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Sauerbraten - Bug reports

by Gilt on 11/28/2004 19:49, 574 messages, last message: 06/30/2007 22:00, 520579 views, last view: 09/29/2024 19:54

So yeah, since I don't feel like doing a whole lot of testing anymore, I may as well leverage my resources, and shove that responsibility to all of you. Hopefully, this will allow for more updates, and a less buggy engine.

The Format:
What: A *short* description of the bug / problem.

How: point form of relevant steps to reproduce the bug.

When: revision of exe. OS, video card... yeah I don't know, anything that might be relevant. keep it short.

Detail: any other stuff that might be relevant. like pics. http://www.imageshack.us/ if needed.

new releases here:

for each new version, I will list fixed bugs. you are then responsible to make sure that it really is fixed, and then confirming it in this thread.

!!! NOTE !!!: this thread is not for feature requests, design discussion, bitching, moaning, yadda yadda, etc. there are other threads for that. plus, a forum thread already does not afford great organization. please no garbage.

Keep reports short. I have a habit of skimming large blocks of text.

Focus on the WHAT, not the WHY. There is a tendancy in people to want to be too helpful. They try to diagnose the problem instead of very clearly describing what is wrong. at the very least, keep theories in the detail section.

some examples are below:

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#303: Re: Single Player Enemy Death Glitches

by CC_machine2 on 09/04/2005 00:06, refers to #302

Sigh. This is the new "animation interpolation" feature bug in the new sauer. The bug is that when a monster changes their animation some other monsters will also change their animation to that one (so if a monster dies some other monsters use the die animation and move around and shoot you as corpses)

Your other example: More than one monster sees you and runs toward you, you kill one of them and so the dead one changes animation.

P.S. It's your imagination that the corpses are faster than the normal monsters.

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#304: ..

by makkE on 09/04/2005 01:26

CC, the engine is in developement, this is really just a minor bug, and it´s been said 3 times that it´s gonna be fixed..

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#305: Re: Single Player Enemy Death Glitches

by Aardappel_ on 09/04/2005 02:32, refers to #303

this has just been fixed. was a very stupid bug. sorry.

Might make another release in a bit.

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#306: Bug Report

by pushplay on 09/21/2005 05:14

Version in dev cvs as of right now. I don't know if this is a new bug or I just haven't seen it until now.

I gave up trying to describe this. Get this map and jump onto the slope against the wall.
You'll vibrate violently.

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#307: bug report

by rootnis on 09/21/2005 16:42

i can walk and shoot through this
wall in demomap

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#308: physics problem

by >driAn<. on 09/21/2005 18:36

The last weeks I had a broken nvidia driver installation on my debian box. When I started sauer i got the "no framebuffer extension" warning message and got only ~80fps. Now I just installed an older version of the driver to get the card to work. I get now ~900fps but the player moves a lot slower (smooth though) and i cant jump that high anymore.
Has this different physics anything to do with the broken framebuffer extension?
Broken driver: 1.0-7676
Current driver: 1.0-7174

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#309: Re: texture bug (?)

by greensweater on 10/04/2005 19:49, refers to #294

textures are wierd... you have to lower the output by (roughly) half in order to get the complete color range (was this intended to kill shadows in the light mapper, I wonder?)
... therefore, set up the image the way you want it in your favorite image editor, then cut the white output in half.

Photoshop: use levels and drop the white output level to 128

Gimp: use tools->color->levels and drop the white output level to 128.

(in other words, 50% gray textures show up as white.)

To test the color range, try making a gradient from white to black and importing it. You can see that the gray doesn't appear until around halfway. (I have only tried this with the default gamma settings)

BTW the texture map for the smallest cube size is 32x32 px.

Also try adding a little noise (2-4% uniform) to enhance delicate textures.

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#310: PNG support

by greensweater on 10/04/2005 19:52

PNG textures do work and they look a lot better than JPGs on my machine... subtle color transitions are a lot cleaner on PNG. However PNG doesn't work with skymaps... yet!

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#311: ..

by tentus on 10/05/2005 06:16

version 1.118 fixed the blue explosion issue, for me at least.

however, there is still the bug where ascending (but not descending) stairs causes hudgun to flicker. i'm not sure if this bug has been described or not, so:

-any hudgun will flicker if you run up, strafe up, and sometimes (more rarely) back up stairs or ladder, etc.

-it seems to be worse if there's a lighting change across the stairs.

-can happen on gradient, but far more rare.

postulation- somehow the vertical lighting change is affecting whether the hudgun is rendered properly. is HUD lighting up to date?

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#312: ..

by Xsaii on 10/06/2005 07:56

Not sure if these have been said yet but I really don't want to dig through the forum.

1: If you hold down the tirgger and enter edit mode the weapon will continue firing.

2: If you lower all of the cubes to the very bottom where it produces a dropoff the game will crash.

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#313: i cant /screenshot !!

by CC_machine2 on 11/25/2005 23:17

anyone remember when i was bitching about that i couldn't see an editing grid in sp mode? well i've discovered a more serious problem: I can't take screenshots either! If i tell it to /screenshot it takes the image and produces a *.bmp in the sauer folder.. but it's dimensions are 5 pixels by 4.3 million pixels.. and it was a 1280x1024 image in sauer.. help!

