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Permanent Servers

by eihrul on 02/03/2002 00:50, 472 messages, last message: 03/21/2008 13:36, 272599 views, last view: 09/30/2024 07:20

Anyone wanting to announce a permanent Cube server should place such announcements in this thread. Of course, the main servers at this point are grunt.splatterworld.de and dark.asamnet.de

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#311: Re: masterserver commandline param (any param at that)

by MeatROme on 10/04/2006 22:37, refers to #310

calm down!

There is no in-game command to set a masterserver, it has to be set on the command-line. (-mURL2SERVER)

I haven't used MacOS much, old ones really weren't my style coz of the "black-box" (no peak inside allowed) attitude.

But if it's Mac OS X it is based on BSD and a desktop icon is/should be coupled to a shell script or pure executable.
Either you can attach parameters there directly or you modify the shell script to switch masterserver.

Maybe you would also like to know, that the official masterserver is back up and running.

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#312: Permanent Server | Poland | PsyCube

by sdk on 10/04/2006 23:55

One dedicated server up:


host: psynet.pl

Based on Linux x86arch.
P2 300Mhz processor
128Mb onboard.

Works well, 24/7.

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#313: ..

by absinth on 10/05/2006 00:46

> but since I\'m on a Mac with a nice GUI-Starter
i added the option for additional command-line parameters in the mac launcher to cvs today, should be in the next release

un then, you know you can always just bypass the launcher and call sauerbraten directly with terminal.app, passing any arguments you like

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#314: ..

by SanHolo on 10/05/2006 14:09

I know I should calm down. But then again, I'm asking if there is another way to specify a different masterserver, other than from commandline, but all I get is "RTFM" and "set -mURI on the commandline". See my point?

Thank you absinth, looking forward to that addition. The launcher is simply GREAT!

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#315: Re: read what I said

by MeatROme on 10/05/2006 16:46, refers to #314

I'm sorry, but I did rephrase my answer and clearly stated that there is _no_ in-game command for it.

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#316: Eddipedia

by Eddiorov on 10/11/2006 09:17

try eddipedia.de ;)

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#317: Question on servers

by L-uk-E2 on 10/13/2006 17:29

Hey, I Forwarded ports:
28785-28786 udp (and tcp just incase)
Then added commands to server.bat:
-d -c4 -nlukesserver -msm.wemew.org/

it comes up with masterserver reply:
0Server already added.

when i run the game and update the server list mine appears but with ip: (which is an internal ip)

My friend sais my server doesnt appear on his pc.

And when i try -msauerbraten.org
I get some html response with
"/register.do was not found on this server"

Any help please?

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#318: Re: Question on servers

by MeatROme on 10/13/2006 19:16, refers to #317


BTW: to use the default master-server you don't need a "-m" paramter :)
Also: _any_ -m param should end on a slash - as the docs point out!

The server will not "appear" as a selectable server in the browser unless it answers the client with an info-packet,
of course a private subnet IP (192.168.c.d) will never be routed and hence cannot reply ... qed :)

Whatever the wemev-masterserver does is _not_ vanilla masterserver behaviour ... AFAIK it has a static DNS table included ... which probably explains the "already registered" line ... but it's not a service provided by the core development team ... so you should actually stick to using the vanilla masterserver instead.
wersew.org was only started up as an alternative in the the phase where the masterserver was shut down.

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#319: Ok

by L-uk-E2 on 10/14/2006 00:21

But even if i just leave it as
-d -c4 i get "did not respond to ping"

I do know ports 28785-28786 udp & tcp
are open because ive forwarded them and checked them. it sais the ports are open but with no service behind them.

Also i have a dynamic ip, so i have a no-ip adress: ljdp.no-ip.info

Any ideas on how i can get this to work.
(yes i have read all the manual, searched the forums and gone on portforward.com)


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#320: Re: Ok

by Passa on 10/14/2006 01:28, refers to #319

Some routers will never let you host servers.

If you have a home class residential router, youre most likely out of luck. Even some business class ones cannot host servers properly.

I use a Billion BI-PAC 7402G and it works perfectly, however Netgears are known to have problems hosting servers.

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#321: Actiontec?

by L-uk-E2 on 10/14/2006 01:57

My router is an actiontec.
Ive used it for broadcasting internet
radio stations (which is just a pain with setting it all up) but it worked.
I dont see why it wont work with the correct ports forwarded.

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#322: internal ip

by conor-my-cookiw on 10/14/2006 03:52

How do i find out my internal ip address.

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#323: Re: internal ip

by c0rdawg on 10/14/2006 04:06, refers to #322

If your running windows open up the command prompt (run cmd). And type in ipconfig. It'll give you your internal ip.

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#324: Re: Actiontec?

by Passa on 10/14/2006 06:40, refers to #321

Actiontec just isnt a good brand.

You might be able to host some things, it becomes a hit and miss. For example, I can host for most games, but I couldnt get mine to host a Halo server.

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#325: which

by conor-my-cookiw on 10/14/2006 08:13

which ip is the internal ip

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#326: ..

by Drakas on 10/14/2006 10:11

conor-my-cookiw: you could show the output of ipconfig if anything,, how are we supposed to know? it is definately not the one with 127.0.0**

Could possibly be 192.* or 10.*

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#327: How odd.

by L-uk-E2 on 10/14/2006 19:43

I forwarded the ports for my laptop instead (
And run the server on the laptop...
and it worked!?
So why if it works on the laptop, which uses the same router but connected wirelessly, it wont work on the pc which is connected via ethernet.

Computers confuse me.

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#328: Re: How odd.

by c0rdawg on 10/14/2006 20:18, refers to #327

Sounds like its some kind of firewall on your PC thats blocking it from working...

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#329: Re: How odd.

by Passa on 10/14/2006 23:21, refers to #327

c0rdawg is spot on, a software is causing the problem. For example in ZoneAlarm I had to add sauerbraten.org to the allow list for the server to work.

Dont use ZoneAlarm though, Sygate FTW.

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#330: ..

by L-uk-E2 on 10/15/2006 12:22

Weird, i did try running it with both my anti-virus off and windows firewall off, and also shutting down any program that uses ports or the internet..
Still didnt work.
Seems it just doesnt like my computer :S

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