirk-where-is-my-cookie? on 10/30/2006 05:05

Is it possible to host a server without opening ports, or plugging myself directly into the modem? (cause i dont have permisiion to do that on this comp)

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#341: Re: ports....

by Passa on 10/30/2006 06:12, refers to #340


Get permission. If you're the computer savvy person at your place, then YOU should be in control. Put a password on the main computer, change your internet password, lock your router's admin page with a password..

You get the picture :)

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#342: well

by conorkirk-where-is-my-cookie? on 10/30/2006 06:56

Me = 13, so me = not the admin

admin is worried about hackers if i open them, but isn;t that why we update windows :?

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#343: Re: well

by Passa on 10/30/2006 07:16, refers to #342

Ahaha. Tell your admin that he sucks.

Admin is your dad? Hide his car keys until he opens the ports AND/OR delete his porn folder. Your training as an admin depends on you finding it ;-)

And just because you're 13 doesn't mean you get to be the dictator of the computers at your house. Oh and I wouldn't go telling everyone how old you are on the net either :-) (and thats not for security purposes, its so people don't treat you weirdly.

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#345: ..

by Passa on 12/10/2006 11:23

My ISP has setup a professionally hosted server. If you're in Australia go to http://iinet.net.au/ and get their awesome ADSL2+ plans :) anyway details on their server:

Located: Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Players: 16 player limit

Get on it NOW :D

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#346: ButcherServer

by theButcher on 12/18/2006 02:03

This is my server. Set it up myself. It should be able to serve players in US fairly well, so join if you are in US. Should be on most of the time.

Name: ButcherServer
Location: United States
Players: 24 player limit

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#347: Lan Server

by Chuux on 12/29/2006 18:46

How can i make a Lan server?


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#348: ..

by {LiD}CC_machine on 12/30/2006 20:56

the LiD server is nic886.homelinux.org (its praxibetel's) but it goes down at times.

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#349: Re: Lan Server

by bbbaa on 12/31/2006 01:38, refers to #347

easily disconnect form the internet make sure ur lan connection works and then start server.bat in ur sauer directory

then everbody starts his client and types in /lanconnect.

wenn die leitung steht auf der lan server.bat starten und im game dann /lanconnect eingeben un schon dürftet klappen - vll musste vorher noch die maxleude umändern beim server.bat bearbeiten machen un die 4 hinter -c zu 100 ändern :)

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#350: cant make serv WTF?

by Snowy18 on 01/02/2007 15:41

i cant make a serv it says:
YOUR SERVER WAS NOT REGISTERED BECAUS IT DID NOT RESPOND TO PING, WTF? what means it? i am not good in english..

reply me.. thx,ty,tych

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#351: ..

by bbbaa on 01/06/2007 00:32

where r u from ? wie cant help u when u r not good in english .. but i think u have to open the ports

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#352: Re: cant make serv WTF?

by theButcher on 01/07/2007 20:53, refers to #350

forward ports 28785 and 28786 to your local computer.

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#353: Servermessage

by Hungarian on 01/10/2007 19:03

How can i make an automati servermessage?

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