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Your problems are solved!!!

by L. Tempris on 08/01/2008 20:24, 52 messages, last message: 08/19/2009 19:08, 18001 views, last view: 06/01/2024 20:37, closed on 08/20/2009 10:07

Heres how this goes. Once we solve a problem then we go to the next one. OK. Here is my idea:

People of Sauerbraten have asked about molding glass. I have figured out how to do so.

If we could make a cube transparent
then we could texture it blue
then mold it and give that texture a reflectiveness

then it would be just like glass but molded!

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#32: Re: Turret

by scanf on 08/04/2008 03:33, refers to #31

does the model have an animation for the state ANIM_SHOOT ... just a thought.

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#33: Re: Turret

by fhdjksconorfhdjks on 08/04/2008 05:27, refers to #32

it does not, and I assumed this was the problem. Is there any way to turn off it's animations?

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#34: Message censored by administrator

by {Qs}Homicidal on 08/04/2008 05:31

#35: Re: Turret

by scanf on 08/04/2008 05:49, refers to #33

turn off I guess by modifying the renderclient function .. this one is for monsters ... You could try removing the m.monsterstate==M_ATTACKING ? -ANIM_SHOOT : 0 operator from it.

renderclient(&m, monstertypes[m.mtype].mdlname, vwep, m.monsterstate==M_ATTACKING ? -ANIM_SHOOT : 0, 300, m.lastaction, m.lastpain);

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#36: Re: ..

by scanf on 08/04/2008 05:52, refers to #34

Homicidal ...

I still got a lot of work to do on my vehicle mod. But once I'm happy with it I'll release the source code. Hopefully It will make it into SB.

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#37: Glass again

by L. Tempris on 08/04/2008 23:19

I cant believe it, but I have forgotten the code to make glass transparent. What is it?

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#38: Re: Turret

by SheeEttin on 08/05/2008 15:07, refers to #35

Or he could just set the animation to, say, a frame of doing nothing (i.e. the normal model).

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#39: Models

by me539 on 08/09/2008 01:08

I'd like to be able to rotate a model on any axis. It's strange that this hasn't been implemented yet.

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#40: Re: Models

by scanf on 08/09/2008 04:41, refers to #39

Do you mean the MD2/3/5 or in code? All the stuff is in the code to do it. Or you can use the mdlyaw,mdlpitch and mdlspin in the md2/3/5.cfg

Let me know specifically what your trying to do and I'll try and help.

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#41: Re: Models

by SheeEttin on 08/09/2008 04:55, refers to #40

Currently, you can only rotate the model around the vertical axis (in-game). He wants to expand that to the other two dimensions.
Before anyone changes anything in there, though, It'd probably be a good idea to implement a mdlroll, so we can rotate the model around all three axes.

I'd like the ability to rotate the model around all its axes in-game as well, but there's the problem of not having enough ent attributes.
Simple solution: Split off the trigger part of the entity into a "trigger" entity, and have make the mapmodel entity inert.
Eh, that'd break just about all SP maps released to date, though... Hmm.

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#42: Re: Models

by Captain_Ahab on 08/09/2008 05:12, refers to #41

take the 'yaw' attribute and split it into yaw:pitch:roll:scale in much the same fashion as red:green:blue:alpha

there would be 0-255 steps for each axis of rotation instead of 360 degrees, but it shouldn't be hard to scale that.

if yaw is the lower 8 bits, then 0-255 would be yaw and older maps won't be broken too badly

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#43: Re: Models

by SheeEttin on 08/09/2008 05:44, refers to #42

Hmm... That:
- is totally counter-intuitive
- will totally not make sense with the scaling, and
- just might work.

The 360 -> 255 scaling will be completely mind-boggling. (Keep in mind, model rotation is snapped to fifteen-degree increments.) It'll totally screw with the R+wheel rotation, as well.

Actually... Hmm. I'd have to work out the math, but it might work... I guess if people stick to R+wheel, it should work fine... Manually setting the rotation will be hell (maybe a /deg2hex and /hex2deg or something?).
Actually, since it's snapped to increments, we could just make each thing (don't know the name, one of 0xAABBCC) on a scale of 1-23... but there I go breaking backwards-compatibility again. :(

Bleh... I need sleep. Tomorrow I have a map to plan out.

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#44: Re: Models

by Captain_Ahab on 08/09/2008 06:22, refers to #43

setting rotation via menu would be snap...just like setting light color

scaling, I just tossed in there...in 32 bits, no sense letting 8 of them go to waste, eh?

shift-'x', 'shift'-y, 'shift'-z plus mouse-wheel as binds to appropriate scripting, perhaps? Shifted keys don't get used much, so they wouldn't interfere with in-game control

does opengl have to use degrees? or can you assign a scaling number as if converting to rads or something
like pi/128 instead of pi/180 to convert to rads...