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#314: ..

by CC_machine2 on 11/26/2005 12:19

sorry for the bump, my pc:

-dell dimension 2400
-intel(r) extreme graphics
-256mb memory
-2.8ghz x86 processor

(according to the display tab in settings)

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#315: someone listen

by CC_machine2 on 12/07/2005 21:58

since noone listened the first time, i'll say it again: (ill try to keep it brief)

when i try to take screenshots in SP mode in sauerbraten, it creates a *.bmp with a rediculously thin image, 4 or 5 pixels by several million. it only happenes in SP mode though.

my pc:

-dell dimension 2400
-intel(r) extreme graphics
-256mb memory
-2.8ghz x86 processor

P.S. if you can't help or have no idea then please say so, i don't really appreciate being ignored :-)

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#316: ..

by asdff on 02/04/2006 04:27

There are 2 bugs, that I believe both
have to do with not switching between
buffered and unbuffered keyboard input properly?

If you press jump twice very rapidly, and then pull your hand away, you will jump once, then land, and as soon as your feet touch ground, it will jump again automatically.
This has made me fall over the edge and into the void many times, and makes the controls seem really clumsy.
Its kinda nice that the 2nd time you jump even higher.....or is it? I end up going over walls and objects that I didnt think I should be able to jump up to. I dont mind high jumping in a game but, it seems like the 2nd jump is MUCH higher than cube, and I dont think the maps were designed with this in mind.

Being used to MMOG games, I have grown to like having the RETURN/ENTER key start chatting input mode. Apparently tho, once it switches to chatting, it immediately sends a blank message and you are out of chatmode again....apparently in immediate mode input it puts you into buffered mode input, but then uses a RETURN event to think your done talking as soon as you started?

3) (actually let me add one more little thing thats not exactly a bug i guess)
IT WOULD BE NICE, if it wouldnt send blank messages. I know Quake 2 and maybe many games do this, but I cant think of any reason somebody would really want to send a blank message.

Version 2006.01.30 (or is it 29 or 31) I dont feel like looking 8) )

OS: WinXP Pro SP2
video card: nVidia 4200

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#317: ..

by enigma_0Z on 02/04/2006 05:26

When: Latest public release (MP release), Windows XP, ATI Radeon 9000.

What: On SP modes, monsters are able to shoot through thin walls.

How: Place monsters on one side of smallest gridsize wall, place yourself on the other. Wake up the monsters and get them to shoot at you. Some shots will come through

Details: I know that SP is not finished yet, but it seems as though this could happen with players too (not just monsters).

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#318: ..

by CC_machine4 on 02/07/2006 17:49

this isn't really a bug, but i'll say it anyway:

When: latest windows release (mp edition)

What: I can't exit sauer when the thing crashes sometimes.

Details: In windows XP, if sauerbraten or cube crashes the only thing I can do about it is litterally unplug my PC and reboot it. I've tried:

...nothing works. But this is only a minor annoyance, as after i reboot my PC i have to wait a couple of hours for it to scan my hard drive for "errors" when it shut down unexpectedly.

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#319: Segfault

by apaczkow on 02/08/2006 01:24

When I try to run Sauerbraten (client or server), I get a segmentation fault and nothing else. I've tried downloading the file again in case it was corrupted. I've tried executing from different locations besides the normal one just in case. I've tried it on the latest Ubuntu release, LLGP, and Games-Knoppix. Hmm... just realized those are all Debian-based...

Well anyway... any ideas?

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#320: Segfault on linux

by MeatROme on 02/08/2006 12:34

Sadly the current release (2006-01-31 (mp)) shipped with a linux binary that was compiled with a very new version of gcc.
This links libraries differently to the gcc shipped with most distros to-date.
You'll have to recompile from source.
Don't forget to also compile ENET correctly - this will require you to
change to
then go to
and do
make clean
make install
cd ../sauerbraten
to run.

(hope that helps)

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#321: the ENTER key as chat key

by asdff on 02/10/2006 21:26

.....found out further details about this behavior.

probably a good clue to help fix it...

i pressed down enter and held it.
it didnt immediately send a blank message.

i was able to type up whatever i wanted (limited by having to keep holding ENTER/RETURN down),
and WHEN I LET GO, is when it sends the message.

so its not a keydown event, its a KEYUP event.

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#322: incorrectly reporting "localhost" as hostname

by asdff on 02/22/2006 23:09

earlier this morning someone joined my server with "localhost" showing as his his reverse DNS lookup name....that didnt make any sense to me so i looked in the source and changed this line in server.cpp:

s_strcpy(c.hostname, (enet_address_get_host(&c.peer->address, hn, sizeof(hn))==0) ? hn : "localhost");


s_strcpy(c.hostname, (enet_address_get_host(&c.peer->address, hn, sizeof(hn))==0) ? hn : "GETHOSTfailure!");

would be better to show their actual ip address, but i didnt feel like looking up the function to do that. 8)
i figured this MUST be an oversight, as when i join my own server i am never "localhost" myself, and obviously whoever that was earlier, it wasn't me and couldnt possibly be

is there EVER a time when it would be appropriate for it to say "localhost" there?

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