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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Sauerbraten in a dll

by PlateWolf on 07/24/2006 01:50, 45 messages, last message: 03/24/2008 16:27, 15854 views, last view: 09/29/2024 12:20

Hi, I want to access Sauerbraten externally, did anyone managed to compile it in a dll ?
(Like SDL for example).

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#32: Re: ..

by MovingTarget on 03/19/2008 20:42, refers to #31

Want me to upload the engine dll?

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#33: Re: ..

by yoopers on 03/19/2008 22:50, refers to #32

Upload would be appreciated. :]

Does anyone have a preference between Ruby and Perl? I'll start with whatever would get used by folks.

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#34: Re: ..

by MovingTarget on 03/20/2008 00:59, refers to #33

I figured I wouldn't upload the dll directly, so you could tweak it, so I uploaded the two project files (engine.cbp and game.cbp). The only one you're really interested in is engine.cbp. Put 'em both in the src subdir, and you can open/build them.



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#35: ..

by ezombie on 03/20/2008 03:50

Likely Ruby - it is very 'hot' right now. But I do see more Python development going on in games right now, so YMMV...

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#36: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 03/20/2008 03:53, refers to #33

Perl bindings for Sauerbraten?!
Kids these days. What'll they think of next...

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#37: ..

by HashBox3 on 03/20/2008 20:57

ezombie, you do have a very good point ;)

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#38: Re: ..

by yoopers on 03/21/2008 00:55, refers to #34

@MovingTarget: you are a scholar and gentleman. :]

@SheeEttin: I have to caveat the following by saying I was bored at work today. With that in mind:

perl "I am not a kid ;]" 2>&1| \
perl -pe's/^.*?\"(.*?)not a kid.*?\".*?$/\
\x6f\x6f\x20\x6b\x61\x20\x63\x68\x6f\x6f/' 2>&1|\
perl -pe's/\n//g';perl -e'print "\n"'

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#39: Re: ..

by yoopers on 03/21/2008 01:04, refers to #38

(btw, that was was a Perl quintet for those who aren't familiar ;)

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#40: Re: the undead (aka perl)

by ezombie on 03/21/2008 02:56

Ah crud, now where did I put my holy water?

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#41: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 03/21/2008 04:37, refers to #39

Functional, but not especially obfuscated.

I once saw a program/script/thing (pretty sure it was Perl) that'd create a bitmap image based on how the source looked. Character-filled parts would be black, while whitespace would be, well, white.
Tried Google, but I don't see it...

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#42: Re: ..

by yoopers on 03/21/2008 05:16, refers to #41

What, the ultra-obscure hex didn't keep you guessing? ;] Man, this damn head cold is killing my Perl buzz. I promise I'll start posting haikus when I feel better.

And for all the Perl advocacy, I'm working on Python bindings for Sauer, although the nested classes in some places means it'll take me a bit longer than I anticipated to create the SWIG interface.

**This message has been ROT13-encoded twice for extra security and for great justice.**

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#43: Re: ..

by MovingTarget on 03/21/2008 14:35, refers to #42

Uuuugh... I tried SWIG once, and I failed miserably. It kept complaining about supposed syntax errors in the C++ code, when it compiled fine. My experiences have not exactly been fun.

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#44: ..

by scasd on 03/22/2008 18:22

So what about obscurant code - as far as I think OO should be possible with cube script. Look at the following example. It would still need member function call routines plus member value lookup - but this should be possible too. You have to create a stack like the member value stack done below which will be some effort... one or two days I think :o]

Cube script isnt sandboxed - the biggest problem but maybe it will be in the future - I still got some Segmentation Faults while hacking that stuff.

// create a fake class type or inherit a fake class
// usage: class [name] [parent] [parent]
// where one or two partens are optional
"class" = [
alias classtype $arg1;

// create the member-apply function for our new class
alias $classtype (
concatword "alias " $classtype .members " (concat $" $classtype .members " $arg1); alias (concatword " $classtype ". $arg1) $arg2" // set value "class.member"

// empty memberlist
alias (concatword $classtype .members) [];

// get stuff from our parental class
loop i 2 [
alias parentgetter (concatword "alias parent $arg" (+ (i) 2));

if (> (listlen $parent) 0) [

alias membergetter (concatword "alias members $" $parent .members);
alias membercount (listlen $members);
//echo $members - $membercount;

// get parents members
loop i $membercount [
alias membername (at $members (i));
//echo "- copy member " $membername;
alias membercopy (concatword $classtype " " $membername " $" $parent . $membername);

// delete local data
alias membercopy []; alias membername []; alias membercount []; alias membergetter []; alias parent []; alias parentgetter [];

alias current.classtype $classtype; // remember this class
alias membercount []; alias members []; alias classtype [];

// append a member to the last created fake class
// usage: member [name] [value]
"member" = [
if (> (listlen $current.classtype) 0) [
current.classtype $arg1 $arg2;

// delete a fake class and its members
// usage: delete [name]
"delete" = [
alias classtype $arg1;
alias membergetter (concatword "alias members $" $classtype .members);
alias membercount (listlen $members);
//echo $members - $membercount;

// get members
alias (concatword $classtype .members) [];
loop i $membercount [
alias membername (at $members (i));
//echo "- delete member " $membername;
alias memberdelete (concatword "alias " $classtype . $membername " []");

if (= $current.classtype $classtype) [
alias current.classtype [];

alias $classtype [];

alias memberdelete []; alias membername []; alias membercount []; alias membergetter []; alias classtype [];

echo test...

class vec2;
vec2 x 12; // default values
vec2 y 34;
echo $vec2.members - $vec2.x - $vec2.y;

class vec3 vec2;
member z 56;
echo $vec3.members - $vec3.x - $vec3.y - $vec3.z;

vec2.x = 78; // the order is important - changes after "inheritance" doesnt affect the inherited classes !!!
echo "vec2 again:" $vec2.members - $vec2.x - $vec2.y;

class pos vec3;
echo $pos.members - $pos.x - $pos.y - $pos.z;

delete vec3; // pos is still working...
echo $vec3.members - $vec3.x - $vec3.y - $vec3.z;

class color;
member r 1;
member g 2;
member b 3;
echo $color.members - $color.r - $color.g - $color.b;

class pixel color vec2; // more than 2 base classes would need a dummy...
echo $pixel.members;

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#45: Re: ..

by yoopers on 03/24/2008 16:27, refers to #43

SWIG doesn't like nested structs, classes, and unions, which explains many of the syntax errors. It's also quite picky about how arguments are passed.

But good news, everyone! There are ways around these issues, it just takes more time to create the interface. The downside is that the interface becomes more tightly coupled with the code, but that's been my experience with SWIG in general.

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