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#45: Re: Models

by Quin on 08/10/2008 02:39, refers to #41

Heh heh, BF recently enabled the fifth entity attribute already hidden within maps. I also did the yaw/pitch/roll stuff for mapmodels, and our entities have been separated for quite a while (in future, you will link trigger ents to mapmodels for executed triggers).

It's not too hard to add certain checks in the code to detect an older map an import it to the new style, it's done quite alot (but not quite to the degree I have had to in BF to support both formats). For example, BF does not use teledest entities, you link teleports and can only travel along them in the directions outlined by their linkages (id's and triggers are too complicated for something that could be so simple in my opinion there).

No idea why Sauer limits to those kind of increments either, I uncapped it and rearranged the attrs to make it "mapmodel idx yaw pitch roll" (absence of the trigger attrs help).

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#46: axis

by L. Tempris on 08/11/2008 02:01

You could just have the rotate like clicking one side

then rotate will just rotate the axis running threw that side.

Just a thought...

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#47: just wondering

by shua on 08/05/2009 04:14

everyone says vehicles can't be implemented because they'd be too slow or uncontrollable. i can see that with a jeep or quad or something like that but what if someone made something like halo's banshee. it could travel the same speed as a player but it would add the clear advantage of being able to fly. you wouldn't even have to make a vehicle if you could code a jetpack or a super jump power-up or something like that. just wondering.

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#48: Re: just wondering

by |ice|sub-zero|L on 08/06/2009 00:18, refers to #47

first off: for something like a jet-pack, seems rather hard to put in due to the "gravity" in the game, you'd need to make a model of the jetpack, then you'd need to add actions, such as up and down, forward, left, and right. also on that note, you'd need to have a way to get off the jet-pack (if it is not connected to you) and that just brings up another thing, if it is connected to you, youd have to make separate controls, and if it is not, there would still hvae to be a limit of how many can be in a certan sized map. also with all of that, if it goes as fast as running, it wouldn't help too much because you'd be still going at the same speed and so you just wasted more time. also along all this stuff, the "re-coil" of the gun makes something known as "trick-jumpping" or "gun-jumpping", this would rid us of the use of it because now you can fly to the place that you want to trick-jump to (see map europium, for example) also, this would get rid of most of the use in jumppads. thats a whole list on the jet-pack idea that makes it even more unlikly to happen than cars and tanks in sauer. ontop of all that you have to figure what happnes to the jet pac if someone gets shot in the air and dies, (esp. if it falls where there is no land, (the boundres of the map)). my point is, tanks and such, possible... but unlikly. jet-packs, no chance. beyond all of that to the game, there is a way you can fly (without actually flying), you use jumppads, i made a map that had a trail of jumppads that led all the way across the map with making you fall. beside all of that, the glass texture idea, good, but unlikly to happen unless you work real hard.

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#49: turrets...

by |ice|sub-zero|L on 08/06/2009 01:07

i have found something that may make the turrets better if anyone ever makes them. in: C:\Program Files\Sauerbraten\src\fpsgame it holds a .cpp file known as "ai" (bots) edit this code and now it will reconise friend from ennmy. also to add to that if this idea does come about, if it should seem a goot idea, you can give them certan weps (such as rockets or sniper rifle) along with all of that, you can set how well they aim. to add to all of that it can actually be supported in MP because it is using the bots code.

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#50: 3rd person and quick fist

by shua on 08/18/2009 17:09

these are just some minor changes i'm trying to do and i need some help.

1. in third person view your person is in the way of anything you're trying to see. could we have, instead of the person in the direct center of 3rd person view have them on the bottom center? just a thought

2. i'm trying to script it so when i press LSHIFT it changes to chainsaw then onrelease it changes back to the gun i was using, but i need some kind of way to tell what gun i'm using, 1-7. is there a weapon variable that i can store before i change to saw that i can get back to after?

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#51: Re: just wondering

by shua on 08/18/2009 17:56, refers to #48

first, for the vehicle idea, you don't have to put vehicles into maps you don't want to. if you want to have a map with a bunch of gun-jump places go ahead and don't use vehicles; im using halo as an example because the only other fps i play a lot, but halo has trick-jump places and vehicles,they just have different levels, some with trick jump places; some with banshees. second, for the jetpack idea i was thinking more along the line of when you press a button you move up then when you let go you start falling again, and that it would have a limit so you could put your trick jump places too far for someone with a jetpack to reach. you'd still be able to move forward, back, left, and right you'd just be able to boost up. so like the way you move when you're falling.
third, if that would just be too terrible to possibly have what about a super jump that's more along the lines of a little more than a rifle jump but less than a rocket jump. and it would have a time limit.
lastly, these are the mapmakers' choice. you don't have to use any of them if you don't like. they would just add a wider selection to your options. it's not like someones going to make a cool map like europioum or uban_c with good gun jump spots, than be like "hmm i want to null all my hard work and add something that renders weapon jumping and jumppads useless." that would be stupid, but there are maps that would be cool with flying vehicles or jetpacks, maps like nmp10 or island.

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